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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

高中英语->牛津译林版->高二上册->模块6Unit 4 Helping people around the world


A. A general sleep rule.

B. The importance of sleep.

C. A funny sleeping example.

D. Different levels of sleep.

E. The time we need for sleep.

F. Different states of sleep.

    Sleep, as we know, is important to us because it helps restore tired organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?

    For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are a great many people who get along perfectly with less sleep and some who may even need more. A great deal depends on the way we live. But a good general rule to follow is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work at our best when we are awake.

    There are actually different levels of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest as it gets in a deep sleep, so that after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short deep sleep can be very restful.

    Alexander the Great was able to get a deep sleep whenever he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained awake longer than anyone else. Then he wrapped himself in a cloak and lay down on the earth. He slept so deeply that his generals had to wake him three times to give command to attack!

    Normally when we go to sleep, our “ sleep center” blocks off nerves so that both our brain and our body go to sleep. One prevents us form wanting to do anything and the other makes our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. But someone will fall asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep!


    When high temperatures are around the country, some things also go up. Here are four things expected to rise along with our desire to stay indoors and best the heat.

    ①Sales of goods that keep you cool.

    Malls are high on the list of places where people often go for free air conditioning outside home in summer.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Goods related to keeping cool, like air conditioners, fans or sun care items, are very popular.


    Pests like stink bugs(椿象) grow fast during summer heat waves, and many agriculture experts are expecting a repeat of last year's incident that harmed fruit and crops, particularly on the East Coast.

    ③Energy bills

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}With all those air conditioners and fans working, it makes sense that energy bills will be higher than average.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} “Not only are people going to have extremely high energy bills for July, it will also put increased stress on power plants, and we're going to see more air pollution because of it,” says Angela Fritz.


    Heat waves may cause violence, right?

    Not necessarily, says Richard Larrick, a researcher. He took a unique look at the relationship between violence and heat through baseball. Larrick and his research team examined 57,294 Major League Baseball games taking place between 1952 and 2017 and found that while heat may increase violence, there always has to be a motive. “{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Instead, heat affects a specific form of violence,” he said.

A. Air pollution

B. Pest population

C. Rising heat is the expected response in any summer

D. Heat does not directly lend to more violence in general

E. More and more people are worried about their expenses

F. As more energy is used, air-quality problems may occur

G. So it's not a surprise that some sales jump during heat waves.


    Have you ever lost your temper? Did you yell or scream at those around you, even people you like or love? Did you want to break something or hit someone?

    Everyone gets angry. We have lots of emotions. At different times, we may be happy, sad or jealous{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

It's perfectly okay to be angry at times— in fact, it's important to get angry sometimes. Anger can even be a good thing. When we are treated unfairly, anger can help us stand up for ourselves.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Some people keep their anger buried deep inside. If you do this, you might get a headache or your stomach might start to hurt. You may just feel crummy (糟糕的) about yourself or start to cry. It's not good to hide your anger, so you should find a way to let it out without hurting yourself or others.

    When you start to feel angry, you can count to 10, draw a picture of anger, play a video game, run as fast as you can or do something active. An effective way is to talk to a friend you can trust.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Instead, admit to yourself that you are angry and try to figure out why you are angry and what you can do to keep the situation from happening again.

    Never getting angry is impossible. But, you should always remember that how you act when you're angry can make the situation better or worse.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Take charge of it!

A. Taking it out on others never solves anything.

B. Once you talk about anger, those bad feelings usually start to go away.

C. Here is an important way to deal with anger.

D. Anger is just another way we feel.

E. But anger must be released in the right way.

F. Don't let anger be the boss of you.

G. Every coin has two sides.


    You probably think that you are already efficient and skilled in what you are doing, and perhaps you are right.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Improvement is indeed very important because it keeps you longing for success, and it is what prevents you from tiring. So, make the best of who you are, and use these practical tips.

    Spare a few minutes a day to learn new things.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}You may consider reading blogs, magazines, or trade journals that can enrich your know ledge about your field. No matter what you do, though, make sure it is something beneficial to your professional growth.

    Learn to pay close attention to detail. It is a fact that once people have become accustomed to their regular tasks, they rarely check the details about certain aspects in their job.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Get inspired and start working on your disadvantages. You should be able to pay more attention to your performance in the job, and find ways to improve yourself. If you find yourself quite emotional or stressed out, then may be what you need is an inspiration.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}By doing so, you can continue improvement and eventually become much better at this task.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}This step may seem very simple, yet it can get quite challenging to find people who are excellent and have a good reputation in your company. Once you have found these inspiring people, you should try to cooperate with them more often and complete a project that could do wonders to your organization and your personal growth.

