
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

Joy always rides her bike to school. It's four miles to school and it takes her about fifteen minutes. Joy likes riding to school. She says it's good for her health.
Edward usually goes to school by bus. He likes talking with his friends on the bus. It's about ten minutes'journey(旅程) to school by bus.
Mary's home is near to school. She usually walks to school. It's about five minutes' walk. Mary says she likes taking walks after meal.

(1)、How does Joy go to school?

(2)、How far is it from Joy's home to her school?

(3)、Why does Joy like riding to school?

(4)、How long does it take Edward to get to school?

(5)、How far is it from Mary's home to her school?

Choose the best answer.
He was just an ordinary postman. Day after day, he shuttled(穿梭) back and forth across the village. For him, life was without waves.
  One day, he was delivering mail as usual. When he looked up in the sky, he suddenly lost his balance. It was a little stone that tripped him up(绊倒). He observed the stone that had embarrassed(难堪) him, finding it strange but beautiful. In his eyes, this stone was like a lost jewel(宝石) covered with dust. The postman then placed the stone in his bag carefully. Because of this stone's arrival, his day was lightened. He suddenly had a bold thought—I can build a castle with such beautiful stones. How magnificent it will be!
  His ordinary life started to be different since then. He still delivered mail, but he collected every stone he could find along the way. All those dusty stones, in his eyes, glittered like diamonds.
  Gradually, his small bag couldn't hold his stones anymore and he needed to use a wheelbarrow to carry them. People didn't understand what happened when they saw the postman delivering letters with a wheelbarrow full of stones.
  After collecting enough stones, he started to build his castle. During the daytime, he passed along the dreams of others; and during the nighttime, he built his own dream. No one was willing to join in. But the postman was unmoved, still happily building his castle. Because he knew, the dream and the castle only belonged to him.
  After 20 years of working day and night, the postman's dream castle was finally completed. It was a magnificent castle just as he had imagined. It was a miracle arising from the ordinary.
  This is a real story. The postman's name is Xue Waller. The stone castle has become a famous tourist attraction in France, which is called“ ideal palace of Ferdinand Cheval.”At the entrance of the stone castle, there is a sentence—“I want to know how far a dream stone can go.”


   “Jamila, I just found one dollar sitting on the coffee table,” said Mrs. Johnson. “Is that your money?”

    Jamila looked up fromthe book she was reading. “Oops, it's mine. I emptied my jacket pockets before Ileft for basketball practice yesterday. I was running late, so I didn't have time to take it up to my room.”Jamila placed it quickly in the back of her book and went back to reading.

  “Jamila, you just put that money into the back of your book. I'm quite sure that you're not going to be able to find it when you need it.” her mother said. “You see, some of your money is in the pencil case on your desk. Some is in the glove hanging behind the door. I think you might also have a few dollars in your bag. You are such a careless girl.”

   “Mom. I'm too busy to take care of my money.”

     Mrs. Johnson smiled,“It looks like it's time for you to get your own bank account (账户).”

   “My own bank account?Is it necessary? Kids know little about it."Jamila replied.

    The next day, Mrs.Johnson took Jamila to a bank and opened an account for her. The banking mangerexplained how the money in the account would increase. “The longer the money staysin the account, the more it will earn(获利),” he added.

     Jamila was surprisedto learn that she could earn money just by keeping her money in a bank account.“I wish I had done this a long time ago.”


    There was once a little grey planet mat was very sad. The people living there didn't look after it. They polluted me whole planet so much with rubbish that there were no plants or animals left.

    One day, a little boy was walking on the planet when he passed a cave (洞穴) and noticed a small red flower inside. The flower was very sick, almost dying, so the boy carefully dug up the flower with roots, soil and everything. Then he started looking for a place where he could look after it. He searched all over the planet, but everywhere was so polluted that there was no place the flower could possibly live in. Then he looked up at the sky and noticed the Moon. It seemed to the boy that maybe the plant could live there. So the little boy put on his astronaut suit, and climbed into a spaceship. He put the little red flower in the back, and they went to the Moon.

    Far away from all that pollution, and with the boy visiting it every day to take care of it, the flower started to grow. The flower was so well cared for that it soon germinated, giving birth to others, and these other flowers spread onto other flowers. Before long, the whole Moon was completely covered with flowers.

    That's why, whenever the little boy's flowers open up, for a few minutes the Moon turns red, like a warning light. Maybe it's telling us that if we don't look after our planet, the day will come when flowers will only be able to grow on the Moon.

