
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A young man went to a job interview in a big company. The director discovered that the young man's college grades were great. He wondered who paid for the young man's education. The young man told him that his parents did and they worked as clothes cleaners.

    The director found that the young man's hands were smooth and perfect. "Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes?" the director asked. "No. My parents always let me study. Besides, my parents can wash clothes faster than me."

    The director asked him to go back home and wash his parents' hands. When he got home, he asked his parents to let him clean their hands. His parents felt strange but happy. Then the young man began to clean their hands slowly.

    His tears fell as he did that. He found that his parents'hands were so old and pale because of long time in water. There were also so much hurt in their hands. He knew the hurt had much to do with his school fees (费用). After cleaning his parents' hands, the young man quietly washed all the rest clothes for them.

    The next morning, the young man went to the director's office. The director noticed the tears in the young man's eyes. He told the young man that he was accepted.

(1)、What did the young man do before the interview?
A、A clothes cleaner. B、A company director. C、A college student. D、A bookshop owner.
(2)、How did the young man's parents feel when he wanted to wash their hands?
A、Surprised. B、Upset. C、Funny. D、Bored.
(3)、Why did the young man cry when he washed his parents' hands?
A、Because his hands were very painful. B、Because he didn't want to wash their hands at all. C、Because he found his parents were leading a hard life. D、Because he was too tired to wash their hands.
(4)、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A、The young man's parents washed clothes faster than the young man. B、The director wanted the young man to know how hard his parents worked. C、Everyone should be thankful to people who have done something for him. D、Nobody can succeed unless he learns to wash his parents' hands.
       Sam Higgins was a famous photographer. He travelled all over the world, taking photos for magazines and newspapers. He had photographs of earthquakes, forest fires, floods, even wars. If something interesting happened, Sam went to photograph it. His photographs won many prizes and he earned a lot of money.
      He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always refused. “I travel for work, not for pleasure,” he told her. “You won't enjoy yourself, and I won't have time to look after you. Sometimes there's not even anywhere to stay and I have to sleep outside. I often don't have a good meal or a bath for days. You won't like it”
    “Sam, I'm not a child,” his wife argued. “I can look after myself. Please, take me with you next time you go overseas.”
    Sam did not say anything but he thought about it, and when he was asked to go to Africa he said, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. I've got to take photographs of the wildlife there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable. We'll be staying with a ranger(森林管理员) ”
    His wife was very excited, and at first she had a very enjoyable time.
    Then one day, Sam went off to find some lions to photograph. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated(分开). They came to a fork on the way, and she walked down one way while he walked down the other. Then Sam heard her screaming. He ran back to the fork on the way and saw her running forward him. A huge lion was chasing her. Quickly Sam took out his camera and pointed it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, “Slow down, woman. I can't get you both in the picture.”

