
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

"Smart" Idioms

    Today we take a look at the word “smart”.If someone says you are smart,what do they mean?Is it a good thing or something bad?This is because the word smart has many meanings.

●That smarts!

    For example,someone could say you look smart or are dressed smartly.That means they like what you are wearing and your physical appearance.To use a slang(俚语)expression,they could say,“You look really cool!”But if something smarts,it can be unkind or hurtful,either physically or mentally.If you accidentally trip over a chair and fall down,you might shout,“Ow!That smarts!”Or if a friend says something that hurts your feelings,you can say you are smarting from the hurtful comments.


    If you are standing too close to a campfire,you could say your eyes are smarting from the smoke of the fire. Here the word “smarting” means a sharp pain.If someone is smart as whip,they are able to think very quickly.

●Street smart and book smart

    Some people are considered street smart.They may not have a strong education.But they are good at dealing with people and problems in the real world.Other people might be book smart.This means they have spent many years in school.But they may not be so smart when dealing with people or real-world problems.

●Don't get smart with me!

    And then there is the definition of smart that means to talk or behave disrespectfully.If you say something disrespectful to your parents,they might say,“Don't get smart with me!”Here,“smart”means to show a lack of respect by saying something unkind.In fact,a child who has a smart mouth makes rude comments,not smart ones.This definition of smart can also be used as a verb.

A.Do they really mean you are smart?

B.People have different attitude toward being smart.

C.However,different people have different ways of being smart.

D.In fact,maybe that person is no longer you friend.

E.The answer is not as easy as you might think.

F.But the most common meaning of smart is to be intelligent.

G.If you smart off to the wrong people,they could hit you in the face.


    How can we all get more laughter into our lives? Here is what the experts suggest:


    Nancy Alguire, a teacher in Clifton Park, N.Y. was once painfully shy and she seldom laughed. Then she married a circus clown (小丑). “I became interested in the clowns,” she recalls,“ One day I put on a costume and paint my face. That afternoon my whole life changed. I learned to laugh and enjoy life in a way I had never done before.” {#blank#}2{#/blank#} To this day, she still makes it a rule to be with people who enjoy life and laughing.


    It doesn't take you too much time and can be easy. Collect favorite cartoons and jokes. Also, keep a paper for writing down humor you find in everyday life.“Good ideas come and go fast, you have to capture them quickly or they are gone,” says Virginia Tooper.

Laugh when you need it most.

    “{#blank#}4{#/blank#}” says comedian Bill Cosby.“And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it,” he insists.

    Gray Alan, a sociology professor at the University of Minnesota, claims that laughter is a skill we can all gain—because it comes naturally. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Just remember: we are just here for a period, so get a few laughs.

A. You can soften the worst blows through humor.

B. Mix with people who laugh.

C. Practise the art of laughing.

D. Keep a laughter file.

E. He who laughs last laughs best.

F. But it's also something that has to be developed.

G. People's joy can affect those around them.


Rafting the GRAND CANYON Welcomes You!

    For an exciting,fun and challenging white water tours,Rafting the GRAND CANYON is here to help you plan the right tour for you. Whether you want to travel for two days or ten,hike in or not,go on an oar raft or motorized trip,we will help you find the trip that meets your needs.

    For those who will be vacationing on the off­season a trip on the Native American Red River rafting is available year around or a one ­day trip is available on the Colorado River from Diamond Creek to Pierce Ferry (about three hours from Las Vegas).

    Most of the trips depart from Lees Ferry,Arizona (approximately 21/2 hours from the south rim of the Grand Canyon).We offer partial trips which allow you to get on or off at Phantom Ranch located at the bottom of the Grand Canyon National Park South Rim. Requiring a hike in or out,with proper planning the horse ride up or down is also an option. Most trips occur between April and October.

    Since all rafting on the Colorado requires a permit,planning and reserving your trip requires reservations well in advance. Please let us know when you would like to go and we will contact all the river concessionaires (特许权获得者)to help you find the best trip for you.

    For planning your trip,questions,concerns or to make your reservations,please email or call the toll free number below. Since these trips are limited we highly recommend you make your reservations months in advance.

    To talk to a live person call us toll free:1­800­222­6966 or 702­655­6060

    If you have any questions regarding a trip,please CLICK_HERE to fill out our form. This will speed up the process of getting you accurate information regarding your trip.

    If you would like to send us an email other than about an up­coming trip you can contact us at info@raftingthegrandcanyon.com.

