
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    As I was leaving to meet Lynne, my roommate told me that I'd better take some money. But I didn't listen to him. I thought that Lynne would pay because she had invited me. I arrived at the restaurant exactly on time. I'd been told that Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table in the corner of restaurant and a waitress came and took our order.

    The dinner was a great success. I talked a lot about Saudi Arabia and Lynne told me all about herself. After two hours, the waitress finally came and asked if we wanted one check or two. Lynne said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I was embarrassed (尴尬) when the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I pretended to look for something in my pockets and said, “Oh! I forgot my wallet! Can I call my roommate, please?” The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called my roommate. In a few minutes, he arrived with some money, but he couldn't hide how he felt. He laughed all the way home. Now, I think it's funny too, but at that time I was terribly embarrassed. I thought that an invitation to have dinner in the United States meant the same thing as that in China. I guess you have to understand that your customs are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country, you have to learn about their customs, too.

(1)、The writer's roommate advised the writer to take some money with him ______.

A、to pay for the meal B、to share the cost of the meal C、to invite Lynne to dinner D、to pay for the taxi
(2)、The roommate laughed all the way home because ________.

A、the writer was embarrassed when he couldn't pay his check B、the writer hadn't told Lynne the truth C、the writer listened to him when he left the house D、the dinner wasn't a great success
(3)、The writer and Lynne ________.

A、enjoyed their meal very much B、didn't finish successfully their meal C、traveled to Saudi Arabia together D、weren't happy during the dinner
(4)、What is the passage mainly about?

A、People should always take some money with them B、A Chinese man must pay for the meal C、A good roommate can really help you a lot D、Customs can be entirely (完全地) different in different countries

    Ever since I was a child,my mouth has caused me trouble.I'm not a bad person;I have just had a hard time learning when to keep my mouth closed.

My mom has told me again and again,"Robert,your constant bad words are hurting me.If you continue to be this rude,you will get into big trouble."

    It's been a problem at school several times,too,when teachers have told me something I didn't want to hear.I used to feel it was my duty to stand up for myself and tell them ______ off.

    One day in English class I began working on my homework until I heard a classmate talking behind me.It was Nathaniel,talking to himself as usual.

I said ever so nicely,"Nathaniel,would you be quiet?"

Nathaniel continued talking to himself.I quickly shouted,"Nathaniel,shut up!"

    For the next five minutes,we threw hurtful words back and forth at each other.

"At least I don't have an ugly lazy eye like you!"I shouted.

    I knew this would bother him deep inside.It would hurt his feelings and shut him up.

What I said filled him with anger.He tried to reach over my seat and grab me as he shouted."That's it! That's it!"

    Surprised at his reaction,I sat back in seat.Never had I seen Nathaniel act like this before.

Later on,we were taken to the principal's office.

There,the principal told US to discuss the matter.It wasn't until then that I finally found that when I hurt someone physically,the wounds(伤口)eventually heal.But when I hurt them with my words,sometimes the pain never goes away.

    At the end of the discussion,I said sorry to Nathaniel.

    When I headed back to my room,I spent some time praying. I began to think about how often what I said hurt others.But I believe that as I keep praying and asking God to help me,he'll tell me when to keep my mouth closed.

