
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

On a hot summer day, Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down in a tent for the night and went to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes woke up and pushed his friend. “Watson, look! What can you see in the sky?"
Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”
“What does that tell you?” asked Holmes.
Watson thought for a while. “First, it tells me that we will have a beautiful clear day tomorrow. Second, it tells me that the time is about twelve o'clock. And…”
“What else?” Holmes asked.
“Well, it also reminds me that the world is so big and we are so small. What does that tell you?” Holmes said with a grin on his face, “You silly guy! It only tells me that someone has stolen our tent!”

(1)、Holmes woke up _____.

A、in the middle of the night B、early in the morning C、soon after he fell asleep D、after Watson pushed him
(2)、Watson thought of at least _____ things after he saw the stars.

A、two B、three C、four D、five
(3)、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A、The story happened in the afternoon. B、They had some wine before they went to sleep. C、Holmes asked Watson questions because Holmes didn't know what happened. D、Holmes and Watson were in their tent while they were talking about the question.
    It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.  If we didn't see any rain soon, we would lose everything.
One day when I was in the kitchen, I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking towards the forest. He was clearly trying to be as still as possible.   Several minutes after, he had gone into the forest, he ran out again, towards. the house.  This activity went on for an hour, walking carefully to the forest and running back to the house.  I really wanted to know what Billy was doing.
    Finally I followed him into the forest.  I found that he was holding a cup of water. He walked very carefully not to drop the water.
I saw a baby deer lying on the ground.  It lifted its head to drink the water in my son's cup.  After the deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back to the house to get more water.  When he saw me, he said, "I'm not wasting. " I found that his eyes were filled with tears.
    “I know. " I watched the most beautiful heart working so hard to save another life.Tears ran down my face.  As my tear drops began to hit the ground, other drops and more drops and more suddenly joined them   I looked up at the sky.   It was raining.
    Some people would say this was all just a huge coincidence  (巧合).   Those miracles(奇迹)  don't really exist (存在).  I would like to believe it was a miracle.   All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy saved a life.


    From a young age, I've had a really deep connection with being outside. I've been skiing since I was eight or nine years old. I've been on expeditions(探险) in many places like China, Pakistan and so on. But it was in my home country, the USA, that I came closest to death.

    It was April 1, 2011. I was skiing in the Tetons with my friends Jeremy and Xavier, both experienced snowboarders. That day, l was the last person to ski. They were watching me from a safe area. Suddenly, I heard someone cry loudly. I turned around and saw the whole mountain start to move behind me. It was a massive avalanche( 大雪崩). The kind of avalanche that destroys trees, cars, buses, even houses! Tens of thousands of tons of snow were coming straight down the mountain behind me. I felt the snow push me forward, hundreds of meters, and then cover me. It was so heavy that I couldn't breathe. And then it pushed me forward again and up, out of the snowpack. I looked around, and for a few seconds I actually stopped being terrified. I had a moment to pause and to look at the power of the avalanche.

    I looked down into the bottom of the valley(峡谷). I could see trees that were 30m tall, because! Was so far away, and they looked tiny to me. "OK, I'm going all the way to the bottom!" I thought. Then the snow pushed me again down the mountain another 450m. I thought the force of the snow would destroy me; it was powerful. But in the end, I felt the avalanche slow down and I just popped ( 迸出 ) right out of the snow at the bottom of the valley.

    It took Jeremy and Xavier about 20 minutes to reach me. There was a pile of debris(碎片) across the bottom of the mountain 300m wide. They couldn't believe it when they saw me. I was so lucky.

    Has the experience changed me? Do I think about life differently? I don't know, maybe. But I do know that it's important to live your life with meaning. Life is a gift. So use it wisely.


    One morning, a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet .He held a sign which said, "I am blind. Please help me."

    There were only a few coins(硬币) in the hat. A man was walking by. He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.

    Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and ask, "Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning? What did you write?"

    The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said, but in a different way."

    What he had written was, "Today is a beautiful day, but I can't see it."

    Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

    Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.

    The first sign simply said the boy was blind, while the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.

There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simple story.

    The first is: Treasure(珍惜) what you have. Someone else has less. Try your best to help those who need your help.

    The second is: Be creative. Think differently. There is always a better way.

