
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



During the darkest days of the drought(干旱)that hit the western US since the early 2000s,rivers went dry from north to south. Consequently, low river flows severely reduced the amount of carbon-free electricity that could be produced by the thousands of hydroelectric power plants(水力发电厂)along rivers across the West.

Now, a group of researchers have figured out that an extra 100 million tons of carbon ended up in the atmosphere because people had to use carbon-emitting(碳排放)power sources instead of hydroelectric power during drought. That's equal to adding about 1.4 million cars to road for every one of those years. "That's a big piece of the pic, "says Noth Diffenbaugh a climate scientist at Stanford and one of the authors of the study.

In normal years, over 20% of the electicity comes from hydroelectric power plants. But that number fluctuates with the ebb(退潮)and flow of water. And when water is not enough. the amount of hydroelectric power decreases.

States like Califomia. Washirgton, and Orgon that rely on hydroelectic power during water-rich years were the hardest hit. In Califormia, for example, the extra carbon dioxide emitted because of the drought added up to over 7% of its total carbon emissions.

That's not a minor problem. Many of the western states have made plans for how to reduce their emissions over the next few decades. Califormia, for example, is trying to get its emissions down to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. But drought makes it harder to meet the emissions reduction goals.

While the carbon cost of drought is large, Diffenbaugh points out, with this study and a lot of others from the past few years, we've learned more and more about when and why carbon-free energy sources face challenge. Armed with this information, he says, energy managers can figure out how to fill the gaps in energy demand with more renewable resources.

(1)、What phenomenon is described in the first two paragraphs?
A、The high consumption of energy. B、Large number of cars on the road. C、The increased demand for power sources. D、The large carbon emission due to drought.
(2)、What does the underlined word "fluctuates" in paragraph 3 mean?
A、Appears naturally. B、Changes irregularly. C、Becomes stable. D、Increases greatly.
(3)、What can we know about California according to the text?
A、Its carbon emission is very heavy. B、It is a water-rich state all year round. C、It heavily depends on renewable energy. D、It has achieved its emission reduction goal.
(4)、What does Noah Diffenbaugh think of climate cost?
A、It is not that serious. B、It is expected to be solved. C、It is a global common problem. D、It has been solved in some areas.
根据短文内容,选择正确答案。    If your parents were to surprise you with a present on your birthday, which one would you prefer, a trip to the amusement park or a new pair of shoes?
    According to Science Daily, about one-third of the people are likely to prefer shoes to a fun trip. These people are called "materialists", namely, those who value material goods more than experiences. But which of the two choices makes people happier?
    Back in 2009, Ryan Howell, a professor at San Francisco State University, found that in the long run, experiences make people happier than possessions. This is because the joy of receiving a new object fades over time as you get used to seeing it every day. Experiences, on the other hand, can continue to bring you joy in the future through happy memories.
    But materialists should at least be happy when they first buy something, shouldn't they?
    To figure it out, Howell did another study. He classified a group of adults according to their personality types, ranging from less materialistic to more materialistic. Each person was asked different questions to see how they felt about spending money on material goods versus spending money on experiences.
    As expected, the more materialistic participants got less happiness from purchases than the less materialistic, because such purchases didn't fit with their personalities and values. But to Howell's surprise, he found that materialists weren't any happier even if they spent money on material items.
    This is because materialists worry that others may criticize or look clown on their choices. "There are certain value systems that are rejected by society," said Howell. "When we find out someone is materialistic, we think less of them, and that drives their happiness down."
    Another reason is that materialistic people always focus on what they don't have instead of what they have now. This makes them feel less satisfied and grateful.
    If you happen to be a materialistic person, there's something you can try. "If materialists make more accurate purchases, rather than trying to impress others, they will be happier, "Howell said.
    You should also remember what an ancient Greek philosopher once said, "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."

    The Boy Made It!

    One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off the path. Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone! He didn't have food, water, a phone, or other supplies. He was getting colder by the minute.

    Nicholas had no idea where he was. He tried not to panic. He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV. It was time to put the tips he had learned to use.

    He decided to stop skiing. There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put. The first thing he did was to find shelter from the freezing wind and snow. If he didn't, his body temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him. Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave. He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle. Then he piled branches on top of himself, like a blanket, to stay as warm as he could.

    By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldn't lose too much water. Not knowing how much longer he could last, Nicholas did the only thing he could — he huddled (蜷缩) in his cave and slept.

    The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldn't find anyone. He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out again to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him. After two days stuck in the snow, Nicholaswas saved.

    Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV. He had often watched Grylls' survival show Man vs. Wild. That's where he learned the tips that saved his life. In each episode(一期节目) of Man vs. Wild, Grylls is abandoned in a wild area andhas to find his way out.

    When Grylls heard about Nicholas' amazing deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.


    Holi, also called the Festival of Colors, is a popular Hindu spring festival observed in India, Nepal, Bangladesh. It is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon day of the lunar month.Holi originally was a festival to celebrate good harvests. It developed to honor a legend from the Hindu Mythology(神话). The story focuses on a cruel king, who hated his son,Prahlada. He attempted to kill his son but failed each time. Finally, the king asked his sister Holika, who was said to be safe in fire, to get rid of his son. However, when the aunt tried to burn Prahlada, it was the prince who ended up being safe in fire while the aunt herself was burnt to death. Holi honors this event every year and huge bonfires(篝火)are burnt on the eve of Holi. The festival spreads over 16 days. During these days people often have fun and play with colored powder and water. Holi is also celebrated with exciting parades which are companied by folk songs and dances.

    The festival begins on the night of the full moon. Bonfires are lit on street corners to drive away the air of evil spirits and bad feelings, and to symbolize the destruction of bad Holika, after whom the festival was named. In the morning, the streets are filled with people running, shouting and laughing.

