
试题 试卷


题型:阅读判断 题类:真题 难易度:普通


 What are most 14-year-old boys doing? Going to school, playing sports with friends and doing their homework. But life is much more colorful for the young TFBOYS members.

TFBOYS is a singers'group started in 2013. Its name is The Fighting Boys. It has three members, Wang Junkai, WangYuan and Yi Yangqianxi. Wang Junkai, the group leader, is 15 years old. The other two boys are both 14 years old. The three young singers are so excellent that they show themselves to thousands of people. They have made three albums (相册) and won two singing awards (奖). Now the three boys are among the most popular teenage stars in the country.

Many people are interested in TFBOYS. After all, its members are still junior school students. During the weekdays they study at school with their classmates. On weekends and holidays they have singing classes, dancing classes and other trainings. In fans' eyes, the group has a healthy and friendly image (形象). Most of their fans are also teenagers. "We are of similar age," teens say, "They feel like friends to us and we love their songs!"

(1)、TFBOYS is a singers'group.

(2)、Wang Junkai is the youngest of the three boys.

(3)、TFBOYS has made thirteen albums and won twelve singing awards.

(4)、TFBOYS have singing classes, dancing classes and other trainings in their spare time.

(5)、Many teenagers love TFBOYS and their songs.


    In a faraway kingdom, there was a river. It was the home to many golden swans (天鹅). The swans spent most of their time in the river. Every six months, the swans would leave a golden feather (羽毛) as a paying for using the river. The soldiers of the kingdom would collect the feathers and gave them to the king.

    One day, a homeless bird saw the river. "The water in this river seems so cool and nice. I will make my home here," thought the bird.

    The minute the bird landed near the river, the golden swans noticed her. They came shouting, "This river belongs to us! We pay a golden feather to the king to use this river. You can not live here."

    "I am homeless, brothers. I will also pay. Please give me a place to live in," the bird pleaded (乞求). "How can you pay for it? You do not have golden feathers," said the swans, laughing. They added, "Stop dreaming and leave at once." The poor bird pleaded many times. But the arrogant (傲慢的) swans still drove the bird away.

"I will teach them a lesson!" decided the bird, feeling angry.

    She went to the king and said, "Oh, my king! The swans in your river are rude and unkind. I pleaded for a home but they said that they had paid to live in the river with golden feathers."

    The king was angry with the arrogant swans for having driven the homeless bird away. He ordered his soldiers to bring the swans to his palace. In no time, all the golden swans were brought to the king's palace.

"Do you think our kingdom depends on your golden feathers? You can not decide who lives by the river. Leave the river at once or I will kill you!" shouted the king.

    On hearing the king's words, the swans flew away sadly. The bird built her home near the river and lived there happily. She gave homes to all other birds who came to the river.

