
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



How to Prepare for an Interview

    Once you have received an interview call, you need to start your interview preparations . Lack of proper preparation on the other hand may lead to poor results.


    Review the resume(简历) and cover letter you sent for this particular job. Consider how you want to convey this information verbally and think of specific examples from your past experiences which highlight your skills, qualifications and achievements.


    Find information about the potential employer and the position you have applied for. . A good research reflects well on your enthusiasm and the information you gain from relevant websites will help you prepare questions for the employer and give you a good sense of salary levels and working conditions.


    Predict interview questions. . You can practice with a friend to get feedback on your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Invent a list of intelligent questions to ask during your interview.

    ⒋Interview date

    Dress for success and bring along any documents or information you may need, such as extra copies of your resume and references. Arrive fifteen minutes prior to the interview and be friendly, respectful and positive with everyone you meet.


    . You will miss a valuable opportunity by failing to follow up with an organization after the interview. Follow up with the interviewers and inquire about the status of your application if you have not heard from them within the agreed time frame.

A. Know yourself

B. Write a good resume

C. Use the Internet to get current information

D. Ensure you know the interviewer's questions

E. After the interview, your work is not quite finished

F. In addition, prepare and practice answers to possible questions

G. Thorough preparation will increase your confidence and help you improve your performance


    I used to be a thin little kid who was always the shortest and sickest in my class. I wasn't very athletically involved during my childhood.

    When I entered middle school, a lot of my friends were signing up for the school's sports teams. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}On the first day of tryouts(选拔赛) for the soccer team, the coach told us to run laps for warm-up. As I struggled to keep up with the team, I found myself falling farther behind until I was the last one to finish. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    I was disappointed, but at the same time, I knew I had to do something about my health and fitness. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} People thought I was crazy because I ran a slow 11-mintue mile in the gym class, but I was determined to get into shape and improve my mile time.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} It was a lot of running for me, but I kept on practicing day after day. As the seasons progressed, I found that I could run longer and faster.

    Eighth grade soon rolled around and I was feeling really confident about trying out for another sports meet. Instead of attempting soccer a second time, I decided to give field hockey a try. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} This time, I was well prepared. After a week of tryouts, I was ecstatic (狂喜的) to see that my name made it on the list.

    I was inspired, and I learned an important lesson: Once you do get into shape, don't stop or give up!

A. Again, the coach instructed us to run a lot of laps.

B. After tryouts were over, my name never made it on the list.

C. I made a big decision to sign up for the track and field team.

D. Being in shape helped me feel energetic, flexible, and strong.

E. Fortunately, I wasn't the only slow runner trying to get into shape.

F. The first day of practice was one of the hardest workouts I've ever had.

G. One of my friends convinced me to try out for the soccer team with her and I agreed.


    Why do we go to zoos? Millions of people around the world visit zoos each year, but the reason is hard to explain .{#blank#}1{#/blank#} But the animals they see in zoos are little like the toys, cartoons, and decorations that fill their homes. For such children, meeting with real animals can be confusing, even upsetting.

    The great interest that children have in animals today might lead one to suppose that this has always been the case. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}That was also when zoos became an important part of middle-class life.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}They lived together with our ancestors in a shared natural environment. In the Industrial Era, the human domination (支配)of animals could be seen in the popularity of real-looking animal toys. Children rode rocking-horses that had realistic features, and they slept with bears, tigers, and rabbits that looked and felt almost real. The Twentieth Century marked a further development--the change of animals into people.

    This was the age of Babar the Elephant, Hello Kitty, and the Lion King. Parents and children had previously wanted animals that looked like animals.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    In a zoo they hope to see the living breathing versions of their character friends. They find instead unfamiliar creatures who cannot speak, smile, or interact with them. For this reason, a visit to the zoo can be disappointing for children today.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Meeting real animals reminds us forcefully of the boundary between imagination and reality.

    When we visit animals in a zoo, perhaps we will recall our true relationship not only to animals but to the entire world.

A. Animals are the best friends of the human beings.

B. Most of children are looking forward to visiting zoos.

C. Perhaps that disappointment is the best gift a zoo can offer.

D. But now they want animals that look and act like humans

E. Yet, it was not until the Industrial Era that animals became part of childhood.

F. In prehistoric times, there had been no zoos, as animals were a real part of the human world.

G. Many of those visitors are children, whose lives are already surrounded by animals' images.


The origins of football

    If I ask whether you want to come out and play Pasuckaukohowog or Aqsaqtuk, will you know what I am talking about? I don't think you will, but they are very old names for a sport which is extremely popular today{#blank#}1{#/blank#} The origins of football can be found in every corner of the world.

    Civilizations throughout history all played ball games and many of these can be considered forerunners of the modern game{#blank#}2{#/blank#} However, there is scientific evidence that suggests that ball games were played even earlier in ancient China with the name of cuju. There is evidence to show that ball games in Egypt were linked to agriculture and religious ceremonies.

