
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The story about Miss Evans is a true story.

    On the way to England from the U.S. in April 1912, a new large ship hit an iceberg (冰山) and water began to come over it.

    Everyone came out and went up to the higher part of the ship. The man put down some lifeboats into the water and helped the women and the children to get on them. Suddenly a woman shouted and wanted to stay with her children in the boat, but there was no more room for her. At that moment Miss Evans let that woman take her place. Soon after that the ship went down. Miss Evans lost her life.

    If you speak about Miss Evans in Boston today, nobody knows more about her than that, but she is one of the greatest women in America.

(1)、Miss Evans is from ______.
A、the U.S. B、English C、China D、we don't know
(2)、What happened to a woman?
A、She lost her children. B、She lost her life. C、Her children were in the boat but she wasn't in it. D、She stayed with her children in the boat.
(3)、Who gave the woman a place?
A、The woman in the ship. B、Miss Evans. C、The men in the ship. D、Nobody.
(4)、Did Miss Evans lose her life?
A、No, she didn't. B、Yes, she did. C、She lost her life. D、She lost her leg.
(5)、What' s the title of this passage?
A、A Woman with Her Children B、A New Large Ship C、The Story of Miss Evans D、The Greatest Woman in America

      I am 22. I used to work in a hotel. It was boring.

One day a guest and I had a conversation. She asked me, "Do you like your job?" I was sad because I knew the answer. "No".

     She was 74 and gave me the most beautiful advice that I remember in all my life:"You are too young to hate your job, young man. Go to get your passport and start your adventure(冒险 ). "

     So I did.

     Since I was a little kid I was dreaming to know Europe. So next day I had my passport. And one week later, my plane tickets.

     It was impossible to have a long holiday.  So I resigned(辞职).  My boss said I was crazy. My friends said that I was not responsible. I just paid no attention to those voices.

     It was Europe in winter. Not the best time to travel there. But Europe in winter is really cheap.

     I packed some books, a camera, 4 shirts, 2 pants, a coat, gloves, 2 pairs of walking shoes, candies and music to give away.

       I had little money.  I just walked and walked.  I went to high mountains and big cities. I saw some beautiful sunsets(日落). I heard some of the best musicians (for free). I discovered that there was still love in the world. I realized that sunrises are not always blue or yellow. Sometimes they mix.

      I spent 22 days and $1,500 (including the plane tickets). What I did to save money:

      1. Used CouchSur fing(沙发客 ).

      2. Ate 20-cents bread.

      3. Went to Burger King to get free potato chips and water.

      4. Learned to cook.

      5. Talked with local(当地的) people.  They always know where to do cool and cheap stuff(事儿).

      6. Only went to free museums (only in England).

      Until this point in my life, I never had a clear idea of how to deal with my life. Now I do. I want to be a photographer so that I can inspire(激励) people with my pictures. Thanks to this travel. Thanks to that lady.

Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football, tennis Cricket — anything with a round ball, I was useless." he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in England's rural Devonshire.
It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind building up his body, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathon.
The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway's school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older man's cold-water exploits (成就). Intrigued, Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future. Journeys to the Pole aren't the usual holidays for British country boys, and many people dismissed his dream as fantasy. "John Ridgway was one of the few who didn't say, 'You are completely crazy,'" Saunders says.
In 2001, after becoming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition toward the North Pole. He suffered frostbite, had a closer encounter (遭遇) with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.
Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he's skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton. His old playmates would not believe the transformation.
This October, Saunders, 27, heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, an 1800-mile journey that has never been completed on skis.


    "Mom, I'm bored," said Jason. "There is nothing to do." "You can clean your room," said Mom. "That's not fun." It was only the second week of summer vacation. It was still too chilly to go to the pool, and Jason was tired of watching TV. His friends went on a trip, and even his dog, Riley, was being lazy.

    Mom was getting ready to go downtown to the food kitchen to help out. She volunteered three times a week serving lunch to people that weren't as lucky as Jason. "Why don't you come with me to the food kitchen and help out?" Mom asked. "I don't know anything about working at a food kitchen," said Jason. "You just watch me, and then you will see how to serve the food," said Mom.

    It was time to go, and Jason was excited to try working in the food kitchen. He watched his mom put some chicken on a plate and some mashed potatoes. She then passed the plate to the next lady, and she put some green beans and bread on the plate. "I can do that," thought Jason. One of the volunteers left early, so Jason took his place in the serving line. He was in charge of putting salad on the plates. He served twenty-five people that day. After the kitchen closed, Jason and his mom stayed to clean up. "That was great!" said Jason.

    Jason was so excited and really enjoyed his day at the food kitchen. He couldn't wait to get home and tell his dad about how much fun he had. "Not only did it give me something to do, but I felt so good doing it," Jason told his dad. "Jason, that was nice thing you did today," said Dad. "You helped many people who aren't as lucky as you to have a hot meal," Mom said. "I am so proud of you, Jason! You worked very hard.

    Jason went to bed that night thinking about the food kitchen. "I am going to help out again," he thought. Jason made some new friends, and he didn't even know they lived so close to him in town! The best part was how good Jason felt inside.