    We look forward to helping you plan your trip! (Please NO Travel Agents)


How to make Quick Decisions For Your Life

    We make decisions every day{#blank#}1{#/blank#}When it comes to making decisions, choosing the right one can at times be stressful, especially if the decision must be made quickly. Indecision often weighs us down, but there are some useful tips for making quick decisions more easily.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Sometimes the key to making a quick decision comes down to planning ahead of time for just such an occasion. We all know we're going to come to an important decision-making point sooner or later, so having a plan already in hand can put our mind at ease when that time comes.

    Overcome fear.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}While it may seem difficult to overcome the fear of making the wrong choice, many experts agree that we shouldn't be afraid to make the wrong decision, even if it seems important. The vast majority of wrong decisions can be corrected, while delaying decisions can often lead to more problems.

    Write down all the advantages and disadvantages of your decision. Even if you don't have all the information, writing down all the pros and cons(优缺点) is a good starting point for figuring out what to do. In cases where there simply isn't enough time to write things down, make a mental list in your mind. Thinking of the pros and cons can help you organize your thoughts.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Determine criteria. Remember that every decision you make should come with a certain list of criteria.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}But once you know the requirements you're looking for, making a decision will become easier. Look for the choice that satisfies the list you've made, and once that choice is found, you should move ahead with it.

A. Have a plan.

B. The list may be short or quite long.

C. Communicate your decision with others.

D. And this can always lead to a clear answer.

E. So cut out any options that you know you will not choose.

F. Often, one thing that keeps us from making decisions is fear.

G. Some can be very important while others are not serious in the long run.


    If you think about school, is there one teacher who stands out above all others? One person who is your favorite and who really inspires you? Why?{#blank#}1{#/blank#} I've decided that I want to become a teacher because teaching is so rewarding and it provides so many opportunities. I get to inspire future generations – what could be better?

    I'm currently helping out in two schools – a primary and a secondary school – and I'm actually really enjoying it. Some says are challenging and I ask myself why I am doing it, but then one of my students will answer a question or be interested in my lesson and suddenly everything becomes worthwhile.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    I plan my own lessons and make them as fun as serious as I like.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} That is why my lessons are never boring. Sometimes my classes don't go according to the plan, so I switch the way I teach and do something that I know my students will enjoy.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} I teach biology, geography, history, technology, social sciences and music … all is English! I get to study English literature, which is my passion, and pass on my knowledge and enthusiasm to my students, and I get to teach a huge variety of classes and age groups.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} As a result, I have to try and cater for everybody by including a variety of tasks and exercises as well as interesting multimedia, like videos and games.

The best classes are when I give the students a topic to discuss – usually one which they feel very passionate about – and let them have their say.

A. Teaching is so exciting.

B. I create lesson plans to suit each of the ages.

C. I realize I am great to help someone to learn.

D. I've found that each student learns differently.

E. I've been thinking these questions over recently.

F. I'm excited to get started on my teacher training.

G. I also love the fact that I teach English in everything.


    Hobbies let you explore interests outside your work. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} There are plenty of options available to you. How can you choose the hobby that suits you from these options? Here are some tips.

    Look at what interests you. And examine what takes up your spare time, when you have it. Do you enjoy reading books? Maybe you want to try your hand at writing them. Do you like a cool beer at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby could be trying to make beer at home. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Think about what you value most. What qualities do you think important? Do you value wisdom or courage? Do you admire artistic expression? {#blank#}3{#/blank#} For instance, maybe you could volunteer at a library as a hobby because you value education, or maybe you could take up painting because you admire people who can express themselves with art.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Certain hobbies require certain skill sets. If you don't have much patience, then maybe hand sewing isn't something you'd enjoy. However, if you love building things, maybe you should consider a hobby like building furniture.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Ask your friends and family what you seem to talk about the most. Now, think about what it is about that subject that you enjoy so much and determine how it can be turned into a hobby.

A. Help others to choose a hobby.

B. Examine your skills and personality.

C. Turn what you already love into a hobby.

D. Decide whether you're interested in one thing.

E. Think about the topics you go on endlessly about.

F. They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things.

G. Let those qualities guide you when you're choosing a hobby.


    Meeting people from another culture can be difficult. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal. Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

    Different cultures emphasize the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in "small talk", usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries, like the UK or France, people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafe rather than at the office.

    Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion, instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

    Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values, however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

    People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

