
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit 10单元测试卷


    My name is Scott Christenson. My story is one you've probably heard before. It goes something like this:

    When I was young, I was always athletic and did sports every day. At that time, I was in good shape. I ate whatever I wanted and never put on a pound. Over the years, many bad habits had been formed, such as smoking, drinking and staying up late. I often ate junk food. Besides, I was too busy to do exercise. By the time I got out of college, I was out of shape. I was getting fatter and fatter.

    I realized those bad habits were not good for my health, so I decided to start teaching myself about healthy eating and exercise by reading books and surfing the Internet. My work in the healthcare industry as a writer also allowed me to study the knowledge of healthy and unhealthy behavior. I tried to have a healthy diet, and I exercised two hours a day. Amazingly, I lost 18 pounds last year. I've got back in shape and I still keep my good habits.

(1)、When Scott was young, he used to        .
A、have a healthy diet and do sports B、have an unhealthy diet and dislike sports C、have a healthy diet and like to do sports D、have an unhealthy diet but like to do sports
(2)、Which of the following are the reasons that Scott became fat?

①Being too lazy.            ②Hardly ever doing exercise.

③Staying up late at night.    ④Eating too much junk food.

A、①②③④ B、②③④ C、①②④ D、①②③
(3)、From the passage we know Scott was a         in the healthcare industry.
A、writer B、student C、doctor D、teacher
(4)、Which of the following is TRUE?
A、Scott lost 18 pounds last year. B、A friend taught Scott how to eat healthily. C、Scott seldom did sports when he was young. D、Scott developed the bad habits after he began to work.
(5)、The passage is mainly about         .
A、the writer's job B、how the writer got fatter C、the best way to keep healthy D、how the writer's had habits changed

    Millions of people have seen Disney films and TV programmes. They have made friends with all the Disney heroes: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White, and Peter Pan. Millions more have visited Disney Parks. Probably no other company has pleased so many children. It is not surprising that it has been called a dream factory.

    Walt Disney was born in Chicago, Illinois. Then his family moved to Missouri. He grew up on a farm there. At the age of 16, Disney began to study art in Chicago. Four years later, he joined the Kansas City Film Ad Company. He helped make cartoon advertisements to be shown in cinemas.

    In 1923, Walt Disney moved to Hollywood, California to join his brother Roy.  He wanted to be a film producer or director. But he failed to find a job. So he decided to make animated films. In these films, drawings are made to move in a lifelike way. We call them cartoons. Disney wanted to bring his pictures to life.

    Disney opened his first company in the back of an office. For the first, several years, he had to work hard for a living, but he believed that cartoon films could be popular.

    Mickey Mouse was drawn with a group of circles. The public first saw Mickey Mouse in a film called Steamboat Willie. Walt Disney himself provided the voice for Mickey Mouse. The film was produced in 1928. It was a huge success. Mickey Mouse appeared in hundreds of cartoons during the years that followed. He became known all over the world.

