
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版英语必修三Module 3 The Violence ofNature.同步练习


            As scientists learn more about the causes of earthquakes, they become better able to predict them. First of all, they know that quakes are1to occur in areas where the tectonic(地壳构造的)plates push2each other. They3these areas closely, using different instruments. They4the vibrations(震动)of the earth with seismographs(地震仪), which5on rolls of paper all movements, both large and small. Scientists usually use the Richter scale(里氏震级)6after a famous seismologist, for these measurements. When an earthquake measures over 4.5 on the Richter scale, it is7enough to cause damage. Scientists have determined that a(an)8is not likely to have a large9when many small quakes have been10. When the small quakes stop, then pressure11and a strong quake is more likely.

          There are several other12to predict earthquakes. Scientists can measure the tiny13in the tilt(倾斜)of the land that happen before an earthquake occurs. Increases in the amount of radon(氡), a substance found in deep14as well as a high level of water in the wells, can also15that an earthquake is likely to occur. In addition, scientists have found that some animals, like dogs, behave16before an earthquake: they become17and howl.

           Seismologists have18_predicted several earthquakes, such as the earthquake which occurred in Zhangjiakou, China in 1998. 19 not all earthquakes are predictable, and a system for predicting is not yet20.

A、possible                    B、likely C、probable            D、hopeful
A、over                                                    B、up C、on    D、against
A、study                                              B、learn C、search            D、watch
A、take                                                B、observe C、measure          D、notice
A、write                                                  B、record C、note      D、report
A、called                                                  B、given C、signed     D、named
A、strong                                         B、big C、large      D、clear
A、land                                                 B、plate C、area    D、place
A、accident                                            B、earthquake C、disaster             D、damage
A、shaking                                          B、occurring C、producing            D、planning
A、builds                                         B、appears C、happens          D、adds
A、methods                                          B、things C、ways     D、ideas
A、facts                                              B、amount C、figures     D、changes
A、holes                                                   B、wells C、river   D、water
A、mean                                                 B、say C、tell      D、explain
A、normally                                          B、regularly C、strangely           D、curiously
A、excited                                            B、pleased C、wild     D、nervous
A、luckily                                           B、correctly C、sometimes        D、surprisingly
A、However                                           B、Besides C、Though        D、Instead
A、improved                                             B、changed C、perfected             D、finished

       If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life, new research may come as a shock. According to a recent scientific study, people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.

       Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers and non­joggers for 12 years. The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die. The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5 miles per hour. The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as non­joggers. The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries (动脉). Over time, this can cause serious injuries.

       Peter Schnohr, a researcher in Copenhagen, said, “If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy, jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy. Anything more is not just unnecessary, and it may be harmful.”

        The implications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi, yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than“iron man” events, triathlons and long­distance running and cycling. According to Jacob Louis Marott, another researcher involved in the study, “You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health. And perhaps you shouldn't actually do too much.”

