
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Birthday tradition(传统) are different around the world. In America, children often celebrate(庆祝) a birthday with a party. They give presents and have cakes and ice cream.

    Children in Korea celebrate in a different way. They eat seaweed(海带) soup because it is healthy. They also eat rice cakes. Guests to the birthday party may wear traditional clothes called hanbok(韩服).

    As a birthday party in Canada children look for a coin in the cake. When the children play party games, the child who finds the coin goes first.

    It's said that Germans are the first people to have birthday parties for children by their parents. Parents place a wooden birthday wreath(花环) with candles on the table. They light a tall candle in the middle, the "life" candle, every year until their child becomes 12 years old.

(1)、Do people in different countries celebrate their birthdays in the same way?(不超过5个词)
(2)、What do Korean children eat on their birthdays? (不超过10个词)
(3)、What do parents in Germans place on the table?(不超过10个词)

    Exam time is the most stressful period of the year. You have worked all school term on your classes and now it's the time to prove what you have learned. With so much at stake (处于成败关头), it is easy to get stressed about your exams. However, with the right amount of hard work and focus you can pass your tests easily.

    When I was in school, I used to get very stressed over my exams. So did my friends. Some people stopped eating and others ate too much! Some gave up and others burned themselves out! The most important thing to remember when studying is not to feel frightened! Take the middle path -- stay calm, eat healthy and get a rest. Pushing yourself too hard is just as dangerous as not studying enough. A tired, overworked brain is just as useless as a lazy, empty one!

    So, what should you do ?Arrange a time each day for study and a time for relaxation .You may have less time to relax than usual, but you still need to let your brain rest for a few moments. Get plenty of sleep .If you are tired, information will not stick in our memory. Finally eat healthy foods that fuel (给……加油)your body and mind.

    It is bad to think too much about your exams. Some students may think that the rest of their life depends on them .That's not true. Instead, just view the exams as another difficulty you will overcome. You have overcome all kinds of difficulties in you life so far. With the right amount of work and focus, you will pass your exams with flying colours! High school is right around the corner!


Students' problems

Suggestions from Editors

①I am not allowed to hang out with friends at all. My parents want me to study all the time at home. I feel unhappy. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}  

②I am too shy to speak in front of my classmates. They always laugh loudly when I am answering teachers' questions. I 'm frustrated. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}  

③My mother is a doctor. She is too busy with her work to spend the weekends with me. It seems that she doesn't care me at all. I feel lonely. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  

④A senior high school student asks me to give him 100 yuan every week without telling others. I am frightened. So I don't want to go to school now. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}  

⑤I think I work harder than others but I get bad grades. Am I too stupid? {#blank#}5{#/blank#}  

A. Nobody is born-stupid. Maybe you haven't got right ways of study yet. Ask the teachers or classmates for help if you have any questions.

B. If you feel unhappy, go to have a good sleep and you will forget everything unhappy.

C. Don't be afraid. You should tell your parents or teachers at once. Don't go out alone then.

D. Your classmates may not laugh at you. If you don't like their laughter, you should talk to them about your feelings. They might understand you. And you had better be more easygoing and be their friend. You won't feel frustrated if your friends laugh.

E. Let your parents know your friends are nice. You learn a lot from them as well as having fun with them. You study with them outsides, too

F. Tell your mother you need her company sometimes. Also you could do some chores with your mother so she can finish her work quickly. Try to understand your mother and let her understand you, too.

G. You could invite your friends to play with you at home. It's fun to play in doors, too.

对于电影The Lake , 观众们给出了各自的评论。请仔细阅读影评,从A-E选项中,选出符合各条评论的最佳摘要。

A. Meet the actors and a young star.

B. A nurse returns home.

C. There is one disappointment.

D. It's a nice surprise.

E. Aliens take over.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Yasmine Bleeth acts as Jackie Ivers, a Los Angeles nurse who moves back to her hometown, San Vicente, California. She soon notices that her friends and family are acting strangely. She realizes that everyone who goes into the town's lake comes out acting differently.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Jackie figures out what's going on. Aliens live on another planet. It's like Earth, but it's polluted, so the aliens can't live there much longer. They are planning to replace people on Earth, and they enter Earth through the lake. When someone goes into the lake, an alien takes over that person's body.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} The Lake is an entertaining science fiction movie. It's a movie that was made for TV, and it's surprisingly good for a TV movie. There is plenty of action to keep viewers on their seats.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Yasmine Bleeth's performance is OK as the nurse and main character of the story. The other actors are also all right. But the best performance of the movie is from Haley Joel Osment. He was only 10 years old at that time. He later became when started in the movie The Sixth Sense with Bruce Wills

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} My only idea is that some of the characters are slow to figure out what's going on. It's disappointing because it makes the characters not very believable. The viewer figures out th truth long before the characters do.

