
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通




Ad No.90374

Posted July 12, 2015 by Amanda

Expire Date August 12, 2015

Tag:Beijing Language Teaching Part Time

We are looking for Teachers, whose Native Language is English, willing to teach in China. Mostly schools are in South of China.

The Benefit package for ESL Teachers includes:

One-year Contract:1st September 2015 to 1st August 2016

Salary 4,000 RMB to 5,000 RMB/Month

Teaching load & schedule:20 teaching hours per week

A rent-free, fully furnished apartment with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom   

Kitchen facilities provided, other electric appliances will be supplied, water, heater, microwave etc.

If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in doc or JPEG format).The subject to be mentioned, as “teach in China”


2).A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript

3).A photocopy of the data page of valid passport

4).A recent color photo

5).A letter of recommendation or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)

6).Any other relevant information that you think might help your application

(1)、This advertisement is about_______.

A、introducing a school B、seeking a teaching position C、taking on English teachers D、attracting foreign students
(2)、If you are employed, you will_______.

A、work full time B、not have to pay the apartment rent C、prepare furniture yourself D、work four months for two years
(3)、Where can you mostly probably read the advertisement?

A、In a telephone book. B、In a paper. C、In a travel guide. D、In a textbook
    A Guide to the University
    The TWU Cafeteria is open 7am to 8pm. It serves snacks(), drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay with cash or your ID cards. You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings and to study.
    If you are on campus in the evening or lat at night, you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Café located in the bottom level of the Gouglas Centre. This area is often used for entertainment such as concerts, games or TV watching.
    The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying , cooking, and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hours are 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Sundays.
    Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Centre is committed to physical, emotional and social health. A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is included in your medical insurance. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to noon and 1;00 to 4;30pm.
    Academic Support
    All students have access to the Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. Here, qualified volunteers will work with you on written work, grammar, vocabulary, and other academic skills. You can sign up for an appointment on the sign-up sheet outside the door two 30 –minute appointments per week maximum. This service is free.
    The TWU Express is a shuttle service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre, leaving from the Mattson Centre. Operation hours are between 8am and 3pm. Saturdays only. Round trip fare is $1.

    The aye-aye, in the same family as people, monkeys and apes, is about 40 cm long, with a bushy tale about the same length as the body. The dark brown fur is long and woolly, giving the animal a rather shaggy(蓬松的) appearance. They are found only on Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa. It lives in the tropical forests in the east and north of Madagascar.

    The aye-aye is mostly arboreal(栖息在树上的), but is sometimes seen walking on the ground. It's active during the night, looking around in the trees for food. The aye-aye is actually the largest primate(灵长类动物) active during the night. Large eyes help the aye-aye find its way about at night. During the day, the aye-aye sleeps in a nest in a tree. Aye-ayes spend almost the whole night travelling about and feeding.

    Aye-ayes live alone. Sometimes pairs are seen, but basically little is about their lives. They don't Icap and cling to trees like primates. They move about on all four legs.They occasionally make brief cries but are silent. Worms inside dead wood form the largest part Of the aye-aye diet. The aye-aye also feeds on fruit, eggs, and bamboo shoots.

    The front feet of the aye-aye are unique. All the toes are long and thin, but the third is exceptionally long. The aye-aye taps on the tree trunk and listens for movement as searches places "'here worms might-be located. It bites at the tree to make homes. then it uses its third finger to reach inside and hook out worms, The front teeth of the aye-aye grow continuously and are worn down by its eating at bark in its search for worms.

    Aye-ayes are close to be gone or totally gone. Because of deforestation (伐木), or forest destruction, the animals have therefore been forced to eat villagers' crops, and many aye-ayes been  have been killed while doing In addition. Some people on Madagascar believe that seeing an aye-aye is a sign that someone close to them will die, so they kill the animals on sight.


    People typically wash their hands seven times a day in the United States, but they do it at a far higher temperature than is necessary to kill germs, a new study says. The energy waste is equivalent to the fuel use of a small country. Amanda R. Carrico, a research assistant professor at the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment in Tennessee, told National Geographic that hand washing is often “a case where people act in ways that they think are in their best interest, but they in fact have inaccurate beliefs or outdated perceptions.”

    Carrico said, “It's certainly true that heat kills bacteria, but if you were going to use hot water to kill them it would have to be a way too hot for you to tolerate.”

Carrico said that after a review of the scientific literature, her team found “no evidence that using hot water that a person could stand would have any benefit in killing bacteria.” Even water as cold as 40°F (4.4℃) appeared to reduce bacteria as well as hotter water, if hands were scrubbed, rinsed(冲洗)and dried properly.

    Using hot water to wash hands is therefore unnecessary, as well as wasteful, Carrico said, particularly when it comes to the environment. According to her research, people use warm or hot water 64 percent of the time when they wash their hands. Using that number, Carrico's team calculated a significant impact on the planet.

    “Although the choice of water temperature during a single hand wash may appear unimportant, when multiplied by the nearly 800 billion hand washes performed by Americans each year, this practice results in more than 6 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions annually,” she said.

