
试题 试卷


题型:配对阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Sometimes I get angry easily and shout at my friends. That makes them think I'm not being friendly to them.

In my teachers' eyes, I am a good student. Both my classmates and my parents also think so. No one knows what my problem is. I often feel worried about my school work.

My parents never allow me to play computer games at all. They want me to study all day and do well in my exams. I feel unhappy.

I want to join in some after-school activities, but my parents think they are too dangerous and don't allow me to go out alone.

My mother gets me to take piano lessons. She makes it a rule that I must practice two hours a day. I really try my best, but I just can't play well.

A. Let your parents know you will not be alone. Also, you can ask a teacher to talk to your parents about the after-school activities.

B. Don't worry.  You can still have some indoor sports. They are also fun.

C. Don't worry, even great piano players have to practice. Hard work and a lot of practice are the only ways to become a good piano player.

D. When you feel angry you should stop talking and count to ten or walk away until you keep quiet.

E. Tell your friends how you are feeling.  You are in a new class, so you still need their friendship. Also, you can make new friends.

F. Don't worry. Everybody worries about their school work, even those students like you who study well. Find a hobby or a sport to help you relax for a while.

G. Tell your parents that many kids play computer games and do well at school, too. Ask them to let you play computer games for a short time on weekends.

H. If you feel unhappy, go to talk to others or have a good sleep.


    The summer holiday is coming. What a perfect chance to plan a trip! How about backpacking (背包旅行)? Maybe you're too young to do it. But it doesn't matter. Follow me and you'll learn about an interesting way to travel.

    Have you ever noticed foreigners with big bags on their backs? They wear jeans and T-shirts, and have guidebooks or maps in their hands. They look curious (好奇的) about everything they see. They enjoy themselves without a tour group. That's right! They are backpackers.

    Backpacking is a popular way for Westerners to travel outside of their country. It's cheap so that people can travel more and see more places. Most backpackers are young people because backpacking needs a strong body, courage and freedom.

    Backpackers usually do some homework before setting out. They search for information about their destination (目的地) country: food, fun places to visit, hostels (青年旅舍) and things to buy. They are sure they know how to change planes or where to get the train.

    Backpacking is a freer way to travel. You can change your destination whenever you want. It also allows travelers to explore and see more. And you can decide how long to stay there. If you go with a tour group, there may be a lot of rules and you may not be free to do things as you like.

An interesting way to travel—— Backpacking

The {#blank#}1{#/blank#} about backpackers

★They are travelers who usually enjoy traveling without a tour group.

★Many Western backpackers like to travel {#blank#}2{#/blank#} and they can travel more and see more places.

★Most of them are young people who are strong, courageous and {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

The preparations for backpacking

★Before {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, it's necessary to search for the information about the destination country.

The {#blank#}5{#/blank#} of backpacking

★The backpackers can change the destination whenever they want and they can explore and see more.

★The backpackers can control their own time freely.


Give water, save lives

A bottle of water may not seem like much to you, but thousands of bottles will be of great help for people who live in drought-hit(遭受旱灾) areas in China.

Since last autumn, there has been very little rain in Southwest China. Some places, especially in Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, have experienced a serious drought. Crops (庄稼) died, the land cracked(裂开), and wells (井) and rivers dried up. More than 20 million people are having difficulty in finding safe drinking water.

After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other things.

Last week, every member of the Communist Youth League (共青团员) and Young Pioneers(少先队员) were encouraged to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit areas. Students in primary schools and middle schools quickly joined the activity. In Yuhua Primary School in Xi' an, 900 students bought over 1,000 bottles of water with their pocket money. They also wrote their wishes on the bottles.

The serious drought has also made students realize the importance of saving water. Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou, Guangdong went on the street to tell people to take part in water-saving activities.

"I've heard that some children in drought-hit areas don't have enough drinking water. They have to drink muddy ( 含有泥土的 ) water. I feel really sad about that," said one student. "I decide to take a shower twice a week instead of every day to save water," he said.

