
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.

    Venice is   1    the northeast of Italy.  It wasn't built    2  , like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Seawater is  3  around the city.

    Even so, travel isn't difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges   4 can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move   5  by boat.  They like to enjoy the scenery and cool summer nights while  6 boat trips. They can talk to other people as they go along.

    Venice grew out of small islands in saltwater lakes when some Italians    7    from a war over 1,500 years ago, and built homes there.

    Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem. Sometimes tourists will have such strange8. One moment they walk across the Rialto Bridge, and there's 9   . Butwhen they come back to the bridge an hour later, it's underwater and everyone is wearing rain shoes.

    Once, people used 10  underground water. This made the city get lower   11  .Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters. Another problem is the   12 seawater.The temperature has risen over the years. This has made the ice of the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋) melt.

    Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter.  When a lot of water   13   , more than half of the city is underwater.

    Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting   14 lower. The Italian government has asked some of Italy's biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned  15   under the seawater to stop the rising water. Anyway, this project is helping solve the problem.

A、on                B、in C、of     D、to
A、on the land B、in land      C、on land     D、in the land
A、nowhere              B、anywhere    C、somewhere          D、everywhere
A、who      B、those       C、that    D、when
A、from place to place                   B、from here to there C、between place and place  D、between here and there
A、take                 B、taking      C、by       D、with
A、won                   B、escaped (逃脱) C、defeated    D、wounded
A、experience    B、discovery  C、experiences      D、invention
A、special nothing B、something special C、nothing special D、special something
A、much too      B、too many  C、so many   D、too much
A、shoulder by shoulder   B、one by one C、step by step  D、little by little
A、raise  B、rising    C、raising       D、rise
A、comes            B、will come     C、came D、is coming
A、very B、quite    C、even      D、so
A、to building            B、to be building    C、to build  D、to be built

    British people are famous for apologizing (道歉) in almost every situation.  1 we are apologizing for asking a question, for our bad weather or we sneeze before others (打喷嚏),we are probably the number-one nation for apologies.

    We pride ourselves on our polite2 in public. As a result, we use the word "sorry" quite a lot—even when we don't really 3 it! Usually, if you want to ask someone for the time, you would start by saying "Sorry to bother you. Do you know the time?" If you're five minutes late for an appointment (约会), you would generally  4 the person by saying "Sorry, I'm late!"

    We use the word "sorry" in so many different situations that the meaning of the word has slightly 5over time. The two main dictionary definitions (定义) of "sorry" are: feeling sad for someone else because of their problems or feeling regret because you've done something wrong. Usually, when you want to ask a stranger a question, you 6 with "Sorry to disturb you." In this situation, we aren't saying sorry because we feel sad for that person or because we feel regret.

    So what does "sorry" really mean? Well, in the British 7, saying "sorry" is a way to be polite, especially to people who you don't know very well. It's also a very 8way to get what you want. 9, an actor asked different people on a rainy day if he could use their mobile phones. When he asked one group of strangers without apologizing first, he was only 9 per cent successful in borrowing their phones. 10, when he apologized to another group about the bad weather before asking if he could use their mobile phones, he was 47 per cent successful. So maybe saying "sorry" is not just being polite, but it is also a good method to get what you want too!


    A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China. After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host. Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person who gives  1. To show the respect, it may be  2 to explain what the gift is. Bringing some nutrients and tonics (营养品、补品) to the elders in the family is a good idea. You can 3 prepare some small gifts for the spouse (配偶) or kids of the host. The host usually makes full  4 by carefully tidying up the house and  5  a lot of delicious dishes.  6 the meal is well prepared, the host may say to the guest politely, "My preparation is not enough, please excuse me for my poor treat." As a guest, you should make the host believe that there is plenty to eat by praising the food.

    While eating, the elders will use chopsticks to  7 food for guests as a tradition and ask them to eat  8 . As a guest, you should accept their goodwill readily.  But nowadays, the younger people do the traditional way less.

    After dinner, tea and fruit are usually served. When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely ask them to stay. They don't have to take it 9 and they can try to find a good time to leave. This doesn't mean that leaving early is always a good idea as the host may feel that the guests are not satisfied with the treat. Finding the right time to leave  10  the situation.


    People of all ages, especially young children, follow comic strips in newspapers, magazines and the movies. Who is your favourite superhero-SPIDER-Spiderman? Wonder Woman? These heroes have been around for a long time. Comics came out even earlier. In ancient times, people made funny drawings of animals1paper.

    Comic strips first came out during the 1800s and remain much the same style today. These comics are drawn in connected boxes. The HENIFILMT IDE boxes usually show a dramatic2. Some comic strips are printed in newspapers, which often continues from day to day. Some people even read the comics before they read the front page.

    The comic books first3during the 1930s. It seemed that everyone wanted to read comic books. They loved reading about the adventures of the Man of Steel and Batman. During the 1940s, the nation was at war and some comic book characters, such as Captain America, reflected(反映) the times. Others, such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, made people laugh during this4time in history.

    After the war, people became5interested in old comic book characters, so new superheroes had to be made. The new superheroes, such as Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Spiderman, talked and acted more like real people. As time went on, comic books had to6TV because TV has offered a lot of fun to people.

    Comic strips are usually good for a laugh or at least a smile. But they have held a place in history. They take people away from their daily lives into another world. In this world, the hero always wins, and failure only comes to the bad guys.