    The researchers published their results in the July 2013 issue of International Journal of Consumer Studies. They recommended washing with water that is at a “comfortable” temperature, which they noted may be warmer in cold months and cooler in hot ones.


    There is an old saying that America and Britain are "two nations divided by a common language." No one knows exactly who said this, but it reflects the way many Brits feel about American English. But are American and British English really so different?


    The most obvious difference between American and British English is vocabulary. There are hundreds of everyday words that are different. For example, Americans go on vacation while Brits go on holidays; New Yorkers live in apartments while Londoners live in flats. There are far more examples than we can talk about here. Fortunately, most Americans and Brits can usually guess the meaning through the context of a sentence.

    Past Tense Verbs

    You'll also find some differences with past forms of irregular verbs. The past tense of "learn" in American English is "learned". British English has the option of "learned" or "learnt". The same rule applies to "dreamed" and "dreamt", "burned" and "burnt", and "leaned" and "leant". Americans tend to use the -ed ending; Brits tend to use the-t ending.


    There are hundreds of slight spelling differences between British and American English. Noah Webster, an author, politician and teacher, made an effort to reform English spelling in the late 1700s.

    Webster wanted to spell words the way they sounded. You can see Webster's legacy(遗产) in the American spelling of words like color (from colour), honor (from honour), and labor(from labour).

    Not So Different After All

    British and American English have far more similarities than differences. With the exception of some regional dialects, most Brits and Americans can understand each other without too much difficulty. They watch each other's TV shows, sing each other's songs and read each other's books. They even make fun of each others' accents.


We understand that in light of the latest government CORONAVIRUS TRAVEL ADVICE, your travel plans will be changing. To reflect this, some terms & conditions for refunding tickets or changing journeys are different to usual.

Refunds on Unused Tickets for Travel

• You can apply for refunds up to four weeks from the last day that the ticket was valid.

• Unused Anytime, Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets can be refunded and a service fee applies. Advance tickets are not refundable. Alternatively, you can change your ticket io travel at a later date — See 'Changing Tickets or Requesting a Travel Voucher' below.

• PLEASE NOTE that if the train you are booked on does not ran or is canceled due to irresistible forces, refund: will be made on ALL TICKETS TYPES with no service fee.

If you are uncertain about travelling, you may wish to consider purchasing a more flexible ticket — such as Anytime or Off-Peak - for travel.

Changing Tickets or Requesting a Travel Voucher

• If you bought an Advance ticket before the National Lockdown was announced on 4lh January and will no longer be travelling, you should apply for a travel voucher or reschedule your journey free of charge. You need to do this be lore your first train departs and pay the difference if your new ticket is more expensive. Please note you will not be entitled to a travel voucher if your Advance ticket was purchased after 4lh Jan. Speak to the original retailer of your ticket for advice.

• Anytime, Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets are more flexible and can be changed any time before you travel There is no fee to change these tickets. you will only need to pay any difference in fare.

Refunding Season Tickets

•Unexpired(未逾期的)Season Tickets can be submitted for refund at any time and train companies calculate how much is refunded by bow much value is left on your ticket, they do this by deducting (扣除)the value of any other tickets you could have travelled with in the same lime until you stopped using and return your Season Ticket Refunds can only be backdated with evidence that illness prevented you from travelling. (National Rail Conditions of Travel. Condition 40.4).

• To see how much you could get back from your Season Ticket, try the Season Ticket Refund Calculator below. For more information, including if you require a refund due to sickness that prevented you from using a Season Ticket see the link here,

• Customers can still claim refunds remotely online, minimizing contact between customers and staffs keeping everyone safer. Please see your retailer's website for details.

Travelling on Another Train Company's Service

• In areas where there is cancellation, train companies may agree acceptance of tickets routed via another company For more details, please contact your rail service provider.


Richard Holmes, a British author and academic, is something of a Romantic, famous for biographies of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In his last book, "The Age of Wonder", he wrote about science and Romanticism and their common commitment to discovery. In his new book, "Falling Upwards", he combines the two again to tell the stories of Europe's early balloonists (气球飞行者).

Mr Holmes's love of balloons was aroused at a village festival and his enthusiasm is one of the book's many pleasures. He refers to the cheerful tone used in many first-hand ballooning stories, and applies it in this second-hand account. He describes men and women wrapped up in fur coats under their hydrogen-filled balloons, enjoying cold chicken and champagne and looking back to earth to see mankind "for what it really is."

Mr Holmes makes much of the strange side of ballooning, but the book is at its best when examining its more serious applications. In the American civil war, for example, both North and South put observers in balloons to spy on enemy movements. And during the Prussian attack on Paris in 1870-71, balloonists managed to fly out of the city to communicate with the French government in exile (流亡) in Tours.

"Falling Upwards" contains much of the historian's writing characteristics, such as footnotes and bibliography (文献书目), but its epilogue (后记) refers modestly to what has gone before as "a series of true balloon stories". It does touch on the more technical aspects of ballooning, and says little about the French Montgolfier brothers who are credited as its inventors. That though seems a small price to pay for such a spirited work. Mr Holmes's tale ends at the start of the 20th century when the business of flight was being handed over to the airship and the airplane.

