
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



There will be days when you do not have much to do. Perhaps because you are waiting for someone else in a different department or a different company to respond to a request. As the clock ticks past 5 pm, there may be no purpose in staying at your desk. But you can see you hard at work and, more important. they can see you. So you make an effort to look busy.

Some of this may he a self-perpetuating(白生自存) cycle. If bosses do not like to go home before their workers, and workers fear leaving before their bosses, everyone is trapped. Staff may feel that they will not get a pay rise, or a promotion, if they are not seen to be putting in maximum effort. This is easily confused with long hours. Managers, who are often no good at judging employees 'performance, use time in the office as an alternative.

The consequence is often wasted effort. Rather than work hard, you work hard to make bosses think that you are. Leaving a jacket on your office chair, walking around purposefully with a notebook or clipboard and sending out emails at odd hours are three of the best-known tricks. After a while this can result in collective self-cheat that this pretence is actual work.

But presenteeism (出勤) has more serious consequences. As well as reducing productivity, this can increase medical expenses for the employer. According to a study, these costs can be six times higher for employers than the costs of absenteeism among workers. To take one example, research published in the British Medical Journal found that Japanese employees with lower-back pain were three times more likely to turn up for work than in Britain. As a result, those workers were more likely to experience greater pain and to suffer from depression. What could be more upset than being in pain while feeling trapped at work?

None of this is to say that employers haven't the right to expect workers to be in the office for an acceptable proportion of time. Unavoidably there will be a need for some (preferably short)meetings. Dealing with colleagues face-to-face creates a feeling of trust and friendship, allows for a useful exchange of ideas and enables workers to have a better sense of their needs.

But modern machinery like smartphones and laptops is portable. It can be used as easily at home as in the office. Turing an office into a prison, with prisoners allowed home for the evenings, does nothing for the creativity that is increasingly demanded of office workers as routine tasks are automated. To be productive you need presence of mind, not being present in the flesh.

(1)、Why do employees still stay at their desk after work?
A、To keep their bosses company. B、To get more overtime allowance. C、To put extra efforts into their work. D、To give their bosses a good impression.
(2)、One of the consequences of presenteeism is that___________?
A、employers will pay workers higher wages B、workers will suffer physically and mentally C、workers will perform their job more efficiently D、the effort put in by workers will finally pay off
(3)、Working in the office for some time can help_________?
A、build better social bonds B、bring bosses more profits C、organize a meeting efficiently D、satisfy workers 'material needs
(4)、What would the author probably agree with?
A、Presenteeism can't help develop creativity. B、Absence from work reduces productivity. C、Presence at work will be more joyful. D、Technology makes life puzzling.

    In the last few years the popularity of eBooks has exploded.The advantages are clear:You can carry as many books with you as you want.You can simply download every book you like and instantly start reading instead of having to wait for the book to arrive by mail.

    However,one thing hadn't changed.If you wanted to rent a book you were still forced to use hardcopy books.Until now that is, Amazon.com recently announced the start of a new program where you can rent eBooks.

Where to rent eBooks?

    As mentioned before,Amazon.com is the first and currently the only retailer (零售商) that has a program in place for renting eBooks. Luckily,Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world and their eBook assortment (分类) is massive.They are also the producer of the Kindle,the most popular Reader,which means you can be sure that the eBooks you rent will work.

You can currently only rent Textbooks.But this is likely to change as soon as word gets out that you can save money by renting eBooks.

Why rent eBooks at Amazon?

* Save money:Save up to 80% of the normal price of the eBook.

* Decide how long you rent:From 30 days to 360 days,you decide how long you want it.You can extend the time by as little as a day.Or simply buy the eBook if you want to keep it after all.

*Use any device:If you rent an eBook from Amazon,you can read it on your PC,Mac,iPad,iPhone,Android device,Windows Phone 7.Blackberry.or Kindle.

* Keep your notes:Do you like to keep annotations (注释) and highlights in your eBooks?Don't worry.You can always revisit your notes and highlights through Amazon.com.

How to rent eBooks?

    Simply search for the eBook you want to rent on Amazon.com and select the "Rent eBooks" option. After that,a new page will open where you can select how long you'd like to rent the eBook.You can read eBooks for a period of 30 to 360 days.

    You decide how long you need the eBook.If you later find out you need it for longer, you can simply extend the time.Or buy it for the normal price whenever you want.

    Once you've chosen the time you want to rent the eBook,you simply go to checkout.Or you can use the "Rent now" button.


    July is a month of fun-filled activities for kids and teens as long as you know where to find them. When you want some fun activities for July, consider these ideas happening in this month.

Secret of the Dragon

Time Monday, July1, 2014, 10:30 a.m.

Cost  Adult:$7.40  Children(under15): half

Booking Phone the booking office:34032578

Address  Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note   Secret of the Dragon is a magical story about 2 children who are taken on a dragon ride to explore the universe.

The Search for life: Are We Alone?

