
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Fiction books tend to be much more popular than self-improvement books. Fiction books are designed and written in such a way as inspires you to continue reading them. On the other hand, non-fiction books in the self-improvement field are intended to help you settle a problem or reach a specific goal. In most cases, these types of books aren't written in the form of stories. Self-improvement books can open up all kinds of future chances for you. You'll learn new things, be inspired, and develop a deep love for practical knowledge and wisdom.

    You'll be able to use the ideas and advice that you learn in your daily life. And once you do this, you'll be likely to get positive results.

    The secret is to understand your present situation and to have a clear vision of what you hope to achieve in the future. The ideal self-improvement book will be one that fits your present needs. In this way, you can identify all the problems you're facing. Once you've recognized a problem, try to figure out the cause behind it. Then keep the problem and the cause in mind when you come to choose a book.

    A keyword search of an online bookseller's listing will usually throw up dozens or even hundreds of results. For example, you can read the foreword, look at comments and consider whether the book can give you the answers you need. The whole process may take you some time but it'll be worth it.

A. And what's the most exciting thing?

B. They read specifically for self-improvement and success.

C. So you need to take a good look at yourself and your life.

D. Then, how can we choose a right self-improvement book?

E. This leads many people to believe the books are boring to read.

F. After picking the book, keep your desired answer in mind as you read.

G. However, there are many things you can do to narrow these results down.


    If you think your vocabulary is weak, a little effort every day over six to nine months can go a long way in improving it. Here are some tips for increasing your vocabulary.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. You may be comfortable reading a particular part of the newspaper but make an effort to read different articles on every page. The editorial (社论的) page is highly recommended not only for vocabulary but also for structuring and presenting thoughts.

    Make it a habit to read a new book every week. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. You can consider becoming a member of the local library. Make a list of new words and look up their meanings in the dictionary.

    Watch English movies and television shows. It's an interesting way to enrich your vocabulary. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Use vocabulary cards. Vocabulary cards are used by students who are trying to learn many words in a short time. You can make your own cards by writing the word on one side and the meaning on the other side of a piece of paper. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    Use the Internet. The Internet is an unlimited resource for reading material.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. You will come across plenty of material to read. The Internet will also introduce you to new words. Be sure to look them up in a dictionary.

A. Read the newspaper every day.

B. Everyone has his own way of choosing books.

C. Vocabulary is important for you to learn English well.

D. Pick up a topic you like and search for articles about it.

E. Besides, by doing this you can learn the correct pronunciation as well.

F. Flash cards are a convenient tool to use to learn new words in your free time.

G. It is not surprising that those who read a lot of books develop good vocabulary.


    There are some injuries that are common to all types of extreme sports. The following are some of the important things to do to prevent extreme sports injuries. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But they can definitely minimize the risk of injuries.

    Warm up.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They include a combination of cardiovascular(心脏血管的)exercises, strength drills and stretching. Cardiovascular exercises increase body temperature, heart rate and blood circulation, which is required for further movement of the body. Strength drills increase the stamina of the body, while stretching warms up the muscles preparing them for sudden forceful movements. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It also plays an important role in boosting the team spirit for a team sport. A warm-up session should last for at least 20 minutes and it can extend up to half an hour.

    Avoid overworking.

    There are some people who do not exercise their body for the sport on a regular basis and perform a week's task in a day or two. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They do not realize the effect of overworking during the performance and keep doing it until they feel extremely tired. Apart from the actual sport, one should also avoid overdoing the warm-up exercises before the activity.


    Just as warming up is essential before any rigorous(充满活力的) physical activity, cooling down the body after playing a rigorous sport is also a significant part of physical conditioning. When you are done with your sports session, you can conclude with some walking, jogging or light running. Slight stretching exercises, focusing on specific muscles, will also be useful for cooling down the body.

A. Cool yourself down.

B. Look for a coach to train you.

C. These people are likely to suffer from extreme sport injuries.

D. However, there are no perfect methods which can assure you 100% safety.

E. Along with physical preparation, warming up prepares you mentally to begin a sport.

F. You should also be careful about your clothing selection for warmth and protection.

G. Warm-up exercises are very important before you begin any sports practice.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。


    Self-worth is very important in your life. We may love others, but we need to learn to love ourselves. We have to believe in what we do, and feel better about ourselves. If you do not have self-worth, you may begin to get discouraged.

    Avoid negative people in your life. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}If these people put you down, do not believe in you, or treat you badly, why are you still around them? It took me years to realize this for myself, and it is true. Negative people hurt your self-worth, and bring you down emotionally. Get closer to people that believe in you. If you do not have these positive people in your life, find a support group that can help you. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Your self-worth can be increased greatly with positive guide.

    Find employment or volunteer somewhere you feel valued, or can make a difference. Giving to others builds you up personally. You do not have to do this all the time, but once you see how good it feels you will want to continue.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Think about what you can do to change your future. Make a list of steps you can take to improve your life. Stall setting goals in your life. Goals give us something to focus on, and we push to achieve them. These can be whatever goals you would like to finish, be sure they are achievable Goals. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Doing the above steps can greatly increase your self-worth, and remember you are worth it.

