
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Sunny is a beautiful girl. She has a dog. The dog's name is Lovely. Lovely is clever (聪明). When Sunny sings, Lovely dances beside her (在她旁边). The dog likes to have a walk with Sunny (与……一起散步) in the afternoon. One afternoon, Sunny's sister and her 5-year-old daughter (女儿) —Sweet come to Sunny's home, Sunny and her sister are talking (谈话). Sweet puts her hat on the chair (把帽子放在椅子上) and is playing in the garden (院子里). The dog wants to go out (要出去) to have a walk. So she takes Lovely's hat with the mouth (用嘴衔住帽子) and dances. Sweet likes the dog and wants to take it home (想把它带回家). So she says to Sunny, "Aunt, can I have this puppy?" Sunny answers, "No, you can't." Sweet says to her mother, "Mom, can you bear a puppy (生一只小狗) like this for me?" The mother is surprised (吃了一惊) and she smiles (笑) and says "I can't bear a puppy. But I can bear a baby (生一个婴儿) for you."

(1)、How many people are there in the story?(故事里有多少人?)
A、Three. B、Four. C、Five.
(2)、Who is Lovely?
A、Sunny. B、A dog. C、Sunny's sister.
(3)、When do Sunny and her dog take a walk?(何时散步?)
A、In the morning. B、In the afternoon. C、In the evening.
(4)、Where does Sweet puts her hat?(帽子放在哪里?)
A、On the bed. B、On the table. C、On the chair.
(5)、Which of the following is not true?(下列哪一个不是真实的?)
A、Sunny is beautiful. B、Sweet likes Lovely. C、Sweet's mother can bear a puppy for her.
