
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

    In January 1998 two pigs escaped from west of London. The pigs were going to be killed for meat. For almost a week, they hid in the woods around the town of Malmesbury.
    When the local police began to look for the pigs, newspaper reporters from all over the country joined them. Soon people everywhere were reading about the adventures(历险记) of Butch and Sundance with great interest. The owner of the pigs said that if they were found, he would sell them to anyone who would give them a home. A number of newspapers tried to buy the pigs, and finally The Daily Mail paid a lot of money for them.
    One rainy night, six days after the escape, a reporter from The Daily Mail and some people from the town found Butch in the woods. They caught her and put her in a cage. The next day, Sundance was caught, too.
The pigs were sent to a zoo. They were no longer free, but they were alive!
 The two pigs escaped from their owner for fearing of being killed.
  The two pigs hid for almost a week in the woods.
  People everywhere joined the local police in looking for the pigs.
  The name of the two pigs were Butch and Sundance.
 The Daily Mail is a reporter.


      So far, there have been so many successful men and women in the world. And it's no surprise for many of us to dream of doing business when we grow up. However, Moziah Bridge tells us quite different story.

      Moziah Bridges is now the CEO of his Mo's Bow's company. He has already earned $200,000 by selling bow ties and other men's fashion accessories(饰品). The boy designs all the bow ties together with seven other workers in the company, including his mother and grandmother.

    “Mo is the CEO of the company, but I am the CEO of Mo,”Bridges' grandma said.

About four years ago, when Bridges went shopping for bow ties, he found they were in ugly" black and red. He wanted a change. So he asked his grandma to teach him to sew(缝纫)and finally he developed the talent of creating bow ties. Though his very first bow tie didn't look nice, the young sewer kept on practicing. He used colorful cloth with different pictures. Then his parents and friends started to like his works.

       At first he tried to sell them online to several stores in the south. Soon Mo's bow ties became popular. With the help of Dayond John, CEO of the famous US clothes brand FUBU, Bridges built his own company. Not only did Daymond John provide money for him, but also produced Bridges to the circle of fashion and business industries.

      Now the 13-year-old's business has developed rapidly. So you can just start now! You don't have to wait till you're older. If you have a dream, go for it!


    After learning about these famous women, you will know you can do a lot for society, and make a difference to the world in your lifetime.

Amelia Earhart(1897-1937 )

    Amelia Earhart was the first woman who ever flew alone across the Atlantic in 1932. She became the first woman pilot in 1935 after flying from Hawaii to California. She began her lifelong dream of flying across the world in 1937. However, her flight went missing on that trip and she was never seen again.

Helena Rubinstein (1870-1965 )

    Helena Rubinstein moved to Australia in 1902 without the ability to speak English. Later, she set up one of the world's first cosmetic (化妆品) companies after mixing lanolin, which is an oil山at comes from sheep's wool, with flowers. Because of that, she became the world's richest woman at that time.

Katharine Hepburn (1907-2003 )

    Katharine Hepburn was known for playing strong-willed women in her films. She won four Academy Awards(奥斯卡金像奖) for Best Actress, the most an actress has ever won. Her new dress style made wearing trousers acceptable to women, which wasn't allowed at that time.

Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

    Emmeline was a great woman activist. She helped British women get the right to vote. She fought for the rights of women all the time with the help of her husband in the late 19th century and early 20th century. After she lost her husband, she worked together with her three daughters and formed The Women Social and Political Union.

