
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语-_牛津译林版-_高一下册-_模块3-_Unit 3 Back to the past

    “How does the yard look?” My father asked, with his eyes shining. I could tell he was eagerly waiting for my 1. “Wonderful!” I replied after I gave it a thorough 2 . Then I recited all the changes I had 3 in his yard and he smiled contently.
    When I was young, my mother 4 in a car accident, leaving my father alone to 5 their three young daughters. At the beginning, life was not always6and my younger sisters usually complained. However, Dad always 7 us to believe that life was good. Meanwhile, he tried his best to 8that belief.
    In 1972, my dad developed a piece of waste land that had been9 on Okaloosa Island. Every year at the first sign of 10 , he would begin spending countless hours working there to make it be bursting with colors. Through his continuous hard work, the land 11turned into a beautiful garden with different types of flowers and other unique plants. While our friends were enjoying their vacation through traveling to different places, we were 12 working with my dad in his yard, watering the flowers, weeding or cutting off the branches. Sometimes, our friends were envious of our working vacation, and we would 13 them. Dad made his yard very 14 so that it became our vacation paradise during our childhood.
    For so many years, when we were 15 , we liked to visit Dad's yard, because it could 16us of Dad's belief. It was Dad and his yard that gave us 17 that enabled us to survive and 18 major challenges in life. One day, it shocked us that Dad said he would not 19 the yard. Then he explained, “Twenty years ago I decided to start my work in that yard to tell you life is good. Now my work is done.” We were sitting in 20, recalling what we had experienced. Life was good. Dad was right.
A、excuse  B、answer C、decision  D、suggestion
A、clean   B、suggestion C、inspection  D、arrangement
A、achieved B、imagined  C、discovered D、promised
A、passed away B、turned up C、ran away D、gave up
A、scold B、raise C、rescue D、persuade
A、 smooth  B、sorrowful C、wealthy D、lonely
A、forced  B、allowed C、authorized  D、encouraged
A、change  B、prove C、understand D、criticize
A、advertised B、abandoned C、disappeared  D、provided
A、spring  B、summer C、autumn D、winter
A、suddenly  B、gradually  C、temporarily  D、occasionally
A、impatiently B、carelessly C、happily D、unwillingly
A、invite   B、challenge C、accompany D、consult
A、unnecessary B、unreasonable C、disgusting D、extraordinary
A、confident  B、angry  C、guilty D、low
A、 warn   B、accuse    C、remind  D、inform
A、emotion  B、choices C、strength D、opportunities
A、forget  B、admit C、create D、conquer
A、continue  B、sell C、challenge  D、extend
A、safety  B、despair  C、doubt  D、silence

    My name is Timothy. I'm 21 years old and I've been diagnosed with autism(自闭症) since the age of 2. I'd like to 1 my story with you about my life with autism.

    Firstly, autism makes me a loner. I can't easily2too much human-to-human communication at the same time. I find it difficult to process all that spoken and unspoken information. I also3some other stuff that has been a rocky roadblock during my life. It's very4to live through the times that I put up with during my life5 teasing, struggling to adapt to new6like schools, on and off depression.7seeing my relative's death and the struggles with my disability. Well,8all of those horrible barriers that tried to cut me down, I have overcome them.

    Those things I mentioned are just a(n)9part of my life.10 there are good things in my life. Currently, I work at a local library to get some11. Outside of that, I'm a writer and motivational speaker to reach people and12their spirits. Now, I'm writing a book titled Through My Eyes: Tim and his Poetry, which is about my life and the 5013I've written.

    Every day, there will be14challenges that are going to fall on me, but I will get stronger as I conquer them. Now, autism can still15me and I go back into my own little16for a short time, then I bring myself back by trying to be as17as I can. I have a few18to be sociable with people. The first one is to ask others about how their day is going19the reply, and then try to talk about something we have in20


    At 7 a.m. on October 2, 2016, I got up, feeling excited and nervous. The first thought on my mind was, “Today's game is my first1football game.” I've played before but not like this, Not in pads (护具), not with a helmet on my head, my heart started beating faster. I 2finished breakfast and left for the field.

    The whole time on the bus, I felt sick and nervous. Finally, I reached the field3that white number 7 jersey (运动衫) for the first time made me feel great. I felt like4was my fortune.

    We stood there. By the look on our faces, you could see who had 5before and who hadn't. To me, it felt like a war. I was a(n)6soldier going into battle. Now I know that feeling was fear. We had7but not the real game. In training, we took a form and knew each other. In the8you don't know your opponent's strength. Everything just happened 9you know it was happening.

    We did warm-ups, some of us couldn't 10to play, jumping around and yelling. Others stood still waiting for direction. The referees came out. We knew the game11came. As a captain, I went out for the coin toss to see which team would get the ball first. Campus Magnet won the coin toss. They12to receive.

    Soon the game 13I tracked down the ball carrier and ran at a full speed. I lowered my shoulders and ran into his side with all my 14knocking him down and at the same time knocking my15out. I stood to my feet and16what I had done. I'd made my first tackle (阻截). I was 17my dream, feeling renewed, That tackle 18me, giving me strength, confidence and the desire to go on.

    We 19that game—48 to 6. That year we went undefeated20every team on our schedule, I was rated the best receiver in our division.


    A month ago, my friend Nick and I experienced a(n) 1 event. It was the evening of the fourth day on our hitchhiking(搭便车) trip to Morocco. We were 2 on the side of a main road in the cold 3. It was nearly dark. To our 4, there wasn't a single bit of grass where we could put up our tent. Finally, we reached a small town after 5 for about an hour and a half.

    We found a bar where we thought we might be able to 6 ourselves first. Then we would 7 where we are going. We each bought a coffee, but the barman, José, brought over some bread 8. Full of thankfulness for his generosity(慷慨), we explained to him what we were doing. He showed much interest in our 9.

    Then, we asked José if we could 10 on his floor. We were very worried he would refuse. 11, he said yes! Thinking he lived upstairs, we waited for him to lock us in 12 he could be sure we didn't 13 anything. To our surprise, he gave us the keys! He showed us how the 14 worked, said goodnight and was off.

    We all stood in 15. In only a few hours we had gone from standing in the cold rain to owning a 16 bar. All the fridges were 17 and there was a fair amount of money on the sideboard. We were amazed at how much he 18 us. Then it was a good night's sleep. The next morning, he 19 and we let him into his own bar. 20, he gave us a free meal, and then we were on our way.

