
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



Danger at Scituate Lighthouse

    Rebecca stood by her father, looking out the windows of Scituate Lighthouse. Low sand dunes (沙丘) with sea grass topped the Massachusetts beach. There were no clouds in the sky—nothing at all to give warning of the danger that was sailing toward them.

    "Now, Rebecca," Mr. Bates began, gazing out across the open sea, "I want you and Abigail to help your mother and take care of things while I go to town for food and supplies. I won't be gone long."

    "We'll help, "Rebecca promised.

    "I know I can count on you."

    Still, Mr. Bates looked a little worried about leaving the lighthouse. After all, peace between the US and the UK had not yet been declared, even though the war of 1812 was nearly over. Although English warships used to frequently attack towns along the coast—including Scituate—no English soldiers had been sighted for a long time. Besides, Rebecca thought as she watched her father set off, the family would soon starve if he didn't go for food.

    Her father hadn't been gone long when Rebecca happened to look out the window at the ocean. What she saw nearly made her heart stop. It was an enemy ship: a small, light-gunned British warship. Calling for her mother, she grabbed her father's telescope and could just make out the name painted on the side: La Hogue.

    Rebecca, Abigail, and their mother stood together, frightened, as they watched the ship sail closer. Mother told the girls to watch the ship while she tried to sound the alarm and warn the home guard in the nearby village. The girls watched helplessly as the great ship drew near. Two small boats were lowered off the side, and Rebecca knew the boats would come ashore quickly.

    It was time to run. As they ran down the lighthouse stairs, Rebecca suddenly stopped when she saw her fife (横笛). Oh my! She thought. It just might work… Rebecca grabbed the fife and the drum (鼓) that Abigail had been learning to play.

Paragraph 1:

    She and her sister hurried out of the lighthouse and over to the large sand dunes that lay behind it.

Paragraph 2:

    The English soldiers looked nervously at one another—the music of "Yankee Doodle" had to be coming from the confident American soldiers.


    I worked from the time when I was four and raised seven children, all of them college graduates. It seemed I'd done everything I'd ever wanted to do in my life, but I had one regret. I was born in 1898, the oldest of five kids. Papa couldn't spare me to go to school, so I worked in the fields with him till I was 21 years old.

    Everywhere I went, I learned some hard lessons about what happens to a man who even can't read the alphabet. People cheat you out of wages. They sell you a ticket to one city, take your money and hand you a ticket to somewhere else.

    By 1928, I'd been wandering for nine years. I met a woman named Elzenia. We fell in love, married and moved to Dallas, where I got work fixing roads for the city. When Amelia, the oldest of our seven children, first went to school, I took my wife aside. "Elzenia," I said. "I don't want the kids to know I can't read or write."

    In 1938, one day my boss called me in. "George," he said. "No one knows those machines like you do. I'd like to promote you." But my thrill and surprise were cut short when he said, "Fill out this application and we'll get you a raise." I couldn't admit the truth. I thanked him and walked out of his office. I did stay right where I was, until I turned 65 and my boss made me retire. But I didn't stop working. For the next 25 years, I lived a happy life, but it still seemed to me like something was missing.

    A young fellow handed me a piece of paper. It's information about adult education classes. People can learn to read and write. Now I'm 98. I thought of my friends and neighbours and what they might think if they found out I couldn't read. After all these years, my secret would be out. But all my life I've wanted to read. It was high time for action.





Paragraph 1:

    The young man drove me to

Paragraph 2:

    I'm still going to school.


    I always prided myself on being a wise shopper and having a good nose for bargains. So when I came across a sporting goods store with a sign "Going Out of Business Sale" I marched into the crowded store. Up and down the aisles (通道), I wandered, humming to myself and enjoying the energy and excitement of a sale.

    All of a sudden, there, at the back of the store sat acanoe (轻舟) exactly like my husband's dream Supremo Numero-Uno,whose picture had been stuck on the bathroom mirror for years. My heart beat wildly. I pushed my way through the crowds, and nearly fell into the canoe looking for the price tag. There it was, with the manufacturer's suggested price at $6,750 plus tax crossed out and a handwritten TO CLEAR $750 AS IS. Must be a mistake. $6000 off? Salesman. I had to talk to a salesman. I spotted a young fellow with a "Hi. I'm Mathew". "Mathew. Tell me about this El Supremo canoe. What's wrong with it? Why is it only $750?"

    "Oh. There's nothing wrong with it. It's brand new. We're closing the store. It's on clearance like everything else. I'll go check." A few minutes later he came back and said, "I'm sorry ma'am. Someone made a mistake on the sale tag. It should be $4,750 for the whole package."

    I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Oh well", I said sadly. "Of course, it was too good to be true. This is exactly like my husband's dreamboat. I guess I started to dream myself when I saw that price tag. He's going to be 62 years old Friday. Had to retire early for his health. It's been hard on just the pension but the stubborn old fool has been saving $10 every week for years to buy one just like this. I promise I won't buy anything, but it's just an old man's silly dream, you know. Always said he wanted to fish in a canoe after he retired," my voice lowered and I turned and walked away.


Paragraph 1:

    I was already at the mall door when Mathew caught up with me. "Do you have $750 plus $25 for delivery, ma'am?"

Paragraph 2:

    "Ma'am. There's something you should know. This store was my Grandpa's and the canoe had been ordered by him.


Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Maryland. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain一it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender's identity and was just delighted in the beauty and fragrance of that magical, perfect white flower placed in soft pink tissue paper.

However, I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. My mother contributed to these imaginings. And at that time, she'd ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness showing appreciation. As a teenager, I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy I fell in love or one who had noticed me even though I didn't know him.

When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a line of words on my mirror in red lipstick. I thought about that quotation from Emerson for a long time, and until my heart healed and went to get the glass cleaned, my mother knew everything was all right again. One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and overwhelming anger; my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my coming graduation, the play and the prom. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things.

The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a prom dress. We'd found a spectacular, and impressive one, with yards and yards of dotted Swiss in red, white and blue.




It made me feel like a film star, but it was the wrong size.


She always loved her children all the way.


