
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    "Are you listening, Simon?" Simon's teacher asked. It was a pretty usual question.

    Simon shook his head, smiling. He hardly listened or tried hard in class. Talking was so much fun. He wanted to be heard rather than listen.

    "Listen, and you'll learn something." Mrs. Jacobs tried every day, but Simon never paid attention.

    That evening, his throat really hurt. The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say "Good morning", nothing came out but a croak.

    Simon's mother looked at him. "Honey, you've lost your voice."

    "Can I stay home?" He tried to ask, but words didn't come out. Instead, his mother checked him for a fever and decided it was good for him to go to school, even if he couldn't talk.

    When he got to school, Mrs. Jacobs said "Hello" to him, and he just nodded. When his friends asked him what TV shows he watched last night, he just shrugged. By the time the bell rang for class, almost everyone was looking at him as if he'd grown a third eye.

    Penny raised her hand. "Mrs. Jacobs, why isn't Simon talking?" "He never stops talking." Richard said worriedly.

    Everyone started talking at once. They were excited, worried, and surprised.

    Simon sat in class, bored. He watched them talk to each other as if the teacher wasn't there, but he couldn't even do that. In math class he could hold up fingers if the answer was less than 10, but that wasn't fun. He decided to try to pay attention.

    He could do his homework that night. It gave him TV and game time with his work all done.

    The next day, even though his voice came back, he stayed quiet again. The third day, he could talk fine, but he listened and raised his hand to speak.

    What a difference that one day made!

(1)、What did Mrs. Jacobs want Simon to do in class?
A、To talk. B、To listen. C、To sit up. D、To stay awake.
(2)、What was the problem with Simon that day?
A、He got a cough. B、He was late for school. C、He lost his voice. D、He lost interest in school.
(3)、Why was almost everyone looking at Simon?
A、Because he grew a third eye. B、Because Mrs. Jacobs praised him. C、Because he talked with nobody. D、Because Mrs. Jacobs nodded to him.
(4)、Why could Simon do his homework that night?
A、Because he already got his voice back. B、Because he paid much attention in class. C、Because he was given much easier homework. D、Because he learnt to use fingers in class.
(5)、What's the best title for the text?
A、Are you talking? B、Are you listening? C、Is your voice OK? D、Is your school fun?

Why Live Near the River?

Imagine pioneers traveling west in the 1800s. In those days, it was hard to find running water and shops where to buy things. As time went by, most pioneers had to make their homes near a river so that they could get water easily.

How did rivers help people live in the past?

Back in the pioneer days, people grew their own food, caught their own fish, and collected their own water.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}People also used rivers as roads, traveling on boats. Traders shipped goods (货物) to people from other areas.


When building many factories right next to rivers for the water's power to make machines work, some people choose to live near a river for working. They use the river to ship large goods, and some of them work at these factories where power factories provide electricity for homes and businesses.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

Who wouldn't want to live near a river?

Some people are nervous about living near rivers because rivers can cause floods (洪水). Every once in a while, floodwaters rise higher than a house, ruining (毁坏) many things in the house.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Such waste causes water to smell bad and pollutes the crops (作物) we eat. Water and crops in polluted areas can make people very sick.

How do people decide where to live?

 {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Rivers can provide jobs and fun activities in a beautiful place. However, those living by rivers should be willing to accept possible problems as well.

A. Why do people live near rivers now?

B. Why did people want to live near a river?

C. Some factories put their waste into rivers.

D. Staying close to a river was easy to get water for living.

E. Some factories stop waste water from running into rivers.

F. People who carry goods onto ships live near the river, too.

G. People should think over the possible risks before deciding where to live.

