
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

Every year landslides cause 25 to 50 deaths and $2 billion in damage in the United States. And in December, a single event killed more than 2000 people in the Philippines. Sending workers to stabilize mountainsides using steel bars can help a lot, but it introduces new difficulties because of dust and loosen heavy, dangerous debris from the work. "It's a quite dangerous job," says Giorgio Pezzuto of D' Appolonia, working with eight other companies. Now there may be an answer: a three-ton robot called Roboclimber.
"The idea is to operate a machine far away that can do the stabilizing job without a human being near,"says Pezzuto, manager for the project, which is supported by a European organization. Engineers say that the machine will be faster and cheaper than manual labor. The robot, a large radio-controlled four-legged spider, has cost at least $2 million so far. It should be able to climb mountainsides, drill holes and insert steel bars there. Testing should begin in May.

(1)、The underlined word "event"refers to_____

A、earthquake B、debris C、dust D、landslide
(2)、The purpose in writing this text is _____

A、to tell people how serious the damage caused by landslides is B、to tell people that sending workers to stabilize mountainsides is a dangerous job C、to show people how to use a new robot D、to introduce a new robot that can be used to stabilize mountainsides
(3)、What does the robot look like?

A、human being B、spider C、steel bar D、a drill
(4)、A landslides cause _____________in damage in the United States Every year .

A、25 to 50 deaths B、more than 2000 people died C、$2 billion D、both A and C
(5)、The biggest advantage of this product is that____

A、it will be faster and cheaper than manual labor B、it can climb mountainsides, drill holes and insert steel bars there. C、it can do the stabilizing job without human beings near D、it is like a spider
   Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost mention recycling, which is the process (过程) of treating used things, such as paper or steel so that they can be used again. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more things than we need. We are now dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the possible greenest way, but it would be far better if we did not bring so many things home in the first place.
   Here is an example. In the UK, the total of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a household's waste. In many supermarkets, foods are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.
   Too much packaging causes serious environmental problems. The UK is running out of different kinds of ways for dealing with this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect (效果). Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The best way of avoiding this problem is to stop producing such unnecessary things in the first place. Food waste is another serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers (消费者) to buy more than they need. They seldom encourage customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue.
   But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to connect packaging with quality (质量). We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. Is it true for all the products? In fact, more and more companies realized the importance of protecting the environment. They try to package what really should be packaged, including products in good quality.
   As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize how many unnecessary things are being collected. We need to face the waste of our daily life. Although many people have taken action to recycle, we have a high mountain to climb.


Why salmon will newer get lost

    When you're packing for an adventure, what's the most important thing you'll need? If you don't want to get lost, you' need a map. Or better yet, a GPS. What about other animals? How do they know where they're going?

    While humans depend on technology to travel, some animals have something far more advanced. Researchers, mainly from Oregon State University, US, found that Chinook salmon have a "built in GPS" of the Earth's magnetic field(磁场). This means as soon as they are born they are able to direct themselves in the ocean. It acts like a big map inside their brain.

    Scientists placed some baby salmon into a big swimming pool. To simulate the Earth's magnetic field, they put magnetic coils(线圈) all around the pool. Then, by changing the direction of the coils, the salmon began to change their own direction. They started to face in the direction of their ocean feeding area. This is a safe place in the ocean where salmon can find food to eat. When the scientists changed the coils to the opposite side, the salmon also turned in the opposite direction. Just by using their "built-in GPS", the salmon were able to figure out the direction of their feeding area.

    How did Chinook salmon get their "built in GPS"? The scientists believe that their navigation(导航) skills came through evolution(进化). The fish that were able to reach the feeding area lived longer. Then they could pass on their navigation skills to their babies. So if you're ever lost and in need of some help, maybe you should ask a salmon to point you in the right direction!


    You might not pay much attention to whether the things you say on WeChat and other online messaging apps are recorded. But a regulation (规定) that went into effect on May 1 will make everything you say online usable against you in a court of law (法庭).

    According to the Supreme People's Court's regulation, text messages, emails, and content posted on websites or instant (即时的) messaging platforms can be used as evidence (证据) in civil lawsuits (民事诉讼).

    The idea of digital evidence was first introduced as part of China's Civil Procedure Law in 2012. However, the recent regulation has made it clearer.

    "This is the first time the Supreme People's Court has clarified (阐明) the scope of digital evidence, especially on social media platforms and instant messaging services," Li Ya, a lawyer in Beijing, told China Daily.

   The regulation was introduced to keep up with changes in social development. Social media activity has become a part of most people's lives. Therefore, digital evidence is playing an increasingly important role in civil and criminal lawsuits.

    According to the regulation, if people plan to use digital evidence in a lawsuit, they have to first prove that they use the app or website that the evidence comes from. Second, they must provide an original (原始的) and complete record of the evidence. For example, if you lend somebody money through WeChat, you must keep the original transfer (转账) records and conversations on the app.

    However, there are still questions about the regulation. Some point out that the regulation will not necessarily help in every case. "How to make sure a microblog was actually posted by the micro blogger is a challenge," Li said.

