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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



It should come as no surprise that England has some of the world's most interesting attractions for literature lovers, from birthplace museums of some of the world's most celebrated authors to everyday sports made famous through fictional accounts.


In England's West County, not far from the border with Wales, the gorgeous Georgian town of Bath is an undisputed must-visit for fans. Some of the country's most celebrated authors have lived (and written) here, including Mary Shelley, of Frankenstein fame, along with her poet husband, Percy Bysshe Shelly. However, the town's best-known former resident is Jane Austen, who spent five miserable yeas in the spa town. The Jane Austen Centre and its Regency Tea Room are among Bath's most-visited attractions, and there is a 10-day festival held every September that honors the writer and her work.


London has long been a favorite setting for English storytellers, and the capital city has appeared in countless stories and novels over the years, from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales to Helen Fielding's bestselling Bridget Jones books. Sherlock Homes had a flat on Baker Street in his crime-solving days, and you might know Soho as the home turf of the legendary Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Charles Dickens is perhaps the best-known (or at least most celebrated) author of the lot, and there are dozens of Dickensian London tours available to literature lovers. Scrooge keeps all office in Cornhill part of the City of London financial district, while Fleet Street makes an appearance in the Pickwick Papers and A Tale of Two Cities. Finally, Oliver Twist fans might remember that the Artful Dodger tricks young Oliver to reach Fagin's den, located in Saffron Hill in Camden.


The birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon, has built an entire tourism industry around the Bard. Although many of Shakespeare's plays were set in faraway destinations such as Greece, Italy, Denmark and a make-believe island in the middle of the ocean, there are still plenty of attractions that fans won't want to miss. Here You can visit Shakespeare's birthplace along with the homes of his mother, daughter and granddaughter. Most visitors also make a point of catching a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Company.

And for the full Stratford experience, travelers can stay the night at one of the Towns many historic hotels; Billesley Manor Hotel is a popular choice, and rumor has it that Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in a tiny chapel on the grounds way back in 1582.

(1)、What happens in every September of Bath?
A、A book exhibition. B、A movie show of Frankenstein. C、A festival to honor Jane Austen.    D、A tour to celebrate Mary Shelley's birthday.
(2)、Which place may appeal to Oliver Twist fans most?
A、Oxford. B、London. C、Bath. D、Stratford-upon-Avon.
(3)、Who are likely to visit these places mentioned in the passage?
A、Literature fans. B、Film producers. C、History researchers. D、Photography enthusiasts.

    One of the most recent social changes taking place in the world is social networking. Social networking has been in existence for at least 150 years, and probably longer than that. In the times before the invention of the computer and the World Wide Web (WWW), social networking was done in person. People who had similar likes and interests would gather together to share experiences, make new friends, and improve their businesses.

    On the Internet, social networking websites made their first appearances during the late 1990s. The first major social networking website in the United States was MySpace. MySpace allowed its users to exchange messages, share pictures, and make new friends in a way that was never thought of in the past. With MySpace, people who did not go out much could reach out to others from their own homes.

    In 2004, Facebook was created. It was first a website created for use by Harvard University's students and teachers, but it soon expanded to include just about everyone. It is now larger than some of the largest companies in the world. It is a website that is changing all the time. Facebook has completely changed the way people stay connected with each other and the rest of the world. The way it works is simple. Users can set up a new account (账户) easily. All a new user needs is an email address to start. Once a person has created an account and his friend also has his own Facebook page, he can invite his friend by sending a request out to him. Once you get started, making new friends will come easily.


    Next time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coffee. And when you're doing your holiday shopping online, make sure you're holding a large glass of iced tea. The physical sensation (感觉) of warmth encourages emotional (情感的) warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions—those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist (心理学家) John A. Bargh.

    Psychologists have known that one person's perception (感知) of another's “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships. Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable (能干的). Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies' sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness.

    Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal. Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgment in dozens of countries.

    To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students. A research assistant who was unaware of the study's hypotheses (假设), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form: The drink was then handed back. After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description. Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.

    “We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly (抽象的),” says Bargh.


    Sports are the base of my life, next to my mother who raised me when my dad left us. I have been into sports since I was six years old. I have known many coaches and heard hundreds of their tips, but they usually focused on drills to develop my skills and reach the next level of play.

    When I was in Senior Two, I met the new school basketball coach, Brian Pawloski. I thought I was certain to be selected for the school team since I had been in it the year before. I showed up to the tryouts and put out about 90% effort since I thought I'd make it with no problem. That was a big mistake.

    Brian Pawloski is the hardest-working coach I have ever met. He didn't expect 100% effort, he expected 200% effort. One example: he once made us do 40 suicide drills for the 40 lay-ups (投篮) we missed in a game. Some think this is crazy, but it isn't. After this conditioning practice, as we were getting a cup of cold water to drink, I said, "coach, that was the best practice I ever had." I was completely sincere. This man was and is the person who influenced me most at my high school. He expects us to be excellent not just on the court but in the classroom. If I am not working on basketball, I am reading a book that he thinks will help us better understand life's challenges, including Wooden, Coach, and The Screwtape Letters.

