
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A few days ago my family and I were out for an evening walk. As we headed home, dark 1 started rolling in and we knew we probably wouldn't make it back without getting wet. 2 enough, the rain started falling just as we3our neighborhood. We all 4 down the street and into the house but when we got there I noticed that one of my sons was5I went back out in the rain and found him  6 in an irregular pattern in front of the house. His face was one of 7as he seemed to be going in circles. This is my child that usually hates getting 8.

    I shouted to him, “What are you doing?!!”

    “I hate getting wet!” he 9 back.

    “Then why are you running around in the 10 ? Hurry inside!”

    “I'm trying to but I have to 11 the rain drops!”

    He was getting more wet than any of the rest of us12 he was trying to avoid the raindrops. As I went and put him 13 my arm and walked him inside, I realized that there is a good14in this story.

    How often do you15life “avoiding the raindrops”? How often do you get so worried about the little 16that might happen, the failures that you miss out on the great 17 that you could be having? We can spend all of our time running around in circles trying not to fail or we can accept that failure is going to come and 18forward anyway. Any happy and successful person will tell you that the road to success is 19with failures.

    But every time you fail, you learn. Every time you learn, you improve. The more you improve, the more20 you will be.

A、buses    B、clouds C、mosquitoes D、smoke
A、Sure   B、Anxious C、Strange D、Funny
A、surrounded   B、noticed  C、crossed D、entered
A、paced   B、escaped   C、hurried D、advanced
A、missing   B、outstanding C、disturbing D、charming
A、 jumping   B、trembling C、running D、sliding
A、happiness    B、pleasure  C、excitement  D、suffering
A、cold    B、wet C、hungry D、thirsty
A、screamed   B、waved C、turned D、looked
A、distance   B、darkness C、rain D、wind
A、collect    B、experience   C、fight D、avoid
A、because    B、though  C、unless D、if
A、with   B、under  C、by   D、beside
A、ending    B、plot  C、lesson D、theme
A、care about   B、rely on C、sort out D、go through
A、 failures  B、accidents    C、emergencies  D、disasters
A、pains   B、dangers C、diseases  D、adventures
A、float  B、wander   C、move   D、flow
A、equipped   B、paved  C、buried D、covered
A、successful   B、generous C、considerate D、intelligent

    In 2005, I had a stroke and was taken into hospital. I was paralyzed down one side, with only a pad and a pen to 1 . But on my first day, after writing a note to the nurse, I found my right 2 wandering across the page. It was so 3 because I just copied a cartoon as a child, and I hadn't drawn since then. The act was 4; 5 when a nurse asked me what I was doing did I look down to see patterns all over the paper.

    From then on I woke up every night at 2 a.m. And kept drawing until dawn. It didn't feel 6. I'd never drawn before in my life but now couldn't 7.

    The 8explained that very occasionally, following a stroke, a patient's brain rewired itself to avoid the damaged area. Sometimes this can 9 a new ability in a patient: in my case, 10.

    I'd never had the 11 interest in art in my life. I was an engineer by trade, and now, 12, memories and thoughts appeared to me as abstract 13 . It was just something that happened. Drawing had become like breathing: something I did instinctively and without 14.

    In 2007, I heard about Second Life, the online virtual world. Inside, I 15art galleries selling digital art for real 16 and I decided to 17 my work for the first time. Two months later, someone 18 me saying he had bought two of my pictures online and wanted one in real life.

    Now I'm a 19 artist—in my first year I've earned around £30,000. I've been featured in some art exhibitions, 20 many of my pictures appeared on the cover.


The spirits of giving

    Two weeks before Christmas, two girls were walking down the street, laughing on some ice that remained from a recent snow. Merrily they shared what they hoped to 1from Christmas.

    They stopped to talk to an old man named Harry, who was on his knees2weeds around a large oak tree. He wore a pair of 3garden gloves. His fingers were sticking out of the ends, blue from the4.

