
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

There is a new park near Andy's home. It's fine today. Andy and his family are in the park now. On their left, there is a café. On the right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees around the lake. There's a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there are two signs(标记). One says, "Don't swim in the lake."But you can go boating on the lake. There is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. There are green grass and beautiful flowers in it. There are some small shops between the lake and garden. The park is so nice. Andy and his family like it very much.

(1)、The park near Andy's home is _________________.

A、new and beautiful B、old but beautiful C、new and clean
(2)、Is there a café in the park? ______________

A、Yes, there is  B、No, there isn't  C、We don't know
(3)、People can go _____________ on the lake.

A、swimming   B、fishing  C、boating
(4)、There aren't any __________ in the park.

A、flowers    B、trees   C、playgrounds
(5)、There is a hill behind _____________.

A、the garden   B、the lake C、the shop

    Jia Zuosheng, 27, used to work as a security guard (保安) at the library of Tsinghua University. But a few months ago, he became a college student in Lishan College in Shandong and he studies math there now. When hearing this news, many people were surprised. On school opening day, many reporters waited outside the school gate to interview him.

"I was born in a poor village in Shandong Province," said Jia. "Our village has never had a college student. Most boys work in town after growing up. I failed the National College Entrance Exam(高考)twice. Then I went to Beijing to find jobs. In the following years, I went on studying by myself while working."

At the end of 2009, Jia found a job as a security guard at the library of Tsinghua University."I cherished (珍惜) the job very much because it gave me a good chance to read books," Jia said."I usually worked at night so I had plenty of time to study in the daytime." When he had problems that he couldn't work out, Jia asked the students at Tsinghua for help. "My dream is to be a college teacher. So I need further education. That's the reason why I took the National College Entrance Exam again," Jia said. "I wish to educate students with my knowledge and love and help them enjoy true, kind and beautiful things."

Jia's mother said Jia has always been independent(独立的)and knows what he wants. But she has other worries. "It's difficult to find such a good job at present as a library guard in Tsinghua University. I'm not sure if this is a right decision." "I will never regret(后悔),"said Jia. "Everyone will have a new start. It's the end, and the beginning."


    A little girl's interest in wanting to talk about Chinese food put her on a path to study the language.

    Isabelle first became interested in Chinese when she was 5. “We were at a Chinese restaurant . She was watching a man making noodles. She was so excited that she wanted to talk with him. Unfortunately, he didn't speak English. On the way home, she said she wanted to learn Chinese,” said Isabelle's father.

    “I totally fell in love with the language. It's so beautiful and unlike anything I've ever heard before,” said Isabelle, whose Chinese name is Bao Ling. she is now 12 and very good at Chinese, she can even watch movies and TV from China without subtitles. Some of her favorite Chinese cartoons are Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Big Head Son and Small Head Dad, which are very popular in China.

    Isabelle studies at the Confucius Institute (孔子学院) near her home, the William & Mary Confucius Institute. “It is just the beginning of a fantastic ongoing adventure, all thanks to the Confucius Institute,” she said.

    The WMCI offers courses on many aspects (方面) of Chinese culture, from travel tips to calligraphy(书法), to tai chi, cooking and music. The first course that Isabelle took was a cooking class. She then tried tai chi and kung fu through the WMCI.

    Next year, through the WMCI, Isabelle will join the JNCLNCLIS (languagepolicy.org) to ask for more aid for language instruction in public schools.

    “I want to thank the Confucius Institute for sharing the wonderful language and culture of China to the world,” she said. “It has been a wonderful journey for all of us,” said her mother.