A. Stop thinking about the past as you can't change it.

B. Keep the saying of "No pain, no gain" in mind.

C. Increase Your Self -Worth and Feel Better about Yourself.

D. Believe You can Be the King of the World Even When You Fail.

E. Once you set your goals, you will start pushing for more.

F. These people are likely to believe in us even when we do not have confidence.

G. This could be your husband, boyfriend, other family members, or even friends.


    The job interview is an important part of your job search because it's an opportunity for the employer to figure out if you're right for the job. The following tips may help you prepare for your job interview.

    ●Dress for success. Professional business clothes are always appropriate, regardless of the type of job you are applying for.

    ●Be there on time. Try to arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to be safe. Find out ahead of time where you're going and how long it will take you to get there. Drive or travel the route a day or two ahead, at the same time of day as you will on the day of the interview. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Have a backup(备用)plan.

    ●Let your personality shine. If you're excited about the job, don't be afraid to show it. Employers want passionate employees, so be yourself.

    ●Be confident. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} But just don't let your nerves overpower your interview. Eye contact and a calm, clear speaking voice are excellent ways to show your confidence.

    ●Watch your body language. During your interview, relax and sit naturally, but don't slouch(没精打采地坐)in your chair or lean on the interviewer's desk.

    ●Be polite. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Remember, this is your first introduction to the organization, so be polite to everyone you meet and turn off your cell phone.

    ●Listen and ask for clarification(阐明), if you need it. Remember to listen carefully to the interview questions so that you can actually answer the questions, and never interrupt. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    ●Let them know what you have to offer. When answering the questions, let the employer see what you have to offer to his organization. Talk about your past. experiences and achievements honestly, and tie those experiences to how they can help you contribute to his organization.

    ●{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Although you want to be open and honest in your interview, avoid talking about your personal or financial problems.

A. Think before you speak.

B. Confirm how often the buses run.

C. This begins with a smile and a firm handshake.

D. If you believe in yourself, you will surely succeed.

E. Feeling nervous in an interview is perfectly normal.

F. Make sure you have enough to answer the questions.

G. If you don't understand something, just ask for explanation.


    The following skills can be greatly helpful to make you an effective learner.

Find the right hours.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}It's better to get a good night's sleep after studying for a short time than to push on at two in the morning.  You won't remember much and are likely to see a performance drop the next day.

    Start as early as possible. Cramming(填鸭式的用功)the night before is proven to be ineffective.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Studying before and going over it many times really is the best way to learn the material.  Always study when you have the chance, even for 15 or 20 minutes. These short study periods add up fast l

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you're a visual learner, using pictures can help. Auditory(听觉的)learners should record themselves saying notes and recite it afterwards. If you are a physical person, speak to yourself (out loud) while also using your hands or moving around.

    Adjust your learning ways to fit your subjects. Subjects like math require a lot of practice with problem sets in order to become familiar with the processes required.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In order to actually learn, you need to take an active role in knowledge creation as well as information review.

    Ask for help. If you need help, ask someone who is good at these subjects.  {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you don't understand what the person helping you is communicating, don't be afraid to ask them to explain in detail.

A. Study for your learning style.

B. Study for what you are good at.

C. Don't study when you're really tired.

D. In fact, you'll hardly remember anything.

E. This way it will be easier for you to memorize.

F. Friends, family, tutors, and teachers are all good options.

G. Subjects such as history may require more information memorization.


    A dog's mind is only equal to that of a two-year-old baby. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Therefore, they are probably the first to notice any change in the behavior of their masters. Let's do some deep-digging to understand the amazing ability of a dog.

    They sense your feelings. Isn't it strange? {#blank#}2{#/blank#} This is true. A study published in the Animal Cognition journal says that dogs are known to come to people who appear sad or depressed. It doesn't matter if the person is their owner or a stranger. They have an ability to sense sadness and are attached to troubled souls.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Dogs can easily tell when you're playing with favorites, and if you reward or play more with other pets, your dog might notice it and feel uncomfortable. As they can't say how they feel, they will scratch, yawn or lick their mouths.

    They smell fear. Let's say you're faced with your worst fear. Would you get scared and run away or just face it? Before choosing how to deal with it, you should remember one thing. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Research shows that dogs often sense their masters' responses in dangerous situations. If you fear something and choose to back away, chances are that your pet is going to do the same thing.

    They're watching you. We are all raised as respectable individuals who are taught to respect elders, obey the law and help out people in need from time to time. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} But if you have a dog at home, it is time to be serious about them. Dogs like generous people. So just be careful around your pet; it may judge you on how you behave with others.

A. They sense health problems.

B. They understand when ignored.

C. They know when no one's looking at them.

D. You would be setting an example to your pet.

E. Every time you feel sad, your dog just know it.

F. But dogs are able to sense everything around them.

G. However, not all of us take these three things seriously.

