
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    On a bright early summer morning, many young swimmers gather at a local swimming pool in the state of Maryland. They are members of a competitive summer swim team, and that's a regular part of their daily life. As they train and cut seconds off their times, which makes them closer to the championship in the following large-scale (大规模的) competitions, they are getting lots of physical exercise and vitamin D from the sun. However, the benefits of belonging to a sports team are not just honor or health related. You can learn useful life skills.

    Paul Waas, coach of the swim team, explains, "The discipline (自制力) comes into play when you're talking about concentrating on the details that your coaches are saying as it makes you faster rather than going up and down the pool the same way you have every time. When you focus on what you're doing right and what you can do better, then you'll see the improvement.”

    Besides, there is also responsibility, goals and workings within a group. Again, here is Coach Waas. "It's really great! It's so fun to watch from year to year. I've had kids who as 7-year-olds on the team could barely pay attention in practice and were only interested in who was going first. Now they've come back as 8-year-olds, having set some goals and having things that they want to achieve. These skills can help them a lot."

    But playing the sports is not without harm. Some can be hard on the body. Young athletes suffer serious injuries that follow them into adulthood. Coach Waas says that in fact, swimming is different from most others. First, it poses a lower risk of injury. The second one relates to how swim teams are structured. Actually, children are not the only ones who can benefit. Adults can also benefit from team sports.

(1)、Why do the swimmers gather at a swimming pool in the early morning?
A、To obtain vitamin D from the sun. B、To build practical skills for future. C、To join in a large-scale competitive. D、To carry out their routine practice.
(2)、What do Paul Waas' words imply in paragraph 2?
A、Swimmers should concentrate on details. B、Members get disciplined and focused in the team. C、Coaches play a key role in layers' improvement. D、Most swimmers enjoy sinning in the same way.
(3)、What happens to the kids after a year's training?
A、They are more aware of what to do. B、They pay less attention to training. C、They devote more time to practice. D、They care more about who goes first.
(4)、What does the author want to convey in the text?
A、Exercise benefits everyone. B、Swimming is better than other sports. C、Team sports teach life lessons. D、Physical exercise should be a habit.

    James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9. There, a school teacher asked the youth his name.

    "J.C. "he replied.

    She thought he had said "Jesse", and he had a new name.

    Owens ran his first race at age 13. After high school, he went to Ohio State University. He had to work part time so as to pay for his education. As a second year student, in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later.

    A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try. He did try, and the results are in the record book.

    The stage was set for Owens' victory at the Olympic Games in Berlin the next year, and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic but also political. Hitler did not congratulate any of the African American winners.

    "It was all right with me," he said years later. "I didn't go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway."

    Having returned from Berlin, he received no telephone calls from the president of his own country, either. In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death.

    Owens' Olympic victories made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks, motorcycles and dogs.

    "Sure, it bothered me," he said later. "But at least it was an honest living. I had to eat."

    In time, however, his gold medals changed his life. "They have kept me alive over the years, "he once said." Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard."


    The British live on a small island. They are surrounded by the sea, so it is not surprising that the sea has always played an important role in their lives. After the development of large, ocean­going sailing ships in the fifteenth century, the sea became even more important to the country's development. Ships setting sail from England determined to extend Britain's territories, its wealth and its knowledge of the world. Ships returned to England bringing goods, people and new ideas from foreign places. By the nineteenth century, Britain had the largest, most powerful navy in the world.

    The great sailing ships were so much a part of British life that they even affected the language. Many English expressions we use today were originally nautical (航海的) terms, although most people no longer realize this. For example, people commonly describe an honest and fair business deal as being "above board". This expression was originally used in sailing ship times when secretive, dishonest ship's business would be carried out below decks (below the boards) out of public view. On the other hand, honest business was always conducted on deck (above the boards), in the open where everyone could see what was going on.

    "Pipe down!", meaning "Be quiet!", is another common expression that has nautical origins. The ship's boatswain (水手长) would blow a whistle, or pipe, at the end of the day to indicate (表明) to the sailors it was time to quieten down and go to sleep.

    Most native English speakers have heard the expression "not enough room to swing a cat", but few know that the "cat" does not refer to a small furry animal with four legs and a tail. The "cat" is actually a short form of "cat of nine tails" — a whip with nine, knotted (打结的) tails. A boatswain needed a lot of space in order to swing the whip properly when lashing (鞭打) a poor sailor under his control!




