
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    My family lives very happily on a farm near a small town. My father always learns some information about weather through the TV, the Internet and newspapers.

    One evening, he asked us to meet at the table after dinner. "I have some bad news," he said. "The weather reports on the television warned(警告)that we would face a typhoon tomorrow."

    At 6:30 a.m. the next day, the winds started and the rain was falling heavily. There were new warnings that the sea level could go up as much as 5 meters.

    The winds were terribly strong and tree branches were flying everywhere. Trees were falling down and the rain kept coming down.

    Just after 10:30, the wind stopped suddenly-it was strangely calm and the sun was shining. Then the winds came howling(咆哮)again, but this time more rain fell. There were more flying things and the storm came in. Everything within 1 km of the coast was flooded-there was fish in the streets. Now the winds were dying down, but the rain was still falling.

    After another two hours, the wind came to a stop at last. My home was in a mess and my mum burnt her arm when the hot water from the stove hit her skin. We were all frightened, but we were all safe, including the cat.

(1)、The father knew that there was going to be a typhoon from______.

A、the Internet B、the newspapers C、his friends D、the TV
(2)、What were the new warnings?

A、The sea level could go up as much as 5 meters. B、Trees were falling down. C、The winds came howling again. D、There were more flying things.
(3)、How long did the typhoon last?

A、About two hours. B、About four hours. C、About six hours. D、About eight hours.
(4)、What did not happen when the typhoon came?

A、There was flood. B、The snowstorm came in. C、The winds were terribly strong. D、The rain kept coming down.

    It was coming up on Marty's birthday. His mom had asked him what he wanted as a gift this year. He thought maybe a new bicycle, or maybe a new camera, a new basketball, or a telescope (望远镜)."Any of those gifts would be great," he said. Secretly, he hoped for the telescope. Marty loved space, stars, and learning about the planets.

    Marty's mom and dad talked about the gifts one night after Marty went to sleep." I think we should get Marty the telescope," said dad." He's so interested in space and the planets, he would like that the best." "Sounds good," said mom. Dad told her he would pick out a telescope for Marty the next day after work.

    Marty's dad had the telescope in his car. He waited until Marty was asleep and brought it into the house. "Wow!" said Marty's mom after dad put it together. "This is wonderful." " Now where are we going to hide it until Sunday?" "How about in the attic(阁楼)?" "Marty won't find it there."

    Sunday morning came and Marty ran down the stairs into the kitchen. His gift was usually near his chair at the table, but this year he didn't see anything. "Happy Birthday!" shouted mom and dad from the next room. They came into the kitchen and saw Marty was looking around for a gift. "I guess you think we forgot to get you a gift," said mom. Marty looked confused. "Well, you usually put my gift in the kitchen," Marty said. Dad told Marty to follow him outside the house in the yard. "This is fantastic!" shouted Marty. "I don't take many pictures, and I probably wouldn't use the basketball much, and my bike is okay for now. But I will use the telescope! Thanks so much." "You're welcome," said mom and dad. All that night, Marty saw many beautiful stars and even the planet Mars. Marty would remember his tenth birthday for the rest of his life!