    Harry told them he was getting the yard in 5as a Christmas gift for his mother, who had died several years before. He said with his eyes 6with tears,"My mother was all I had. She loved her7and her trees, so I do this for her at Christmas."

    His words8the girls and soon they were down on their hands and knees helping him 9around the trees. When they were finished, Harry pressed a quarter into each of their hands and said, "I wish I could 10 you more, but it's all I've got right now."

    The girls had often passed his house, and as they 11 on they remembered that the house was always12. No decorations to add cheerfulness were anywhere in sight. Harry sat behind curtain windows, looking 13.

    The quarter in one little girl's palm(手心) seemed to burn a hole of guilt 14 they walked on. The next day she called her friend and they 15 to put their quarters in a jar marked "Harry's Christmas Present". Then they began to seek out small jobs to16more. Every nickel, dime and quarter they earned went into the jar.

    Two days before Christmas, they had enough money to buy new 17and a card. Christmas Eve found them18Harry's doorstep singing carols(圣诞颂歌). When Harry opened the door, they presented him with the gloves wrapped in pretty paper and a19pumpkin pie a mother had just baked. With 20hands he tore open the paper from the gloves, and then to their surprise, he held them to his face and wept.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A. B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Steve was a seventh grader, a big boy, looking more like a teenager than a 12-year-old. Yet, he went unnoticed-- he had been 1every examination since first grade—until Miss Wilma.

    In the middle of the first semester of school, the entire seventh grade was2for basic skills.

    “You all did pretty well," Miss Wilma told the class after going over the3 "except for one boy. And it4my heart to tell you this, but…" she5 , “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class." Steve6his eyes an carefully examined his fingertips.

    After that, Steve still wouldn't do his homework. Even if Miss Wilma7punished him, he remained8.

    “Steve, please! I care about you!” 9, Steve got it! “Someone CARES ABOUT ME?!”

    One Monday a couple of weeks later, Miss Wilma gave a10on the weekend homework. Steve11through the test and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of12 , Miss Wilma 1ook his paper and began to look it over.

    Miss Wilma's face was in13shock! She glanced up at Steve, then14, then up. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!

    From that moment, nothing was the same for Steve. He discovered that not only could he remember and understand15, but he could translate what he learned into his life. He became16.

    After high school, Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a(n)17military career. During his naval years, he inspired many young people who might not have 18 themselves without him. A19took place within the heart of a boy all because of one teacher, who 20 .


    When I was in school, I joined an undergraduate program to chat with specific patients and then discuss it with others. On one special visit, I1entered a darkened room to find an elderly man lying in the bed. When I moved a little closer to the bed, I realized that he was quite 2, but also very confused and anxious. He3wanted to communicate something to others. He seemed weak, and I couldn't tell if he was in 4, or just scared. He obviously didn't want me to leave.5 I felt so lost and uncomfortable that I had to leave the room after a couple of minutes.

    The next time I was at the hospital, I was asked to make follow-up visits with the same6of patients. I expected my time7 the confused man to be just as short as the last time if he was even still alive. As I arrived at the 8, his daughter was there chatting with him. He was sitting up in the bed and looked a bit better than before. I introduced myself to the daughter and explained to her that I had come by before.9 the patient, I then suggested that I was certain he didn't 10 me at all.

    To my surprise, he 11 me immediately. "I remember you. You were the 12 !" he said excitedly. I thought he must be 13 me for someone else, but he then accurately told me enough details of our first 14. I was so confused about that. During my first visit to this weak patient, I did absolutely15 to help this man but 16. Then he explained that my 17 last time gave him hope to live, I must 18 that a stranger in hospital whose name I even didn't know changed my attitude to the life with a single19, It makes me want to offer whatever kindness I can to others, and I try to recognize and 20 the kindness that others offer to me. Obviously, we couldn't know the impact our actions, or even just our presence, has on life.

