
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Shower Radio — Warranty (保单) and Directions


Before using the radio, please read all directions, and put warranty information in a safe place. You may need to refer to the warranty information later.


The radio is warranted for one year. If it fails to work because of problems of materials, please return it to the address on the warranty card.

We will not pay shipping costs for returning the radio. We will either repair or replace the radio. At least four weeks is needed to examine the problem and repair the radio. If you have not heard from us within six weeks, call our customer service department at 1-800-123-4567.

Radios that are returned not for problems of materials will pay service fee and the cost of the repairs. Customers will be informed of the charge by postcard. Radios will not be returned until these fees are paid.


The radio is designed and built to operate well in a damp environment.

To Operate the Radio

1). Put two AA batteries following the introduction.

2). Turn the POWER dial in a clockwise direction until it clicks.

3). Press the station selector button for your desired station. The station's call number will be visible on the digital screen.

4). To switch between AM or FM stations, move the AM/FM switch.

To Operate the Timer

1). Each time the Timer Set button is pressed, five minutes will be put on the timer. The amount of time on the timer will be visible for five seconds on the digital screen.

2). When the timer doesn't work, a sound will be given off. The timer may be reset again after one minute.


Before returning the radio for service, please check the following items:

Problem: Radio cannot be heard.

1). Check batteries.          

2). Check Power/Volume Control.

Problem: Timer does not work.

1). Check batteries               

2). Follow directions for setting timer.

3). Turn the power control on.      

4). Adjust the volume control.

(1)、If you don't receive a repaired radio in six weeks, you can ________.

A、spend fewer shipping costs B、make a phone call C、require a new one D、write a letter of complaint
(2)、The digital screen will show ________.

A、both the volume level and the AM/FM indicator B、both the AM/FM indicator and the radio station C、both the time remaining on the timer and the date D、both the call number and time on the timer
(3)、According to the text, what should you do before returning the radio for service?

A、Contact the store where you purchased it. B、Call the producer for a repair number. C、Consult the telephone book for local repair service. D、Check whether certain problems exist.

    Time management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity. Time management is essential in every field of life because time is the precious resource one needs to accomplish a task. Every single moment that passes once will never come back again. Time management helps you do your task in time and use your time more productively. It helps you to identify the useless activities which can be avoided and how time can be saved. It helps you allocate proper time for a task and perform the task more efficiently.

    A student's daily routine is filled with a lot of activities. Some are related to his studies, some are essential for his life and some are for entertainment or physical fitness. Still some activities have no use and just waste time. Similarly if the number of the activities for entertainment exceeds what is reasonable, they waste the time of a student. These activities include using the internet for chatting, playing games, watching movies or listening to music for hours on end. Such activities are called “distracters” which distract one from one's real purpose.

    Games and physical exercise are important for a student because they keep him fit in body and mind but game time should be controlled as it may waste his time.

    No one wastes time intentionally. Time is always wasted in an insensible way. That's why a student is aware of it until the days of exams come. So it is better to use the present time more effectively than cry over what you've done in the future.

    As for a student, time management compromises various steps. It is not only necessary to allocate time for different subjects but also to identify right time for each such subject. What's more, to identify the distracters which become causes of wastage of time is of significance as well.

    Take a pen and sheet. Write down all the activities you do in your daily routine. Calculate how much time you have for your studies other than other activities. Determine how much time a subject can take out of your total study time. See which subject need more time.

Time management


You manage your time effectively for the {#blank#}1{#/blank#} of giving the right time to the right activity.


●It is essential in every field of life because of the {#blank#}2{#/blank#}of time.

●It helps you do your task in time, use your time more productively, {#blank#}3{#/blank#}wasting time, give proper time to a task and perform the task more effectively.


●Identify all the activities in your daily routine and remove{#blank#}5{#/blank#}ones.

●Strictly {#blank#}6{#/blank#}time spent on activities for entertainment.

●Games and physical exercise are helpful to keep you fit physically and{#blank#}7{#/blank#}, but the amount of time spent on them should not exceed what is reasonable.

●Time is always wasted in an insensible way, so take care.

●Manage the present time more effectively in order not to cry over the {#blank#}8{#/blank#}in the future.


● {#blank#}9{#/blank#}all the activities in your daily routine.

● Calculating how much time you need for your studies other than other activities.

● {#blank#}10{#/blank#}time for different subjects.

● Identifying the right time for each subject.


    Tibetan people are friendly and easy to get along with. However, Tibetans have different ways of behavior in many aspects due to their unique culture and religion. Be sure to respect local customs and be polite.

    Don't enter a monastery without permission. Don't smoke in monasteries. Don't touch Buddha statues, religious objects or prayer flags. Walk around monasteries (寺院), temples, dagobas, Mongolian cairns (Mani piles) and other religious structures in clockwise order with the exception of the Bon sites.

    Don t step on the threshold when entering a tent, house, or monastery. Don't touch the head of a Tibetan. The head is considered as a sacred part of the body. Remember to cross your legs when you are asked to have a seat. Don't stretch your legs with feet pointing to others.

    Don't drive away or hurt eagles. Eagles are considered holy birds in the hearts of Tibetan people. Don't disturb or injure cows or sheep with red, green or yellow ribbons because they are Tibetan sacrifice to worship gods.

    Don't take photos without permission. You'd better ask for permission before taking pictures of Tibetan people. Most Tibetan monasteries are not allowed to take pictures or you need to pay.

