
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

An artist goes to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stays with a farmer. Every day he goes out with his paints and brushes and paints until evening. When it gets dark he goes back to the farm and has a good dinner before he goes to bed.
At the end of his holiday he wants to pay the farmer, but the farmer says, "No, I don't want money. But give me one of your pictures. What's money? In a week it will be finished, but your picture will still be there.”
The artist is very happy and thanks the farmer for saying so about his pictures. The farmer smiles and answers, "It's not that. I have a son in London. He wants to be an artist. When he comes home next month, I will show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think."

(1)、Every day the artist _________ .

A、goes out to help the farmer B、stays at the farmer's home and eats a big dinner C、paints pictures D、works hard to get some money for the farmer
(2)、The artist thinks the farmer wants his picture because _______.

A、the farmer likes his drawing very much B、the farmer hates his pictures C、the farmer wants to give it to his son D、the farmer wants to be an artist, too
(3)、What does the farmer mean in the last paragraph?

A、He likes the artist very much. B、He would like his son to be an artist, too. C、He wants the artist to be his son's teacher. D、He doesn't like the artist's paintings at all.
Answer the question.

    "It's time to wake up, Emily," my mom sings from the kitchen. I pretended to open my eyes. Why didn't the alarm on my cell phone ring?

    Soon, I realized it was April 8, the day for my program: "A day without technology." I didn't realize what I had gotten myself into until I was driving to school in my car. No radio blasting my favorite songs. I had to sing to myself.

    As soon as I got to school, I went to the library to print out my English project from my flash drive. "Uh-oh," I thought. "This isn't expected." Finally, I had to spend nearly an hour writing the report again.

    The school day went on and I finally got used to the rules. This wasn't so hard! I could do this every day.

    I drove home in silence again, and my mind eventually went into after-school mode (模式), depending on what I would eat for supper and who would be voted off (被淘汰出局)American Idol later that night. The last thing I knew, I was chat with friends on Face book, check email and watch a video on YouTube, all at the same time!

    My mom walked in and her jaw dropped.

    "What happened to no homework?" she asked me. I froze for the second time that day and ordered myself to go back to reality. I had failed.

    This experiment, which many teenagers would never have the courage to try, was actually convenient to me. Even though my attempt(尝试) at going about my day without these luxuries (奢侈品) was a failure, I realized that if I really tried, I would be completely successful without my addiction to technology.

    These devices suddenly make my life easier, and I'm sure I wouldn't practice getting rid of them altogether, but I do believe the lives of today's teenagers would be dramatically different without our tech dependence.


The holiday season will be here soon,and with it come tons of parties. Here's how to mind your manners at the dinner table:

First things first:

Mind the little details. Respond to invitations in time;it's always better to be overdressed;be fashionably on time;bring a gift for your host or hostess;and remember to silence your phone and keep it out of sight. 

After you sit down:

The first thing you should do is place your napkin(餐巾)in your lap. Leave it there until the end of the meal. If you excuse yourself from the table,the most common practice is to place it on your seat until you return. If you're worried that your napkin has food on it that could make the seat or your clothes dirty when you sit back down,place it to the left of your plate instead. 

To locate your bread plate and drink:

When in doubt,look to your hands. With your palms(手掌)facing each other,connect the tip of each pointer finger(食指)with your thumbs(拇指). You'll see that your left hand will form a "b",and your right hand,a "d". These stand for "bread" and "drink",which you will find to your left and to your right,separately. 

What to do with utensils(餐具):

Your safest bet is to start from the outside﹣the utensils farthest from your plate﹣and move inward as the meal progresses. However,dessert(甜点)utensils may also be found above your plate. 

Resting utensils:

If you are taking a break from eating,imagine your plate is a clock and place your knife and fork down at the 3 o'clock position. You can show that you are finished eating by placing your utensils in the 10 and 4 o'clock positions. 

After the party:

Don't forget a thank﹣you note. It should be sent within two weeks after the event. 

