
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



My family has moved a lot. So I've1walking into a new school and making new friends. It doesn't even trouble me that much—I2know I'll feel at home in the new place after a few months. But about a year ago we3again, and that time it was4. The reason why we were moving was5to us: My father had a terrible illness and lost his job. My mom gave up her job to be with my dad6he got the medical treatment(治疗) couldn't imagine how we would7—what if neither of my parents would find8again?

I knew my parents9me to be strong and I didn't want to let them down.10I gave in to all the feelings of sadness and fear. I cried a lot, and for the first time in my life, I started to11school. I kept to myself so much that most people decided I was12and selfish.13there were two girls at my school who reached out to me. When I finally started to talk, it comforted me to share all the14I'd been holding inside. And Melissa and Nicole really listened and15what was experiencing,16I believed no one would. Their caring17me up so much that soon I had a whole group of friends. I stopped hating school, and my problems became much18to stand.

It just goes to show you that you don't have to19the bad times alone,20is the best way to help yourself.

A、worried about B、got used to C、got tired of D、dreamed about
A、seldom B、never C、always D、sometimes
A、settled B、suffered C、walked D、moved
A、different B、strange C、usual D、interesting
A、pride B、shame C、shock D、pleasure
A、after B、until C、while D、if
A、judge B、change C、decide D、manage
A、work B、time C、energy D、health
A、persuaded B、allowed C、expected D、commanded
A、Anyhow B、However C、Besides D、Therefore
A、hate B、enjoy C、attend D、leave
A、powerful B、stubborn C、unfriendly D、devoted
A、Gradually B、Obviously C、Hopefully D、Luckily
A、courage B、anger C、pain D、power
A、admitted B、understood C、requested D、doubted
A、as though B、now that C、even though D、so that
A、blew B、warmed C、picked D、brought
A、more common B、harder C、easier D、more serious
A、think of B、escape from C、care about D、go through
A、Reaching out B、Standing out C、Giving out D、Working out