Time Thursday, July4, 2014, 2:00 p.m.

Cost  Adult:$14.50


Booking Phone the booking office:34037689

Address  Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note   Are we truly alone in space? Is there any life out there? These are the questions asked in this show.

Magic Class

Time Friday, July12, 2014, 10:00 a.m.

Cost Free

Booking  Please call 34038470 to book your


Address  Centenary Community hub, 171

Dandenong Rd

Note Would you like to be a magician? Then join David, the magician, to learn about real magic with playing cards, coins, ring ropes and DIY projects and be able to become the life of the party.

Science with Me: Making your own guitar

Time Saturday, July20, 2014, 3:00 p.m.

Cost Free

Booking Please call 34031226 to book your


Address 10, Egginton Close

Note Do you want to make a guitar with Katy and her mum? Science with Me is going to be with you. Please remember to bring a piece of wood, a hammer, some rubber bands and some nails with you.


    It's apparently become a trend in schools around the world to ban students from using the term, “best friends,” according to psychologist Dr. Barbara Greenberg. The movement, which is believed to have started in Prince George's school in South London, isn't intended to discourage close friendships, but rather encourage a wider friend group, Greenberg says.

    “Let's face it. You can't ban somebody from having a close relationship, and you can't really ban somebody from having a best friend but what the schools are trying to do is foster the idea of kids having more than a single friend,” Greenberg said.

    The idea is to increase the number of interactions a student may have with different members of his or her peer group. “I see kids come in all week long who are feeling awful because they are either nobody's best friend or their best friend has moved on,” Greenberg says.

    Jay Jacobs, who operates Timber Lake Camp in New York, stresses the downside of not fostering multiple relationships at a young age, for exactly that reason. “I think that there are problems in just having one friend,” Jacobs says. “Remember as you grow up, interests change, and children go in different directions.” Jacobs adds that teachers at Timber Lake, which changes positions between Glen Cove in winter and Shandake in summer, have made it a point to promote a more inclusive environment for years.

    Jacobs reminds people that, “As you grow up, interests change, and children go in different directions,” so having only one friend can be risky. He holds the belief that children will be better set up for success later in life if they get used to having a wider friend group at a young age. “It's about promoting kindness, looking to children to be kind to one another and to be aware of what it looks like when you're not,” Jacobs says.


    Many high school students consider a college education useless. Therefore, they choose not to go to college. If you're one of them, think again. Here are some reasons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.

    Schools and universities are the first sources of knowledge. We take that knowledge later on to build our careers after graduation. More knowledge will be gained after you start working, but without an education, that job will not be within easy reach. Knowledge leads to knowledge.

    While limited within the walls of the educational institutions, we openly explore other cultures of the world. We come to know that ours is not the only culture. Other cultures have valuable insights to share, enriching our own. Education also makes us want to travel and interact with various cultures, broadening our horizons.

    When there's a downturn (衰退) in the economy, those who attended college will be more likely to find a new job than those who only finished grade school and have a limited skills set. The more education you have, the more chances you will get to improve the quality of your life as you have a better job and earn a higher salary.

    When you're skillful and knowledgeable, you get to “rub knees” with people of similar backgrounds and tastes. It means a good education leads to excellent networking. Good networking can benefit you a lot in your later life.

    A good education makes you a more interesting person. You can talk about ideas and events instead of just other people and what's on sale in stores. An educated person doesn't gossip, having a preference to discuss ideas and listen to what other people have to say.


    With smart technology increasingly influencing all aspects of our lives, it is only a matter of time before someone invents “smart” shoes—ones that can be made based on personal needs. Called “ShiftWear”, the sneakers are the brainchild of a team of businessmen, and engineers led by New York-based designer David Coel.

    The adaptable shoes can be customized by using a smart phone app. Shoe owners will have the option of selecting a design from a variety of HD pattern by famous artists or creating one themselves. The company's founders imagine a marketplace where artists can not only share but also sell their designs to others. Despite being electronic, the designs are clearly visible even in the brightest sunlight. What's even cooler is that by switching on a backlight, users can even show off their designs in the dark!

    According to Coel, the sneakers will keep their charge “forever” if only images are displayed. Though they will need periodic recharging, active users have nothing to worry about. That's because the shoes are equipped with special walk-n-charge technology that powers the shoes—with every step. Inactive users also have options of charging the sneakers without using wires.

    The bottom part of the shoes is covered with Kevler fibers, a kind of strong material, reducing normal wear and tear. Even better? They are completely waterproof (not let water through) and can even be thrown into an ordinary laundry machine for a quick wash! The company predicts that the shoes will range the price from $150 to $1000 depending on the size of the E-panels where the designs are displayed.

    This is not the first time that electronics and shoes have combined. Lithuania-based iShuh Technology has come up with a similar concept that connects e-reader panels to a smart phone app via the Bluetooth. Whether these smart shoes become as popular as our smart devices remains to be seen, though they surely are attractive.

