
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    New Year was just around the corner. I was second grade then, 7 years old. One day, on my way home from school, a lady gave me a piece of paper saying that the neighborhood was asking people to give New Year presents to those who needed them. When I got home, I showed my mother the paper and said that I wanted to take part in this plan. My mother thought this was a very good idea and encouraged me to spread kindness to others less fortunate than us. She said we would become "Neighborhood Angels (天使)".

    Several days later, my mother said, "Get ready, and we will go." "Where are we going?" I asked my mother. "I will drive you to Boots Department Store to buy something you think would be suitable for a neighborhood present.", she replied. As we went into the store, my mother gave me £20 to pay for the present. Then she said, "I'll see you outside in the car." She left me alone to do the shopping. I was not used to buying things on my own, as I had always been with one of my parents before. Everything seemed very strange and confusing to me, but I carried on. I asked myself what I should buy and for whom. An idea quickly occurred to me. There was a poor boy called Ralph who lived in our neighborhood. I used to see him often without a jacket during the freezing winter months, so I decided, then and there, to buy him a warm jacket.

    I looked at many jackets and eventually chose a heavy blue one. The price was just within my spending limit. The assistant at the checkout asked, "Is this for someone?", as I paid for the jacket happily. I said it was, and she wished me a Happy New Year. I felt as if I were a real "Neighborhood Angel".

Paragraph 1:

    That evening, my mother helped me pack the jacket in beautiful paper.

Paragraph 2:

    My mother and I waited breathlessly for Ralph's front door to open and finally it opened.







    We moved on into the jungle-- a forest where large numbers of tall trees and plants grow very close together. Old Mali went in front and I followed close behind him. We stopped for the night about an hour before it began to get dark.

    Old Mali lit a fire. When it was bight he showed me how to make a bed with moss(青苔,苔藓).

    It was soft and comfortable.

    Mali, how did you learn to make such a bed?  I asked.

    I learned to make beds like that, Mali replied, ―by watching and listening to others. That is the real way to learn anything.

    Will you let me watch you always?  I asked Old Mali. ―I want to learn all the things you know about the jungle.

    When we had finished our supper, Old Mali got onto his bed and lay down. It was now completely dark. In the fire light, Old Mali seemed to be fast asleep on his bed. I suddenly felt alone and afraid.

    All day in the jungle, while we had been walking, I had heard noises of animals. Now they seemed to be much nearer. The jungle was now a wall of blackness in the light of the fire.

    I felt frightened and suddenly my mouth went dry. I wanted to scream. I felt my mouth opening wide, ready to scream as loud as possible.

    But I did not scream. I saw Old Mali's face in the firelight. This made me feel ashamed. I held my teeth tightly together to stop myself from screaming. I lay down and closed my eyes.

    As soon as I closed my eyes. I heard a thousand noises. The whole jungle became alive with animals moving quietly and carefully all around me. Suddenly Old Mali took a deep breath and made a noise. I was hearing so many imaginary noise and the real noise made by Old Mali gave me a terrible fright.

    I opened my eyes and jumped out of bed. I pulled my knife out and held it above my head.


1). 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2). 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3). 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4). 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。

Paragraph 1

    I was going to see if there was a wild animal beside the fire.

Paragraph 2

    Old Mali's quiet calm voice made me feel better.


Mrs. Peterson was my tenth-grade biology teacher, a cool woman in her late twenties. She has taught us for several months. She was an easygoing and nice teacher that loved to walk into our heart and often cared about us. And she had a wonderful way of making the most boring lessons fun. All of these made her popular with all of us students.

On a Tuesday morning, early before the biology class, we were seated in the classroom as usual, waiting for the coming of Mrs. Peterson. To our surprise, it was a teacher we were not familiar with that stepped into our class. She wore white tennis shoes and thick glasses. "Hi, everyone. I am Mrs. Ferguson," she introduced herself. And then she added, "From now on, I'll teach you biology. Mrs. Peterson has had her baby, and she couldn't return to teaching this year. "

Hearing the unexpected news, all of us immediately felt upset and missed Mrs. Peterson. During Mrs. Ferguson's first class given to us, clearly we were not as active as before. And actually, during Mrs. Ferguson's several following classes, we still remained inactive. One reason was that there seemed to be a thick wall standing between Mrs. Ferguson and us.

I was a basketball cheerleader of our school. One day after school and a long cheerleading practice, my friend Alex and I were looking for a place to fix our hair before attending the tryout (选拔) for cheerleaders in a national basketball game. When walking past Mrs. Ferguson's room, we were surprised to see her at her desk grading papers. Seeing us look at her, she said with a smile, "Hi, girls, can I help you?"

Hearing it, we stopped. "We're just looking for a place to plug in (给…接通电源) our hair-fixing-tool, "I said. She probably considered we were vain (自负的) and stupid cheerleaders.




Thinking of that, my face felt hot.


When we were to leave, Mrs. Ferguson said, "Can I watch your tryout?"


Baskin was a 20-year-old sophomore at the University of South Carolina whose parents ran small restaurant. As he was the only college student in his family, his family tried their best to support him. Baskin always worked as a waiter in the restaurant to lighten his parents' burdens. He was so hardworking that many customers praised his hospitable service. His parents also appreciated and trusted him a lot.

It was a busy night at the restaurant. After a few guests walked in and sat down, they ordered a bottle of the Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse 2001-a valuable wine worth almost €6,000.

Having to serve another table, Baskin then asked a workmate to fetch the bottle. However, since the employee was new, she accidentally took the wrong bottle of wine. Instead of the wine that was ordered by the customers, she served the Chateau Pichon Longueville Pomerol 2001, which cost about €5,000. As the bottles and names were similar, no one noticed the mistake.

Baskin didn't realize the mistake until the customers wanted to order a second bottle after finishing the first one. He checked the order quickly and understood what was wrong. He cleverly suggested they order a different one, without letting them know what had happened, which could give him time to think about how to solve the problem.

Everything seemed normal, but Baskin was lost in thought. "What should I do to solve this problem?" he asked himself. If he didn't tell the customers the mistake, he could keep the extra €1000 secretly. As he was also the cashier of the restaurant, no one would know what happened. €1000 was the tuition fee for the whole school year and his parents needn't work hard to earn money for him. Or he could use the money to buy his favorite laptop which his parents couldn't afford. This extra money was really a huge temptation to him. But in this way, he would lose his honesty and dignity.

Paragraph 1:

While he was struggling with his options, his father came over.

Paragraph 2:

When the customers came to pay the bill, with father's advice in mind. Baskin decided to do the right thing.

