
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通

(Megan and Kyle are talking before class begins.)
Megan: Hey, Kyle, are you ready for the big test today? I studied that list of words and the definitions(释义) for two hours last night.
Kyle: Oh, but I didn't study at all. I just wrote all the answers on the palm(手掌) of my hand, see?
Megan: Kyle! You can't do that! That's cheating(作弊)!
Kyle: Hey, don't worry. I won't be caught. Mrs King will never know.
(Mrs King comes in and passes out the test papers.)
Mrs King: Okay, no more talking. You may begin.
(Kyle looks st his hand when the teacher isn't looking.)
Joe: (raising his hand) Mrs King, may I have a drink? I have the hiccups(打嗝).
Mrs King: Yes, you may.
Kyle: (raising his hand) Mrs King, may I get a drink, too?
Mrs King: Kyle, what is that on your hand? I think you had better come to my desk.
Kyle: Oh no…
(After this, Kyle realizes his mistake and never cheats in exams again.)

(1)、Where did the story possibly take place?

A、In the classroom. B、In the library C、On the playground. D、In the reading room.
(2)、Where did Kyle write the answers?

A、On his hand. B、In his notebook. C、Megan told his classmates everything. D、Joe told Mrs King about Kyle's cheating.

    Several days ago, Brenda had a car accident that led to one of her legs being cut off. Since then she didn't talk to anyone."I wish I could bring her friends to visit her," said Brenda's mother. "But it's a long bus trip." The nurse smiled, "Don't worry. We have a plan."Later that day, the nurse had taken Brenda to another room. "Here's your new roommate, Annie Wiggle-Do," the nurse introduced a dark-hair teenager on the other bed.

    As soon as the nurse left, she jumped out of her bed with her only foot and sat at the other end of Brenda's bed, "I lost my leg from bone cancer," she said. "What happened to yours?" Brenda was so shocked that she couldn't say a word. "You're lucky." Annie continued. "You've still got your knee. They had to take mine."

    "I'd like to have a chat with you, but my friends are coming any time now, so I have to get ready." Annie said when she took off her hair! Her head was completely bald(秃头的).

    "Oh, I forgot to tell you, the medicine they gave me to kill the cancer also killed my hair." Annie looked out her wigs(假发), brown and yellow, short and long, straight and curly."That's why I thought up 'Annie Wiggle-Do'." Annie smiled. "Get it? Any wig will do? Annie Wiggle-Do?" "When Annie's friends came, she introduced Brenda to them all. Before long, Brenda started chatting with Annie and her friends. They didn't make her feel like a strange person at all!

    The girls shared their names with each other. When it was time to go to bed, Brenda said, "Good night, Annie-Wiggle-Do. Can't wait till morning."

阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    A'Layah Robinson lives in Oklahoma, USA. She is only seven years old, but already she has big ideas for helping other kids!

    One Saturday morning when A'Layah was five, she noticed some teenagers who had a lemonade stand(柠檬饮料摊位). They wanted to raise money to help some of their friends. A'Layah wanted very much to help kids too, especially foster kids(寄养儿童)! You see, A'Layah and her brother were both foster kids. The little girl's birth mother was a drug addict (吸毒成瘾者), so she was taken to a foster care centre. Luckily, she finally found a forever home in the Robinson family.

    But A'Layah still couldn't forget the day when her brother came to live with them. She felt sad that he only had old clothes and shoes that were too small. She thought maybe she could help with a lemonade stand! That way she could raise money so that other foster kids could have a toy and a few other things of their own.

    A'Layah's first lemonade stand made $132! A'Layah was so excited to go with her mother to buy things for the foster kids. She decided they should have a toy, a toothbrush, a blanket and a book. Her first donation(捐赠物) was for 24 kids!

    A'Layah wanted to help more kids, so her mum helped her start a charity called A'Layah's Lemonade for Love. Till now, it has already raised over$17, 000! A'Layah hopes someday she will be able to send a toy to every kid in foster care.

