
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If you find yourself turning off your alarm clock over and over again each morning you are not alone. Waking up quickly and getting out of bed in the morning can often be a struggle for most of people .  These tips can help you to feel ready to face the day.

    Make it hard to ignore your alarm .

     Set the alarm clock to the loudest setting. Loud noise makes you feel more awake. Place your alarm far away so that you physically have to get out of bed to turn it off.

    Even better, hide your alarm somewhere in your bedroom so that you have to get out of bed and find it before you can turn it off.


    This might sound like an unusual tip, but it works! You can turn on the lights as soon as you wake up, which will help your eyes adjust (适应)to the day while motivating your brain to get up and get moving. Or you can open your curtains right after you wake up. It's much more attracting to stay in bed when the room is dark, so pull open the curtains to allow sunlight to come into your room each morning.

    Ask someone to help you wake up early.

    If you have a roommate or your parents living with you, you can always ask for their help.  If you are living alone then you can ways ask your close friends to give you a call in the morning.

    These methods aren't magic, but they do work. You can be a morning person, if you try!

A. Open your room to sounds.

B. Prepare your waking-up environment.

C. Do you want to be a morning person?

D. There are various ways you can do this.

E. Do you often turn off your alarm clock?

F. This will active brain and keep you awake.

G. They can give you some gentle shakes to wake you up.


    Lazy people will never achieve anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting yow sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

    Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from project to project. Others take a more proactive approach, viewing each project or task as a challenge they must overcome alone. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} 

    Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often promotes laziness {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Complete a certain number of chores and reward yourself with a good dinner or a film.

    Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with quickly. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own chores. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help boost your mood.

A. Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

B. Om way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

C. Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

D. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal.

E. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.

F. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for the children.

G. To fight household laziness, set an example.


    Here are six diet foods that can hurt your weight loss journey.

    Diet soda.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Drinking diet soda can make you likely to overeat. The answer is because your body is tricked into believing you're ingesting sugar and it makes you crave more.

    Microwave popcorn.

    Microwave popcorn contains the organic compound diacety to give you that butter taste. Try to avoid this ingredient!{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Granola bars.

    Commercial granola bars can be loaded with corn syrup, salt and processed oils that can add to your waistline.   {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Veggie burgers.

    Say isn't so! Going veggie could damage your diet. Read the labels{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Also Hexane has been found in veggie burgers. This a gasoline by-product used during the process of separating soybeans into oil.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Yup. Low fat-products like yogurt can be loaded with sugar. In a cup of Stoneyfield Farm French Vanilla yogurt, there are 20-plus grams of sugar.

    Blue chips.

    Blue corn chips or vegetable chips are a great alternative to potato chips. But again, there needs to be portion control. They can be loaded with salt and fatty oils.

A. Roast meat.

B. Low fat yogurt

C. Diet soda can actually make you gain weight

D. You're better off making your own popcorn

E. Some are made with processed soy and loaded with oils and butter

F. It is as important for thinking as it is for lifting, especially as we age.

G. Opt(选择)for making your own granola at home, but watch your potions.


                                                                                                                   Social Media

    Social media can be defined (解释) as web-based and mobile media that are used for people to interact, connect and communicate with each other. It often involves the creation and sharing of content (writing, pictures, and video) that people make themselves, mostly through the Internet.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The first type involves people getting together to work on a project, for example, Wikipedia. Blogs and micro-blogs (such as Twitter) are another type of social media. There are other websites like YouTube that allow people to share content such as pictures, articles or videos.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} These sites allow people to stay in touch with friends, make new ones and join communities. Facebook is an example of this type. Many people like to play games on the Internet and, yes, there are social media games as well. These games allow gamers to interact with each other and play with or against other gamers.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} The final type of social media is websites like Second Life, where people can create avatars (化身) and use and create objects, as if they were in the real world.

    Social media are different from traditional media. With social media, many individual people in different places create content.

    Another difference is that people who produce content in social media don't need very special skills.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It takes only a few minutes to write a twitter post, for example.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} But whatever you might think, social media is here to stay.

