
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

As a father, I always do my best to help my son, Peter. I like to help him with his study. I encourage him to join team sports. I send him to the summer camp if he wants to go. I also teach him to be both a good student and a useful man.
He used to make me feel proud. I often thought he was the best son and I was the best father in the world.
However, things changed two years ago. It was Peter's 12th birthday. My wife and I bought him a computer as a present. We thought it was necessary for him to learn how to use a computer in the modern world. We knew that some children were addicted (上瘾的) to computer games and that they didn't study or work at all. Someone said that computers and the Internet were bad for children, but I didn't worry about it. I trusted (信任) my son. I believed that he could control himself. Peter did very well at first. He played computer games, but for only two hours every week. Most of the time he studied or wrote articles on the computer. We felt very happy to see that.
When we finally learned that Peter was also addicted to computer games, it was too late. He didn't like studying at all. He no longer joined team sports. Sometimes we even couldn't find him at night. He spent several days and nights at the Internet cafe. We tried everything to help him, but nothing worked. What should we do?

(1)、Why did the writer think his son was the best in the past?

A、Because his son joined many team sports. B、Because his son was a good student. C、Because his son always made him feel proud. D、Because his son loved him very much.
(2)、How old is Peter now?

A、10 years old. B、12 years old C、14 years old. D、16 years old.
(3)、What did the writer buy for his son as a birthday present two years ago?

A、A computer. B、Some computer games. C、Some books. D、A computer book.
(4)、How long did Peter play computer games at first?

A、About two hours every day. B、About two hours every week. C、About two hours every month. D、The whole day.
(5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A、Peter likes to study a lot now. B、It wasn't necessary for children to learn how to use a computer. C、Many children have lost interest in studying because of computer games and the Internet. D、Children shouldn't use the computer.
We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this high tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.
"Look down, Elsa," Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw several streets leading to the square. "See, my dear," Father said gently. "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another."
Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the bad lunches that were served at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said.
When I turned to Father for help, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.
At school the next day, I poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to serve it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked perfectly. She tried one spoonful and sputtered. "The cook must have gone mad!" Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother promised that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!
In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn't stop working until I tried every possible way. Father's wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.


    Long ago, a wolf called Howler lived in a valley where lots of fruit trees grew. He often tried to climb up the trees to eat the fruit, but couldn't reach.

    In the valley, an old man named Martin also had a few fruit trees that he looked after very well. But as he was getting older, he noticed that he didn't have the strength to pick the fruit.

    Martin had the most beautiful fruit trees in the valley, which was why Howler had his eye on them. One day he decided to steal the fruit and started jumping up and down the tree.

    Martin looked out of the window and realized that the wolf was trying to steal fruit from his beautiful trees. Howler jumped and jumped, but he couldn't reach even the lowest branches of such a big tree.

    Seeing this, Martin had a great idea: he offered Howler a ladder to climb up, but in return the wolf would have to give him half of the fruit. Howler accepted the deal and began to collect the fruit. For the whole morning, he went up and down the ladder filling his basket with the fruit.

    Howler soon realized that he could eat all the fruit if he didn't give Martin some. He thought up a new and secret plan. Martin, on the other hand, trusted Howler and even began to think they would be friends forever.

But the wolf stole the ladder and went off to other trees in the area for more fruit.

    Realizing that the ladder was missing, Martin went looking for it. Martin felt very disappointed at the trick and no longer trusted Howler. Though he wasn't angry with the wolf and they became friends again, he never made any more deals with him.

    At last, Howler learned that he shouldn't trick people and he should keep promises. He also learned that if he had been honest and not greedy, he would still have been able to enjoy more delicious fruit.


    A little girl's interest in wanting to talk about Chinese food put her on a path to study the language.

    Isabelle first became interested in Chinese when she was 5. “We were at a Chinese restaurant . She was watching a man making noodles. She was so excited that she wanted to talk with him. Unfortunately, he didn't speak English. On the way home, she said she wanted to learn Chinese,” said Isabelle's father.

    “I totally fell in love with the language. It's so beautiful and unlike anything I've ever heard before,” said Isabelle, whose Chinese name is Bao Ling. she is now 12 and very good at Chinese, she can even watch movies and TV from China without subtitles. Some of her favorite Chinese cartoons are Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Big Head Son and Small Head Dad, which are very popular in China.

    Isabelle studies at the Confucius Institute (孔子学院) near her home, the William & Mary Confucius Institute. “It is just the beginning of a fantastic ongoing adventure, all thanks to the Confucius Institute,” she said.

    The WMCI offers courses on many aspects (方面) of Chinese culture, from travel tips to calligraphy(书法), to tai chi, cooking and music. The first course that Isabelle took was a cooking class. She then tried tai chi and kung fu through the WMCI.

    Next year, through the WMCI, Isabelle will join the JNCLNCLIS (languagepolicy.org) to ask for more aid for language instruction in public schools.

    “I want to thank the Confucius Institute for sharing the wonderful language and culture of China to the world,” she said. “It has been a wonderful journey for all of us,” said her mother.

