
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor. After a few weeks the editor 1 the story to her. The lady was 2. She wrote back to the editor:
“Dear Sir.
Yesterday you sent back a story of mine. How do you know that the story is not good? You did not read it. 3 I sent you the story, I pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20. This was a4 to see whether you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were 5 pasted together. Is this the way you read all the stories that are sent to you?”
The editor wrote back:
“Dear Madam,
At breakfast then I have an egg. I don't have to eat the whole egg in order to discover(发现) that it is bad.

A、gave B、came back C、handed D、returned
A、angry B、happy C、satisfied D、glad
A、After B、until C、Before D、Since
A、lesson B、test C、question D、thing
A、already B、still C、even D、yet

    Lisa has always been overweight. She wanted to lose weight, not just because she wanted to1more beautiful and be healthier, but also because it would make life easier. For example, it was2 for Lisa to find ready-made clothes that would fit. She had to ask a tailor(裁缝) to make clothes that were 3 enough. In school, she needed a special chair that was bigger and 4 than the other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very 5. She was also unhappy about the way people treated(对待)6sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. That's unfair! It's true that I'm overweight, but I don't think people 7treat me differently because I'm big. I can't enjoy having meals with my friends because I'm afraid of getting fatter.” Her friends and family never made fun of her. They tried to help her 8.They wanted her to be happy and healthy. Sometimes when Lisa was feeling sad, she didn't want to speak to9.

    10 now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing for the School11Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen(女王)12was tall and fat. Lisa13and practiced a lot.

    Soon after the play, Lisa became the star! She did14well that everybody remembered the proud Queen. They stood around her and said “Congratulations” to her. She even won the School Best Actress Award for her wonderful performance.

    Now Lisa doesn't worry15being fat any more. She believes in the English saying “Every dog has its day.”


    Sophie was a ten-year-old girl. She loved 1. She drew before breakfast. She drew after breakfast. Sometimes she even drew on her way to 2.

    One day Sophie arrived 3 at school. "Why are you late, Sophie?" asked her teacher. "I'm sorry, Miss. I was drawing a big house on the way to school. I forgot about the class.

    "Oh, Sophie," said her teacher. "You must think 4 about your drawing and more about school. Can you give me your 5 now please?"

    "I'm sorry, Miss, I don't have it finished."

    "6 , Sophie?"

    "Yesterday I was in town. I saw a 7 running down the road. He had a handsome face so I drew him." The teacher gave Sophie a strange look. "But Sophie, there was a 8 robbery (抢劫案) in town yesterday..."

    "Maybe that was the man I 9," said Sophie. "Maybe I have drawn a picture of the robber!"

    After school, Sophie went to the police station. She 10 her picture to a policeman. "Where did you 11 this picture?" asked the policeman.

    "I drew it," said Sophie. "I drew it yesterday in 12."

    "This is a picture of Ronnie, the Robber," said the policeman. "So Ronnie robbed the bank! Thank you, Sophie. Now we can 13 him."

    A week later, the policeman 14 a letter to Sophie's school. "Sophie's drawing helped us catch Ronnie the Robber," he said. "She is a very clever girl."

    Now her teachers were very 15 of Sophie, the girl who loves to draw


    Last October, I told my pupils in Pompton School about my plan. "I'd like you to do jobs to make some 1 ." I said. "Then we'll buy food for someone in need."

    I wanted them to experience that it's 2 to give than to receive. I hoped they could experience a sense of their own ability to make a change.

    Early in Thanksgiving week, the children couldn't wait to 3. Before paying for the turkey and other food we chose in the supermarket, Kristine cried.

    "Flowers!" And the group all ran toward the holiday 4.

    "You can't eat flowers!" I said 5. After all, it was helpful to buy more food.

    "But Mrs. Sherlock," came the loud 6," we want flowers."

    In the middle of the plants, there was a pot of unusually purple mums."7 will like this one," the children agreed.

    8 the address of a poor grandmother who had lived alone for years, we set off. An hour later, we stopped in front of a small house. A thin woman with a 9 face came to meet us.

    As the kids carried all the food in, the old woman oohed and ached—much to her visitors" pleasure. When Amy put the mums on the table, the woman seemed 10. "She's wishing it was a bag of food," I thought.

    11 is your close friend in the woods?" Michael asked.

    The woman brightened. "The birds. They often fly over for food 12 I share my bread with them." She said.

    Then we returned to the car. Through the window we saw her walk past the turkey, straight to the 13. She put her face in them and looked up with a big smile. She was 14 before our eyes!

    In that one short moment, the children had seen for themselves the 15 they owned to make a change. Sometimes a person needed a pot of nice purple flowers on a dark November day.

