
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Do you always want to help fight global warming? Then join the Earth Hour party on Saturday, March 28th, by turning off all lights from 8: 30-9: 30 pm. This small action, taken by hundreds of millions of people around the world will make it easier for us to fight global warming. More importantly, it will prove what can be achieved if we all come together to protect our planet.

    Earth Hour was started by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). In 2007, the organization asked the local people in Sydney to turn off all lights and unnecessary machines for one hour. Over 2 million families and 2, 100 businesses accepted the challenge. This simple action resulted in saving 10% of the electricity used by the city's people during a regular evening hour. The success of the effort encouraged people all around the world to take part in the action, and Earth Hour became a world-wide tradition and was celebrated every year from then on.

    Earth Hour is timed to be similar to the spring equinox, which is around March 20th every year. This makes amazing effect, resulting in wonderful pictures when the usually bright cities go dark.

    The WWF recognizes the "superheroes" who have supported Earth Hour to protect the planet to the next level Eddy, a 21-year-old man, who has been keeping his eyes on Earth Hour since 2010, has encouraged thousands of locals in the Dominican Republic to take action on fighting global warming. These include small actions like turning off unnecessary lights or using recyclable bags.

    Not sure how to spend the hour? The WWF suggests a candle light dinner or a picnic under the stars with your family. If that is not interesting for you, how about a late night hike or bike ride? For more ideas or to sign up for the fun event, go to earth hour. organization. Remember, we only have one planet, so let's try our best to protect it.

(1)、Why do people take part in the Earth Hour party?
A、For loving the dark. B、For reducing work hours. C、For helping fight global warming. D、For protecting the lights for one hour.
(2)、What do we know about Earth Hour?
A、It is held every four years. B、It may be held in late March. C、People in Sydney don't support it. D、You are not allowed to stay outside in this hour.
(3)、What's Eddy's attitude towards Earth Hour?
A、He disagreed with it. B、He was worried about it. C、He thought it was impossible for people to do it. D、He supported it by encouraging locals to take part in it.
(4)、What does the underlined word "This" refer to?
A、WWF B、March 20th. C、Earth Hour. D、Bright pictures.
(5)、What's the purpose of the writer?
A、To introduce a new holiday in Sydney. B、To share some stories of "superheroes". C、To call on everyone to protect our only planet. D、To introduce some outdoor activities in Sydney.

Astronauts would face dangers both getting to and surviving (生存) on Mars. Let's learn about surviving a trip to Mars.

What would it take to keep people safe and healthy on a trip to Mars? Scientists are already working on it, though the trip may be many years later.

Over the last 60 years, many spaceships have flown by orbited(沿轨道运行)and even landed on the Red Planet. However, machines cannot replace humans. That's why the United States, China and other countries want to send people to Mars. But surviving on this trip would not be easy.

A trip to Mars would be the farthest journey in human(人类) history. Mars is about 225 million kilometers away, so it would take astronauts at least 180 days to reach there. However, it only takes a few days to get to the Moon.

Space travel is dangerous. For one thing, staying in space for long periods makes the human body weak. Also, it puts pressure behind the eyes and causes eye problems. But gravity(重力) machines could help.

Then there's space radiation(辐射) to worry about. It is bad for astronauts when they have long journeys. Scientists are working out the issue. They have found that taking certain vitamins can help.

Astronauts will have to pack light to lift off from the earth. But they won't be able to get the things they need easily. Astronauts on the space station practice for this by growing lettuce and other food in space. Engineers are developing 3D printing techniques(技术)which can allow future Mars astronauts to build what they want.

 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

It is one of the most famous books in the world; yet it has no story and no interesting characters, no exciting beginning and no satisfying ending. And yet it keeps being printed-and it keeps growing!

It began in 1857 as just an idea of a group of people who thought the world needed one to show the history of English words from 1150 CE to the present. It wasn't until the late 1870s, however, when James Murray joined the project that it began to grow. He planned one of about 6,400 pages in four volumes(卷),completed in 10 years. He did most of his work in a small building where he and his workmates collected millions of pieces of paper, each one with a word and an example sentence written on it. Murray and his workmates worked hard, but after five years they had only reached the word ant! It was until 1928 that it was completed and came out. Unluckily, Murray did not live to see the completion of his life's work; he passed away in 1915. As soon as it came out, people started to update it. In 1933, it became 12 volumes. Between 1972 and 1986, four more volumes were added. In 2020 it was reprinted in 20 volumes. Three years later, all the volumes were put onto CD-ROM, and it can be bought online at present.

It not only is a record of where the English language has come from but also become an important part of the history of English-speaking cultures around the world.

 B. 完成表格回读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。

Deadly flooding has swept China s northern provinces this summer,causing many losses such as a number of people died and houses were destroyed(破坏) by floods. Like many other natural disasters,floods can happen with little or no warming. Finish floods move quickly and have strong currents(水流). They are known to bring down trees and take down buildings. Besides,floods can cause power cuts (停电),traffic jam and other problems. But the food itself isn't the only problem to deal with. After the flood,it may have deadly results,as it may not be easy to send food and water to the area. 

So In the face of a flash food,how should we save ourselves?

*Don't use bridges that rapidly﹣moving water is crossing,as floodwater can cause bridges to break. 

*Listen to emergency broadcasts (应急广播) for more information. If told to move to another place,do so. 

*Stay inside the car if the car Is caught in the fast﹣moving water. Only get out if the water begins to food the car itself,and then move to the roof(项部) of the car. 

*Stay away from power lines (电线),as they are knocked down during the strong storms. Besides,here is something to keep in mind after a flood. 

*Do not use floodwater to wash food or drink it. 

*Return to your home only after the government has said it is safe to do so. 

*Use only bottled or clean water for drinking cooking are nothing. 

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}During and After Floods

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} brought by floods

*People may lose their life in the flood. 

*Houses and trees arc taken down or swept away. 

*Power cuts will probably happen when floods come. 

*People in the flood﹣hit area are probably{#blank#}3{#/blank#}water and food

During the flood

*Stay away from the bridges over rapidly﹣moving water. 

*Get useful information from the emergency broadcasts. 

*Stay inside the car if the car is caught in the fast﹣moving water. And move to the roof if necessary. 

"Don't stand{#blank#}4{#/blank#}power lines. 

After the flood

*Do not use floodwater to wash food or drink it. 

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}the government's advice before returning home. 