    Did you know that the Native American Indians played football?{#blank#}3{#/blank#} It was quite often that players would finish the game with broken bones and other serious injuries. In fact the game was almost a war with up to 500 players on each side!

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} So they would often disguise themselves with lots of paint to avoid being recognized.

    The game was normally played on a sports field that was often one mile long with goals at either end. The game could last for hours and was often carried on from one day to the next.

    During the Mid-19th century, football was played at the public schools of England with totally different rules. To unite the widely different forms of football, they came up with the rules that were known as the Cambridge Rules.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} They allow goal kicks, throw-ins as well as forward passes and prevent running while you are holding the ball!

    So next time when you're playing football, be thankful that there is one universally accepted rule for playing!

A. Football was considered a male sport.

B. They are really a set of football rules.

C. The players understood the violent nature of the game.

D. Ball games were first played in Egypt as early as 1800 BC.

E. The sport is football.

F. This game was incredibly violent at that time.

G. These records prove that the sport has a long tradition throughout history.


Helpful Pet Tips

    Selecting the Right Pet

    Keep the following questions in mind before bringing home a new companion:

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} A large dog will need lots of room to exercise, so if you live in a small apartment, you may prefer the company of a cat.

    How much attention can you give? You don't want your new pet to be lonely if you frequently work late or travel. A fish is a wise choice.

    Do you have children or will children frequently visit your home? Some animals are just better with kids due to their nature. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Are there any tasks you would like the animal to perform? If you're looking for a guard dog, you'll want different qualities than if you're purely seeking companionship.

Keeping Pets Healthy and Happy

    One of the top pet lips for potential owners is making .sure you're feeding your new friend properly. Ask your veterinarian about the nutritional needs of an animal of its age, size and breeding,{#blank#}3{#/blank#} In addition, owners must safeguard the health of their pets. This means staying up-to-date on immunizations(防疫针) and check-ups. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} In this way, you can help you notice the first signs of potential illness. Timely treatment can prevent any unnecessary suffering or ill effects.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} This helps keep animals at a healthy weight while also providing opportunities for pets and owners to bond. In the end, attention and affection will go a long way toward keeping your new family member happy and contented.

A. How much space do you have?

B. Some families want a puppy for hours of play.

C. Buy top-quality food or seek out natural food.

D. How much energy do you expect from your pet?

E. Keep an eye out for changes in appearance or behavior.

F. Make sure you're also devoting proper time to your companion's exercise.

G. You want a pet that will accept your child's attention, not get nervous or bite.


    Keeping the memory in shape is important at any age, but it requires a bit more work as we grow. There are some simple activities that can improve your memory.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Awaken your senses.

    Use your senses to help your memory store(储存) needed information. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}You can ask yourself like this: Is the sky a light blue or deep purple? The more involved(参与的) you can be in the information, the easier it is for your brain to store it.

    Use imagination and relation.

    Trying to remember names? Let's say you meet a man named Frank Parker. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Tie the two together by picturing Frank dressed up in a hot dog costume(服装) parking his car in the parking lot. Now each time you see Frank, you should easily recall his name.

    Breathe deeply and relax.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Relax, breathe deeply and slowly and let your mind ease up for a minute. Being relaxed makes it easier for information to be both stored and remembered.


    When you come upon something you need to remember, say to yourself, “Hey, pay attention and remember this!” You are giving yourself a wake-up call as well as giving your mind a marker that it can use to help in storing the new information.

A. Give yourself an order.

B. Get a good night's sleep.

C. Here are four of them to get you started.

D. Picture a hot dog for Frank and a car for Parker.

E. For example, note the colors of a picture you want to remember.

F. When we try hard to remember something we often become nervous.

G. The way you live influences not only your physical health but also your memory.


    Being a teenager can be tough. “Troubled” and “rebellious(叛逆的)” are often labels that people give kids in their teens. There are even scientific theories explaining that the likelihood of teenagers taking is due to the fact that their brains aren't fully developed yet. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    But a new study by researches at the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University may have finally cleared up this misunderstanding. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}They simply are easily attracted by new things and are eager to explore the world.

    The adolescents(青少年) lack experience. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}This personality trait(特征)is called “sensation seeking”, which is shared by a lot of people and usually peaks during adolescence.

    Instead of being something to worry about, sensation seeking is actually necessary, since the process of learning usually goes hand in hand with taking risks. "Teenagers need to build experience so that they can do a better job in making the difficult and risky decisions in later life. 'Should I take this job? or ' {#blank#}4{#/blank#}' ”said Valerie Reyna, co –author of the study.

    “{#blank#}5{#/blank#}If they don't make a mistake in their teenage years, they will have no life experience when they turn 18 and step out of their parents' protection and into a world that's unknown to them. Kids need the freedom to test out boundaries while still in a safe environment,” wrote Ann Robinson, editor of The Guardian.

A. Should I marry this person?

B. It turns out that teenagers are fine

C. Adolescents should do as follows

D. What can parents do to help the kids?

E. There's something scarier than taking a risk.

F. in other words, they just can't help it.

G. Therefore, they keep trying things out for the first time in their life.