    Tibetan people are getting more used to habits of foreigners and being more tolerant due to rapidly developing tourism in Tibet. However, we still hope you can show respect to Tibetan traditions and behave well since their unique lifestyle is part of the charm of Tibet.


    Scotland has long been characterized as a land of romance. It contains ruins of many ancient castles and abbeys,and there is an attractive beauty in its mountains,long deep valleys,and ribbon lakes. Each year those things attract a great number of tourists.

    Numerous islands line the coast. In the north are two large groups,the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands. Close to the west coast are the Inner and Outer Hebrides groups,and the islands of Arran and Bute.

    The land may be divided into three regions: the Highlands in the north,the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.

    The Highlands are wild and picturesque(如画的). A long valley called Glenmore crosses the Highlands from southwest to northeast.

    In the south of the Highlands are the Grampian Mountains,highest in the British Isles. Ben Nevis,the highest peak,rises to 1,243 meters. Ben Lomond rises from the shore of Loch Lomond,Scotland's largest freshwater lake.

    The Central Lowlands run from southwest to northeast and the greatest length is nearly 145 kilometers. The soil here is fertile,and there are four coalfields underlying the area. In the east is Edinburgh,Scotland's historic capital city,and in the west is Glasgow. Almost 90 percent of Scotland's population live in the Lowlands.

    In the Southern Uplands,the hills are generally less than 600 meters high. Their rounded or flat tops are often capped with dark peat(泥炭). Along the slopes are plants like grass and heather(石南花).


    Photography is a very popular art form. Anyone with a camera – or a mobile phone – can practice it. A picture communicates in a way that words often can't. As the photographer Destin Sparks put it, "Photography is the story I fail to put into words." And there's no better opportunity to practice the art of photography than during our vacation time.

    Holiday photos have been a part of the culture of travelers for a long time. For decades, vacationers have made sure they've packed a camera along with bathing suits, Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses. A camera is an important holiday item. But over the last 10 years, photography has become much more popular. It's easy to capture (捕捉) still and moving pictures of places of interest, and it's also easy to show off these pictures on social media. Armed with their smart phones, tourists, this year more than ever, are capturing the beauty of our planet.

    Of course, travel companies have caught on to this. Trekksoft has an example of photo-tourism from the United States, a land with a vast choice of beautiful locations. Antelope Slot Canyon Tours in Arizona specializes in tours of the state's famous canyons(峡谷), which gives photographers the opportunity to capture them on camera.

    Not that any great technology is needed for this: most of the tourists are able to make beautiful images with just their mobile phones. Still, help is on hand from the tour guide for those who aren't great at using their cameras. These tour guides have taken a course in photography in case the skills they've learned would help their customers.


    The Great Depression that followed the stock market crash of 1929 saw hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work. In the years of great fear and depression, a lot of American citizens looked desperately to the federal government for assistance. Of all the programs designed by President Roosevelt when he took office in 1932, few were more criticized - or had more lasting impact - than the Work Projects Administration, better known as the WPA.

    The intention of the WPA, which functioned from 1935 to 1943, was to design and administer public works projects to help relieve unemployment. The majority of these projects involved historic or artistic attempts. The WPA's Writers Project, for example, was responsible not only for such practical works as state guidebooks but also for the collection of historically valuable oral histories. Over 2,900 of these records were collected in 24 states. They provide an irreplaceable firsthand account of people's diets, customs, celebrations, and political and religious beliefs at the time.

    The artworks created through the Federal Arts Project are one of the WPA's most lasting achievements. Out - of - work painters, both famous and unknown, created paintings that beautified schools, libraries, and government buildings, WPA photographers traveled across the country recording the hardships of life on small rural farms. When the United States entered World War Ⅱ in 1941, WPA artists were enlisted to produce posters supporting the war effort. Many WPA artworks, including hundreds of small drawings picturing scenes of everyday life, still exist today.


    You're probably used to the regular upgrades in our cell-phone networks. There was 2G, which came along in 199l, replaced with 3G in 2001, followed by 4G in 2009. Now we're hearing about the coming of 5G.

    But 5G is a much bigger leap than before. 5G, of course, is much faster than 4G in the real world and a 5G phone in a 5G city will enjoy Internet speeds between 9 and 20 times as fast. The arrival of 5G also means enormous leaps forward in capacity-so much that every cell-phone plan will offer cheap, truly unlimited Internet access. "The consequences of that are huge," says Sherif Hanna, Qualcomm's director of 5G marketing. For example, apps will no longer degrade (降低) your video quality or postpone downloading when you're out of Wi-Fi range. In fact, you'll probably prefer to do your downloads when you're on cellular (使用流量) because 5G will be much faster than whatever service you've got at home or work.

    "However, not everyone is excited by the 5G development. The new standard gets its speed partly by using existing transmission(传输) frequencies more efficiently and partly by using the millimeter wave range. That's a big, juicy line of radio frequencies that are currently underused because millimeter wave is really hard to use," Hanna says.

    These frequencies are much higher than anything we've used for the cellular, which means they can offer unbelievable speed-but at the cost of range. Millimeter wave cellular towers have to be about 500 feet apart. Cell carriers not only will have to upgrade all their cell transceivers (called small cells) but will install(安装) a lot more of them as well.

    That's why the millimeter wave flavor of 5G, the superfast coverage, will be available only in densely populated cities such as New York and San Francisco. In suburban and rural areas, 5G will bring a speedup of "only" nine times faster.

