
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    In 1972, Richard Sears, a young American began learning Chinese because of his interest in traditional Chinese culture.

    Drawn to the ancient language, he went to China to study Chinese in the 1990s.

    In 1994, Richard Sears decided to put the ancient Chinese characters online. Then, in 2002, he did it That is the beginning of the Chinese Etymology (汉字字源) website. "My website did not get much attention for the next few years. Until one day in 2011, it suddenly got a lot of attention.

    I got a few thousand emails, and a few million visitors and people started calling me 'Uncle Hanzi', " Sears said with a smile. Hanzi means Chinese characters. He has put more than 96, 000 ancient Chinese characters onto the website. "When I study each character, I wonder what the ancient Chinese thought," said Sears.

    After visiting many Chinese cities, Sears learned more about China and ancient Chinese culture, He said when he came to China in the last century, few Chinese could speak good English "However, you can hear English in many places in China now. Chinese language and culture were mysterious and not known by people in most countries then, but now, more and more people in the world are learning Chinese, even Chinese history, traditional Chinese medicine and so on, "Sears added.

    At present, the 70-year-old American has made his home in China. "When I die, I hope my website will live on, and I'm planning to write a book about my research. This will be my gift to China, "he said.

(1)、What does "Drawn to the ancient language" mean in Paragraph1?
A、Sears was interested in ancient Chinese. B、Sears had to study Chinese characters. C、Sears could draw Chinese characters well. D、Sears could speak ancient Chinese very well.
(2)、Chinese Etymology website went online in_________________.
A、1972 B、1994 C、2002 D、2011
(3)、What did Sears put on Chinese Etymology website?
A、Chinese history. B、Ancient Chinese characters. C、The daily life of Richard Sears D、Traditional Chinese medicine.
(4)、From the passage, we can infer that Sears set up the website to ___________.
A、become famous B、get the nick name "Uncle Hanzi" C、write a book about his research D、make more people know about ancient Chinese characters
(5)、The best title for the passage could be _____________.
A、Great Changes in China B、Mysterious Chinese Language and Culture C、American "Uncle Hanzi" D、A Young American and Traditional Chinese Culture

    Imagine this. Somebody hides free books in the subway for you to find and read. Sound exciting? Well, British actress Emma Watson, 26, is doing it! She is known for acting as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies.

    Watson hid 100 copies of a book called Mom & Me & Mom (2013) in London's subway. The book is an autobiography(自传)from US writer Maya Angelou. It tells about the writer's relationship with her mother. These books were put in different places in the subway. People saw Watson doing the same thing in the New York Subway this month.

    With each book, there is a handwritten note by Watson. She asked people to "take special care" of the books if they find them. She also wrote that "when you are finished, please leave it on the subway again for someone else to find".

    Watson's work is part of a movement called Books on the Underground. It calls on people to leave their books on the subway so other people can enjoy them too.

    Hollie Belton, a woman in London, started the movement in 2012. She loves reading on the subway. She noticed that a lot of people shared her habit, so she got the idea. Over the years, Belton has left over 2,000 books of her own. The movement has attracted more and more people.

    Watson is a book lover as well. That's why she tried it. Earlier this year, Watson set up her own online book club Our Shared Shelf. She reads a book every month with others. Mom & Me & Mom is the club's book for November.

