
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Though there are about 400 languages from all over the world that are in danger of disappearing completely,Zoque-Ayapaneco,a native Mexican language is considered the most likely to become extinct,because the only two people in the world that speak it fluently do not talk to each other!

    And,it's not because they live in different countries,states or even villages. In fact,Manuel Segovia and Isidro Velazquez,both in their 70s,live within 500 yards of each other,in the village of Ayapa in the Southern Mexican State of Tabasco. They,however,refuse to communicate because they simply don't have much in common. Segovia is apparently a little frank in nature while Velazquez is described as shy.

    Segovia was at least able to talk in Zoque-Ayapanece with his brother until he passed away about 12 years ago,and still manages to practice it with his family,especially his son Manuel,who for the last five years has been trying to learn it and hopes to become fluent enough to teach it to the next generation. Velazquez on the other hand,has not been heard speaking in the language with anybody.

    The two men say the language used to be widely spoken in the village,but the younger generation refused to learn it for fear of being laughed at,and it therefore began to die a slow death,as the elders passed away.

    Unless the two men get their acts together,the only way to hear the language will be to either listen to Manuel's not-so-fluent statement or see them talk in a documentary entitled “Lengua Muerta” (Dead Language) that is being filmed to capture Zoque Ayapaneco and 364 other native Mexican languages that are in a similar state.

    We sure hope Segovia and Velazquez soon find something common to talk about. Maybe the fact is that the language is dying and that they should start encouraging and teaching the next generation together.

(1)、What do we know about Zoque-Ayapaneco?

A、It was widely used twelve years ago. B、It is a Southern American language. C、It will be popular in Mexico in the near future. D、It will be dying out if no effective measures are taken.
(2)、The reason why Segovia and Velazquez don't talk to each other is that ________.

A、they both are too shy B、they have no similarity in their character C、they are too familiar to talk D、they live in different villages
(3)、From the passage,we can conclude that ________.

A、altogether 365 languages are becoming extinct in the world B、Segovia and Velazquez will communicate with each other soon C、the government cares a lot about the protection of Zoque-Ayapaneco D、we can hear the language from Manuel or documentary  “Lengua Muerta”
(4)、What's the main idea of the passage?

A、World's endangered languages are being filmed. B、Villagers are trying to protect their old language. C、An endangered language is spoken by only two people. D、There are a lot of languages in Mexico.

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Tour Time

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The Grand Canyon Skywalk

Flight from


Canyon South

Rim to Grand Canyon West

1 Hour

Experience a bird's-eye view of the Grand Canyon as you make your way to Grand Canyon West.

Light Lunch at Guano Point at Grand Canyon


2 Hour

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Walk on the

World-famous Skywalk

1.5 Hour

Finally you'll board your bus to Eagle Point,home of the Grand Canyon Skywalk.Now it is time for you to walk on air for 70 feet over the Grand Canyon.

Flight Back to

Grand Canyon South Rim

1.2 Hour

After time on the Skywalk,you'll return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and return to Grand Canyon South Rim in time for dinner and sunset.


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    The Botanical Garden started life as Skylands, a large area in the grand manner. It is famous for a 44-room Tudor Revival granite mansion(公馆)designed John Russel Pope. Skylands has 96 acres of formal and naturalized gardens and is surrounded by over 1,000 acres of meadows(草坪) and woodlands. Purchased by the State in 1966 and officially named as the New Jersey Botanical Garden in 1984, the gardens contain approximately 5,000 species and varieties of trees and flowers.

    For you, the NJBG is an exciting and beautiful place to visit where you may enjoy each season's best. Members enjoy special events, festivals, lectures and rewarding educational opportunities for both city and gardeners.

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In our magazine's document room, from the June 1920 issue, I discovered a piece, What Editors Do, by Hazel Miller. What she talks about caught my eye: The first World War and its ending just two years before.

"During 1917 and 1918, when the World War was going, there was a huge demand for war material," Miller writes. "Most magazines were carrying practically nothing but war stories. When the War ended in November, 1918, some editors still had a goodly supply of war fiction and articles—for which they had paid real money—on their hands, which most people by now are fed up with."

Her words have stuck with me for the past 12 months as we've weighed which COVID-19 stories to run and which to hold. I'm writing these words with thick snow outside my window, but they will reach you in the green of spring. Will you be vaccinated(接种疫苗) and tired of reading about COVID-19 then?

We say writing is an art, and publishing is a business, but I worry we forget that publishing is also a gamble(赌博), Except for the immediate publication, everyone in the industry—agents, acquiring editors, magazine and journal editors, etc.—are betting on a story's success in a future we cannot see. As is the nature of fortune telling, we are not so sure we will not occasionally lose: The 1920 editors sitting on a store of war stories no one wants, for example.

With so many factors outside your control, and so much uncertainty in the industry, isn't it better to have stories written from the heart that you are truly enthusiastic about rather than some to please an ever-changing publishing market?

My future reader, it's my hope that this issue finds you this spring doing just that: Writing the stories you need to tell—and the ones that will delight your own future readers for years to come.