    In the first two years I slacked off, not putting forth my full potential. Now, unlike the coaches of my youth, this man was interested in how he did off the court. He always made sure I kept up with my studies and was able to be trusted. I can honestly say that on other coach has given me so much advice on how to succeed in basketball, but more importantly, in life. My school is lucky to have such a great person to teach, coach and influence their students. I will always remember my high-school basketball days as one of the hardest times I have ever worked in my life not only in basketball but in my growth as an individual.


    Now women are free to enter any career that attracts them, and working can bring them pride, confidence and independence. Working women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce, and 51 percent of professional workers, like doctors, lawyers, nurses and accountants, are female. While climbing the career ladder can be rewarding, it often comes with one big disadvantage: weight gain!

    New research published this week in the International Journal of Obesity shows that working women are more likely to be overweight, and the more you work, the more pounds you're likely to pile on. Like many women, I work... a lot! As a self-employed nutrition communications specialist, I sit at my desk, in front of a computer, for hours on end. Sitting alone is one of the worst things you can do for your health, and it's directly linked to being overweight and increased fatness, so the fact that women in the workforce gain weight isn't that surprising. If you work, you have less time to move around. Obesity researchers are revealing many other ways that employment is harmful to your diet and waistline(腰围).

    In the International Journal of Obesity study, some 9,276 Australian women aged 45-50 had their body weight and employment status monitored for two years. Results? Those who worked more than 35 hours were likely to gain weight compared to those who worked fewer hours or were out of the workforce. What's more, the more hours a woman worked in a week, the more weight she gained.

    The authors of the Australian study attribute weight gain among working women to inactivity, lack of time for food preparation, more use of prepared foods, high levels of stress, lack of sleep and consuming more alcohol. I'll also add in travel, meals eaten out and working at night as other factors that I can find to make balancing work with a healthy diet a challenge.


    There is a popular saying in the English language: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Well, that is not true. Unkind words, name-calling or even the so-called "the silent treatment" can hurt children as much as being physically hit, sometimes even more so.

    A recent study of middle school children showed that verbal(言语的) abuse by other children can harm development in the brain. The study was a project of researchers at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts. Researcher Martin Teicher and his team studied young adults, aged 18 to 25. These young men and women had not ever been treated in a cruel or violent way by their parents. The researchers asked the young people to rate their childhood exposure to verbal abuse from both parents and other children. Then the researchers performed imaging tests on the brains of the subjects.

    The images showed that the people who reported suffering verbal abuse from peers in middle school had underdeveloped connections between the left and right side of the brain. The two sides of the brain are connected by a large bundle of connecting fibers called the corpus callosum. This was the area that was underdeveloped.

    The middle school years are a time when these brain connections are developing. So, unkind, hurtful comments from children or adults during this period have the greatest effect. The researchers tested the mental and emotional condition of all the young people in the study. The tests showed that this same group of people had higher levels of fear, depression, anger and drug abuse than others in the study.

    The researchers published their findings online on the American Journal of Psychiatry's website.

    Parents cannot control what other people say to their children, but they can prepare their children.


    While Chongqing is most famous for its hot pot, chuanchuan, and noodles, there is one more indispensable, delicious food offered to people in Chongqing: the fish.

    Huguo Hot­Potted Corydoras

    Perhaps Chongqing's best­loved fish restaurant, Huguo Hot­Potted Corydoras has been going for decades and is a can't­miss place for most visitors because of its special flavor. When the pot is served, you will be surprised by its look and stunned by its fragrance. The combination of the great local cuisine and low price makes this a very popular place, particularly in the evening.

    Average price per person: 78 RMB

    Address: No. 62­1, Shangda Tianwan, Yuzhong District (470m from the Gate 6 of Lianglukou Station) Xiang Yu

    Xiang Yu is a Chinese­style restaurant and extremely popular among local people for serving great fish dishes, particularly the signature Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Hot Chili. Since the dish is steamed, the hot chili flavor permeates the flesh.Just use chopsticks to dip a bit of it into the sauce and you'll find its tenderness and robust taste.

    Average price per person: 80 RMB

    Address: F4, Block C, Longfor Shidai Paradise, Changjiang 2nd Road Jipinxuan Beidu Fish Village.

    Established in Chongqing about 20 years ago, all the fish served here is prepared in one of 3 flavors total: hot­spicy, pickled, and tomato.Or, if you're up to try it, you can ask the friendly chef to blend these 3 flavors into one dish.One thing of note: the number of appetizers you get for free depends on how many fish you order.

    Average price per person: 61 RMB

    Address: No. 42, Changjiang 2nd Road, Daping Ran's Bean Salted Fish Hot­pot.

    Serving fish since the 1980's, and maintaining high quality on all terms, the restaurant's reputation has grown among the people of Chongqing. Don't judge this book by its cover, and don't let the modest decoration scare you off, the food is super delicious! The fish is stir fried in oil, which makes the skin crispy and fresh. The dish is also covered with dripping sauces, providing fragrant aromas and strong, lasting flavors.

    Average price per person: 46 RMB

    Address: Opposite of Zaoqin Village, Shipingqiao Street, Jiulongpo District (Near Sanxia Paints Company)

