
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通


    When Susan Chen left high school, she want to go to university. Unfortunately, her father was quite poor,and a university education cost a lot of money.

    Take the entrance examination, she didn't score very high marks, but she scored enough, and was offered a place at the university.

    “I'm very proud of you, Susan,” her father said, “I must find the money for a university education for you somehow.”

“But how ,Dad?” Susan asked.

  “Well, I can sell my car and work a lot of overtime, I can even work at two jobs if necessary. One during the day and one at night.”

   “You're a generous father” Susan said.

“Your future is worth the sacrifice,”he told her.The next day he sold his car and asked his boss to give him three hours overtime every day.This meant walking to work and working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, but he didn't complain. His daughter's education was worth it.

A year passed, Susan took her first-year examination. When the results were announced, she ran home to tell her father the news. “Dad”she said, “I've got my examination results, you'll be pleased,”“You've passed”he exclaimed ,“guess what? I've got the third place and won the scholarship. You can have your car back and stop working so hard.”

(1)、Susan Chen wanted to_____when she graduated from high school.

A、make some money   B、go to university     C、go to work
(2)、she took the entrance examination and passed it with_______.

A、the highest marks  B、full marks  C、just enough marks
(3)、To pay for her university education,her father______.

A、sold his car      B、bought a house   C、changed his job
(4)、At the end of her first year at university,Susan______.

A、bought her father a car. B、failed the exam    C、passed the exam.
(5)、According to the story,it's probably true that_______.

A、Susan didn't do well in her subject. B、Mr Chen was pleased to hear the news C、Susan found a job to have her father's car back.

    Joseph Sekar is 62 years old and he is in India(印度). He feeds thousands of parrots(鹦鹉) every day. And he has got himself another new and interesting name "birdman".

    Joseph always left small number of rice on the top of his house. The neighborhood parrots often came to eat them. One day two parrots flew in and Joseph fed them some rice. The birds not only returned the following day, but also brought along other hungry friends. Today between 2,000~4,000 beautiful parrots visit the birdman twice a day.

    Joseph does not feed the birds raw(生的) rice. He cooks the rice! This means that the amazing man usually gets up at 4:30 am every morning and spends over an hour making the breakfast for birds. He then puts the rice on 14 boards on the top of his house carefully.

The breakfast rush begins at about 6:00 am when the beautiful parrots fly in and continues until every last piece of the delicious rice is gone! The similar situation happens in the evening when the birds arrive at around 4:00 pm and stay for almost two hours. Not only the superman feeds them, but also takes in sick and hurt birds and nurses them back to health.

    Of course, feeding so many birds is not a cheap job. Joseph spends 40% of his income(收入) of $13 as a camera repairman on the meals every day. The superman says all of his actions come out of a feeling of love.

    Though Joseph has no plans to stop the action now, he does worry about what will happen to the beautiful birds as he gets older and is unable to go on.

