
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    On June 26, 2000, two scientists, called Francis Collins and Craig Venter, told the world that they could now read the whole "map"of the human body: DNA. DNA is something that everybody has, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our mother and father, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.

    People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things named "genes" in our body. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA with a special language.

In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg and Johann Matthaei found a message in DNA showing how DNA tells the cell (细胞)to build its parts.     Scientists have now found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one"word"means, we can help save more people from several illnesses.

    Most people hope that this will help make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when people begin to know more words and find out lots of other information, we might use it in a wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people from getting jobs. Man would have to meet a lot of trouble if DNA technic wasn't limited in use.

(1)、When did we first know why we look like other people in our family?

A、In 1860. B、In 1953. C、In 1961. D、In 2000.
(2)、What does the underlined word "gene"mean?

A、The "map"of  Dna. B、A special language. C、Small parts of  Dna. D、 Dna.
(3)、What did the two scientists first discover in 1961?

A、The "map" of Dna B、A new illness. C、The language of Dna D、A message of Dna.
(4)、What can we do if we understand some "words" of the language inside the body?

A、Make people get new jobs. B、Make medicine for illnesses. C、Make maps of human. D、Make people less attractive.
(5)、What do people think about this work?

A、It can cause good or bad results. B、It can cause only good results. C、It can cause good results but won't work. D、It can cause only bad results.

    This was a very interesting story. I 1 thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But one class was 2 of all.

    It happened last term just after I had got a bad result in 3 exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence. I decided 4 to a class 5 can tell me how to be successful. The speaker walked into the room. 6 he did not start talking like a teacher. Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note!

    "Who wants this?" he asked. Unsurprisingly, 7 of us in the class held up our hands. The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we put up our hands. The speaker kept 8, but said 9 . Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same question for  10time.

    I didn't understand the speaker. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didn't know 11 to do. I wanted the note, so I put my hand up again. "You have all just told me how to become successful." He said to us 12 the note in his hand. "The note is worth twenty yuan. It is always worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter what happens to you, you still have your worth."

    Hearing those words, I 13 deeply. Suddenly, I realized I was worth a lot. I may have failed, but it doesn't mean I 14 do well in the future. If I believe in15I will be successful!


    Maybe a lot of thin people will be worried about their health if the inside fat matters.

    Some doctors now think that the inside fat around important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the outside fat which can be noticed more easily.

    "Being thin doesn't surely mean you are not fat," said Dr Jimmy Bell at Imperial College. Since 1994, Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people with MRI to create "fat maps" showing where people store fat.

    According to the result, people who keep their weight through the food they usually eat rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits (堆积物) of inside fat, even if they are thin.

    Even people with normal Body Mass Index (体重指数) scores can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside. Of the women, as many as 45 per cent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had too high levels of inside fat. Men were nearly 60 per cent.

    According to Bell, people who are fat on the inside are actually on the edge of being fat. They eat too many fatty and sugary foods, but they are not eating enough to be fat. Scientists believe we naturally store fat around the stomach first, but at some point, the body may start storing it elsewhere.

    Doctors are unsure about the exact dangers of inside fat, but some think it has something to do with heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病). They want to prove that inside fat does harm to the body's communication systems.

    The good news is that inside fat can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your eating habits. "If you want to be healthy, there is no other way. Exercise has to be an important part of your lifestyle," Bell said.