A. Give yourself a break,

B. However, you may not be the best you can possibly be.

C. Be with the right people and always try to improve yourself.

D. If so, you're not living the abundant life that God intends for you to live.

E. You may consider looking at great work and performance for some inspiration.

F. It is important that you devote plenty of your time to learning and researching.

G. Unfortunately, this may lead to misunderstanding and negative consequences.


Tips for protecting your eyes during the winter

    We usually worry about staying warm during the winter months, and think less about protecting our eyes.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Here are three things you can do to protect your eyes during winter months.

Tip 1:{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    During the winter, our eyes are often exposed to blowing, dry, hot air that can cause them to become dry. Here are a few treatments:{#blank#}3{#/blank#} . Keep yourself away from direct heat sources while sitting. Use a humidifier(加湿器) to help reduce dryness.

    Tip 2: Wear sunglasses with UV(紫外线) protection.

    UV rays in the winter can harm our eyes.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Wear sunglasses when you're outside, or driving, to protect your eyes from UV rays. This is especially important as days lengthen into spring and the sun gets stronger.

    Tip 3: Goggles(护目镜) protect in many ways.

Goggles not only protect our eyes from UV rays, but they also help keep our eyes from drying out from the winter wind. In addition, think about all those branches, leaves, and dirty snow that can severely injure our eyes upon contact{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Don't forget them!

A. Clean your eyes carefully

B. Goggles protect the eyes from the wind

C. Don't let your eyes dry out

D. However, the winter months can be as hard on our eyes as the summer months

E. In fact, they can do even more harm when they're reflecting(反射) off snow

F. It is wise to wear quality goggles

G. Keep eye drops at hand to wet your eyes


    According to a recent study published in Journal of Consumer Research, many people believe that healthy food must be more expensive than unhealthy food. In fact, the study's researchers found that a high price tag will even convince consumers that a certain food is healthful.

    According to Rebecca Reczek, coauthor of the study, the purpose of the study was to examine a popular belief. Sometimes the belief can be true: Organic produce and wild caught seafood typically cost more money. But other times, the nutritional value of food ranks all the same.

    In one experiment, Reczek's team gave a group of participants a new food product called "granola bites". Some participants were told the product was very healthy. Other participants were told the bites had little nutritional value. Participants who were told the granola bites were good for them rated the snack as more expensive than the participants who thought the bites were unhealthy.

    In another experiment, participants were given a health food bar labeled as "the healthiest protein bar on the planet". Some participants were told the bar cost just D|S0.99, others were told the bar was D|S4. And here's what happened: The people who were given the "cheaper" bar needed to read a lot more reviews about the product when it was priced at a lower price point in order to trust that it was healthy.

    The idea that we all believe healthy food needs to be more expensive works against us. All food companies need to do is push up the price to convince us.

But Reczek said, "When we shop, we don't have to be led astray. We can compare nutrition labels and we can do research before we go to the grocery store. We can use facts rather than our intuition (直觉)".


    Imagine an area 34 times the size of Manhattan. Now imagine it covered ankle-deep in plastic waste—a total of about 19 billion pounds of garbage. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    "We're being overwhelmed(淹没) by our waste," said Jenna Jambeck, an environmental engineer who led the 2015 study that determined this astonishing number. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, unless something is done to stop the tide of garbage.

    Plastic—a widely-used material—has in many ways been a benefit to humans but it has also caused a growing problem. Today, plastics are the No.1 type of garbage found in the sea. Ocean Conservancy, a nonprofit that organizes an annual coastal cleanup event worldwide, said plastic waste makes up around 85 percent of the garbage collected from beaches and oceans.

    Ocean Conservancy says plastics are believed to threaten(威胁)at least 600 different wildlife species(物种). {#blank#}3{#/blank#}; a growing body of evidence suggests humans are consuming plastics through the seafood we eat. A research suggests some plastics could be poisonous to humans, and could potentially increase the risk of health problems.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. At the Economist World Ocean Summit this week, ten nations announced to reduce plastic sea liter as part of UN Environment's CleanSeas campaign. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Corporations also have a role, as do individuals. We can start by thinking twice before using single-use plastic products—and when we do use them, we should take care to properly throw them off or recycle.

A. The following is what we should do

B. And it's not just wildlife that's threatened

C. And this figure is likely to double by 2025

D. But it's not just countries that need to do their part

E. By 2050, that figure is expected to rise to 1000 pieces

F. That's how much plastic waste ends up in our oceans every year

G. All of us have an important role to play in dealing with the problems