    We ask you to keep a medium-sized suitcase per person, but a small holdall can also be taken onto the coach.


    Requests for particular seats can be made on most coach breaks (巴士旅游) when booking, but since seats are booked on a first come, first serve basic, early booking is advisable. When bookings are made with us, you will be offered the best seats that are available on the coach at that time.

    Travel Documents

    When you have paid your deposit(订金), we will send you all the necessary documents, so that you can receive them in good time before the coach break leaving date. Certain documents, for example, air or boat tickets, may have to be reserved and your guide will then give them to you during the break.

    Special Diets

    If you require a special diet, you must inform us at the time of booking with a copy of the diet. This will be told to the hotels on your coach break. The hotels for certain coach breaks are tourist class and they may not have the equipment to deal with special diets. Any extra costs must be paid to the hotel by yourself before leaving the hotel.


    On any coach break there are only a limited number of single rooms. When a single room is available, it may be subject to an extra charge and this will be shown on the brochure page.


    Some of our hotels arrange extra entertainment which could include music, dancing, films, etc. The nature and frequency of the entertainment presented is decided by the hotel and therefore not guaranteed and could be withdrawn if there is a lack of demand or insufficient numbers in the hotel.


How Much Can We Afford to Forget?

    In 2018, Science magazine asked some young scientists what schools should teach students. Most said students should spend less time memorizing facts and have more space for creative activities. As the Internet grows more powerful, students can access(获得)knowledge easily. Why should they be required to carry so much of it around in their heads?

    Civilizations(文明)develop through forgetting life skills that were once necessary. In the Agricultural(农业的)Age, a farmer could afford to forget hunting skills. When societies industrialized, the knowledge of farming could be safe to forget. Nowadays, smart machines give us access to most human knowledge. It seems that we no longer need to remember most things. Does it matter?

    Researchers have recognized several problems that may happen. For one, human beings have biases (偏见), and smart machines are likely to increase our biases. Many people believe smart machines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing and scoring process. In the process, human beings still decide on the correct answers.

    Another problem relates to the case of accessing information. When there were no computers, efforts were required to get knowledge from other people, or go to the library. We know what knowledge lies in other brains or books, and what lies in our heads. But today, the Internet gives us the information we need quickly. This can lead to the mistaken belief — the knowledge we found was part of what we knew all along.

    In a new civilization rich in machine intelligence, we have easy access to smart memory networks where information is stored. But dependency on a network suggests possibilities of being harmed easily. The collapse of any of the networks of relations our well-being(健康)depends upon, such as food and energy, would produce terrible results. Without food we get hungry; without energy we feel cold. And it is through widespread loss of memory that civilizations are at risk of falling into a dark age.

    We forget old ways to free up time and space for new skills. As long as the older forms of knowledge are stored somewhere in our networks, and can be found when we need them, perhaps they're not really forgotten. Still, as time goes on, we gradually but unquestionably become strangers to future people.


    3D printing is a recent technological development that has started making its way into the marketplace. It is a way of making 3D objects from computer models. 3D printing works by adding together layers of material. This pattern is repeated until the layers form a shape for almost any purpose. The almost unlimited possibility of 3D printing is quickly leading to a revolution in how things are made and produced. As with most technology, 3D printing may help to create things that could benefit humans. However, it could also be used to create things that could harm other people.

    One of the promising aspects (方面) of 3D printing is that it may help doctors treat patients in need. Currently 3D printing is being used to create prostheses (假体) that helps replace missing noses and eyeballs, thus greatly cutting down on the usual wait time for a new prostheses. Dentists are also using 3D printers to create custom toothbrushes for patients' teeth. The toothbrush fits a person's teeth well, which means that they get a much cleaner mouth than with regular toothbrushes. Many scientists see the potential for 3D printing to create replacement organs for people who need organ transplants. This would save lives as it remove the need for such patients to wait for an organ donation (捐献).

    Although many people believe 3D printing is a positive technology that could help humans, it may also have the opposite effect. There is a recent controversy (争议) about the ability of 3D printing to produce arms such as guns. Recently, one organization announced the plans to produce a 3D plastic gun. Anyone with the proper technology and with the determination to make a gun could potentially do so. Will the future of 3D printing provide hope or danger to humans?

