
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Before there were airplanes, people dreamed of flying. They told stories about flying people. One old story is about a young man named Icarus. He and his father wanted to get away from a bad king. So Icarus' father made wings, and they used them to fly away. Years ago, people also tried to make flying machines. Most of them did not work. But today, flying is not just a dream. Today, big airlines carry many passengers. But some people enjoy flying in small planes. In 2014, a young man flew around the world. His name is Matt Guthmiller. He was only 19 years old, but he flew by himself. His trip took six weeks. He stopped 25 times in 14 countries. He is the youngest person to fly around the world.

    Many people now dream of flying into space. And their dreams may soon come true. Many companies are building space planes. They will take people on short flights to space. Space tourism will be expensive at first. But over time, it should become much cheaper. Then more people's dreams of flying will come true.

(1)、Why did Icarus and his father made wings?
A、Because they liked flying. B、Because they wanted to get away from a bad king. C、Because they wanted to travel. D、Because they wanted to make money.
(2)、How long did Matt Guthmiller spend on his trip?
A、A week. B、Two weeks. C、Four weeks. D、Six weeks.
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The World Earth Day is on April 22nd. Here at Greenpeace, we know how much you want to make a positive(积极的) difference to our world! So, read on to find out how to protect our earth. 

http://www. greenpeace. org. cn/

Have a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet. 

Saveenergy and water!

◇Before leaving home, make sure to turn off the electricity. Take great effort to develop wind power and so on. 

◇If you can, try bicycling, walking, or using public transportation to get out instead of using the car. 

◇Don't let water run while brushing your teeth, and take short showers for four minutes or less!

Be a pioneer!

 ◇Share your knowledge with others, and help them become eco-heroes too! It needs lots of people to work together to make changes happen, so share, share, share!

◇Volunteer with more friends. Write to some companies to stop them working together with people who are harmful to the forest. 

Reduce, reuse, recycle!

◇Before you throw something away, stop and think about what else it could be used for! 

◇ If you don't want to keep some things, try to find out who else needs them. Our goal is to keep usable things out of landfills(填埋场). 

Be friendly to wildlife!

◇Make your garden wildlife-friendly! You could build a bee hotel, provide some food or even create a pool. 

◇If you own a cat that goes outdoors, put a bell around its neck so that little wildlife can hear it coming and run away quickly!

What else can you do to make the world better? You can visit the website or scan the QR code to know more. 


About World Cleanup Day

what will happen if everyone keeps picking up at least one piece of litter?

★What is it?

World Cleanup Day is held on the third Saturday in September every year. Volunteers in 180 countries and 37 areas fight against the global(全球的)rubbish problem and clean up waste. It is to connect the global community, raise awareness(意识), and bring true change to achieve the final goal--a clean and healthy planet. World Cleanup Day on Sep. 16, 2023 brought together 19. 1 million volunteers in 198 countries and areas. 219 tons of waste was cleaned up. 

★Why do people join in the cleanup activities?

·By cleaning up litter and pollution, they can make a real difference to their local communities and even the planet. 

·Be part of the world's largest volunteer event. 

·It's free and fun!

★What can you do?

·Pick up litter in your local parks or neighborhoods. 

·Work on cleaning up rivers or beaches. 

·Help to protect wildlife. 

·Call on more people to join in your communities, like putting on posters. 

★How to join us?

·Take part in local cleanup events organized by community groups. 

·Organize or invite friends and family to join them. 

No matter how people choose to become involved, the important thing is that they are taking action to help protect the environment. So why not get involved in World Cleanup Day?