    At noon, the craziness comes to an end and everyone heads to either the river or the bathroom, then relaxes and enjoys candies. A tired and contented silence falls over India.


    As for old people, some of the applications are hard to use because they didn't grow up with them. They don't have simple models of how they should work, what to do when something doesn't work or where to go for help. We make it as easy as possible to be used for people who are not familiar with the technology.

    I think there is huge potential and we are designing it. The ability to connect to friends, who remember the same movies and news and music, is really important, especially as people get old. They end up in retirement homes and they aren't always close to their friends. Allowing the network to help them connect with friends and family is a really powerful thing.

    My mother is an enthusiastic user of the Internet,although it took me years to get her to use e-mail. She was born with normal hearing, but lost it when she was 3.She was totally deaf for many years, until age 53, when she got ear aids. They work really well. That is a big change for her. But before then, her friends couldn't call her on the phone, so they insisted she use e-mail to communicate with them.

    Young people don't even think of the Internet as technology. It's just there, and they use it. There's been a very interesting change in communications styles between old people and young people. There are some kids who are now in their teens and aren't willing to make phone calls. And they think of e-mail as old-fashioned and slow.

    The reason why teens don't make phone calls seems to be that they don't know what to say. When they call they often stop for a while. They don't know what to say,and there's this silence. On the other hand, texting is considered proper, and it's okay if you don't answer. You might have been distracted. It's not considered rude. But it is considered strange if you're in this kind of voice conversation and simply stop talking.


    Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood had a son called Michael and a daughter called Matilda, who was so quick to learn that her ability should have been obvious even to the most stupid parents. But she was their daughter. To tell the truth, I doubt they had noticed she crawled into the house with a broken leg.

    By the age of one and a half her speech was perfect and she knew as many words as most grown-ups. The parents, instead of praising her, called her a noisy chatterbox and told her sharply that small girls should be seen and not heard.

    By the time she was three, Matilda had taught herself to read by studying newspapers and magazines that lay around the house. At the age of four, she could read fast and well and she naturally began seeking for books. The only book in the whole of this enlightened household was something called Easy Cooking belonging to her mother, and when she had read this from cover to cover, and had learnt all the recipes by heart, she decided she wanted something more interesting.

    "Daddy," she said, "do you think you could buy me a book?

    "A book?" he said. "What do you want a book for?"

    "To read, Daddy."

    "What's wrong with the telly? We've got a lovely telly with a twelve-inch screen and now you come asking for a book!"

    Nearly every weekday afternoon Matilda was left alone in the house. Her brother went to school. Her father went to work and her mother went out playing bingo. On the afternoon of the day when her father had refused to buy her a book, Matilda set out all by herself to walk to the public library in the village. She asked Mrs. Phelps, the librarian, if she might sit a while and read a book. Mrs. Phelps, slightly surprised at the arrival of such a tiny girl unaccompanied by a parent, nevertheless told her she was very welcome.

    "Where are the children's books please!" Matilda asked.

    "They're over there on those lower shelves," Mrs. Phelps told her. "Would you like me to help you find a nice one with lots of pictures in it?

    "No, thank you." Matilda said. "I'm sure I can manage."

    From then on, every afternoon, as soon as her mother had left for bingo, Matilda would walk down to the library, where she spent two glorious hours sitting quietly by herself in a cosy comer devouring one book after another. When she had read every single children's book in the place, she started wandering around in search of something else.

    Mrs. Phelps, who had been watching her with interest for the past few weeks, now got up from her desk and went over to her. "Can I help you, Matilda?" she asked.

    "I'm wondering what to read next," Matilda said. "I've finished all the children's books."

    "You mean you've looked at the pictures?"

    "yes, but I've read the books as well. I thought some were very poor, but others were lovely. I like The Secret Garden best of all. It was full of mystery. The mystery of the room behind the closed door and the mystery of the garden behind the big wall".

    Mrs. Phelps was stunned." Exactly how old are you, Matilda?" she asked.

"Four years and three months," Matilda said." I would like a really good book that grown-ups read .A famous one."

    Mrs. Phelps looked along the shelves, taking her time." Try this", she said at last," It's very famous and very good. If it's too long for you, just let me know".

    "Great Expectations," Matilda read, "by Charles Dickens. I'd love to try it"


    Get Involved! Make a Donation!

    So what is rewilding?

    Imagine our natural homes growing instead of shrinking. Imagine species (物种) diversifying instead of declining. That's rewilding. Rewilding is ecological restoration. Rewilding offers hope for wildlife, humans and the planet.

    Why is rewilding important and necessary?

    Our natural ecology is broken. The places where you would expect wildlife to exist have been reduced to wet deserts. The seabed has been destroyed and there have been no living creatures any more.

    Our wildlife is disappearing. Many wonderful species have declined over the past century. We've lost more of our large animals than any European country.

    We need keystone species. These vital species, including top predators (食肉动物), drive ecological processes. Their loss has worsened our living systems.

    Nature looks after us. Good natural ecology can provide us with clean air and water, prevent flooding and store carbon. Rewilding can leave the world in a better state than it is today.

    What are challenges?

    As a long-term project, our "rewilding britain" has its challenges. Many people are not interested, because we have got used to the lack of native forests. Many farmers oppose the idea. They thought it a crazy idea to bring back predators because they would start killing farm animals. It takes time to educate them. Above all, we need money! So we need your help!

    Make a donation.

    Help us bring back living systems and restore wild nature!

With your help we can…

    Open up new chances for rewilding and push for change.

    Develop tools to educate, influence and spread the word.

    Thanks for your support.