A. World of Warcraft is a good example.

B. And social media content can be produced much faster.

C. In general, there are six different types of social media.

D. Another type of social media are social networking sites.

E. Some people think social media is good and some think it is bad.

F. In traditional media,people need special skills to produce something.

G. Social media is one of the fastest-growing industries in today's world


    Many young people want to be a driver. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help your teen become a more confident driver.

    Teach your teen the rules of the road

    Before your teen gets behind the wheel of a car, he or she should know well the rules of the road.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} If your teen understands the basic rules and how the car works, then he or she will feel a little better about getting on the road.


    Actions speak louder than words. Many people will tell you that they learned how to drive by watching one of their close family members drive. You should show good driving skills with examples.


    Practice makes perfect. The more your teen practices, the more confident he or she will become. Your teen should start off by driving in a place that is free of barriers (障碍).{#blank#}4{#/blank#} After your teen has gotten comfortable about this, he or she can start practicing on the road.

    Drive in different conditions

    In order for your teen to become a good driver, he or she has to practice driving in different conditions.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Get car insurance (保险)

    Many teens are worried about how much their parents would have to pay if an accident occurs. You should explain to your teen that car insurance can help one save a lot of money.

A. Model good driving

B. Teach your teen by yourself

C. Then he or she can start to drive on the road.

D. An empty parking lot is a good place for a new driver to practice.

E. This includes things such as heavy traffic, bad weather and freeways.

F. However, some of them are nervous about actually getting out on the road.

G. You should have your teen review the driver's handbook and the vehicle's instructions.


Five tips for safe running

    We all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.

    Running is good exercise, but it can be hard on the body. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Take it easy. Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too bad. The body needs time to get used to increases in distance or speed.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Listen to your body. Most running injuries do not come unexpectedly. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} They may include body aches, sore muscles(肌肉酸痛) and pain that does not go away.

     {#blank#}4{#/blank#} There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoes that offer the best fit and support for your feet. More importantly, you should replace your shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.

    Take good notes. Take time after each run to write down what you did and how you felt. Look for patterns, things that happen over and over again. These notes will help you find the best exercise for you.

    Cross train. As we said earlier, running is hard on your body. So physical fitness experts suggest some form of cross training to improve muscle balance and to help you stay injury free. They say swimming, yoga, and riding a bicycle are good exercises to combine with running. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Get good running shoes.

B. Usually, there are warning signs.

C. Running may also help you live longer.

D. These exercises are easier on the body.

E. Muscles and joints (关节) need time to recover.

F. As advertisements for the running shoes Nike say, “Just do it.”

G. Here are five ideas to reduce the risk of injury.


    Why do people travel? There are many reasons one can think of when asked questions like this.

    To travel far enough to meet yourself

    Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} You find out your abilities. When you are offered a different lifestyle, you can find out what you are made of. The farther you go from your home, the nearer you come to your true self.


    If you look back at all the amazing memories of your life, you will realize that most of them were out of your comfort zone. Travelling is dangerous, full of life threatening possibilities and will not always be comfortable, but at the same time, it gives irreplaceable memories.

    To slow down and relax

    A wise man once said that never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Money is worth nothing if you cannot spend it on a little adventure. While we are deeply involved in making money, we forget that time is going through our fingers. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The feeling of being away from your workplace is pure happiness. The feeling of not having to worry about the never ending piles of files is pure joy. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    To celebrate life

    Life is short and the world is wide. One day you might wake up and realize that you don't have time to do everything that you have always wanted to do, anymore. Once in a while, make time to appreciate the fact that you are alive, young, free and healthy. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. To become a storyteller.

B. Travelling lets you discover yourself.

C. To break through your comfort zone.

D. So, go travelling to celebrate life itself.

E. You can relate to the world and connect to others.

F. And the feeling of being away from your boss for a few days is pure pleasure.

G. Escape life for a little while because experience is far more valuable than money.

