
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版英语必修五 Module 5 The Great SportsPersonality.同步练习


Susanin Her New Flat

(Thebell rings. Susan's mother is at the door. )

Mother:Hello, dear. Oh ! I see I've arrivedtoo late. You've almost completely settled in.

Susan:Not quite. By the way,I didn't expect you (come)here  to work. Come in! I'll show you theflat. This is the living  room, isn't completely finished yet,butit's comfortable  enough to receive myfriends,isn't

Mother:Well, of course ! And that largebalcony (阳台)is (real) very useful. You should plant some flowers there.

Susan:Don't worry, mom. I (plant) somesoon. But come and  have a look at mybedroom. For the moment there is only a bed and a cupboard,butyou'll see,whenI've got some (bookshelf) and a desk I'll be able to work quite nicely.

Mother:And what's more, quite a goodbathroom!

Susan:I must say I looked nearly sixmonths. I asked estate agents and friends and went through advertisements.

Mother:I hope the rent isn't too .

Susan:No, it's quite (reason). But I'vebeen lucky because  most of the flats I(offer) were less comfortable and the rents were too high.

Mother:You've done very well! You're reallyvery lucky.


               There are simple ways to organize and clean sports gear (设备). It just takes a little extraeffort, along with some tricks. Here are some tips.

Organizing sports gear

           For children playing different sports, have gym bags in different colors for eachsport—basketball gets green, soccer gets red, baseball gets blue. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} As forwhat to do with the soccer ball or baseball bat that comes home, keep itemscontained to one spot in the garage. Overhead shelves and nets work well forout-of-season items, too. They are out of theway but still in sight.

Cleaning sports gear

        Most  items can go in the washing machine. Use warm water, and always air-dry. For padded items with plastic,put them in a mesh laundry washing bag or a pillow case with a zipper. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

●Gym bags

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}It's body odor. You played soccer, or basketball, or fencing, and you sweat.Prevent odor from building up by putting used fabric softener sheets in thebag, or spraying the inside of the bag with aerosol deodorant. This also workswell for padded helmets, where sweat gathers.

●Water bottles

           Wate rbottles often get a moldy, damp smell after a sports season or two. If you havereally cleaned it, if you've used a scrub brush, you may have scratched theplastic. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Try using vinegar, which is safe and environmentally friendly, tokill mold and mildew.


         The   easiest way to clean a baseball cap is to put it in the dishwasher. Then takeit out and air-dryit. If you want to make sure the cap keeps a rounded shape, dry it over acoffee can. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Another option is to use shampoo, which is designed to breakdown body oil.

a.As we all know, they smell.

b.It's necessary to clean a sport gearafter every practice.

c.You can also put it on a blown-up balloon.

d.This protects the machine, and theequipment from getting scratched.

e.Those tiny little scratches are wherebacteria can get, and cause that smell.

f.Don't let children stuff clothing intheir bags.

g.So when they're rushing from oneactivity to the next, it's easy to grab the correct gear.

