
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:真题 难易度:普通


It was Christmas Eve. I was fifteen years old and feeling like the world was over for me. I didn't have enough money to buy myself the1 that I had wanted that year.

Dad came back in and there was ice in his beard(胡子)."You've been by widow(寡妇)Smith's house recently?"he asked. Widow Smith 2two miles down the road. Her husband died a year ago and left her with3children.

“I rode by just today,"Dad 4 “Little Jack was out looking for wood. They must have used up wood, Tom.”

We filled our sledge(雪橇)high with 5. Then we went to the store and Dad bought some food and a small pair of shoes. I tried to think about6Dad was doing. I knew we didn't have enough money, so why was Dad buying them so many things?

We 7 widow Smith's house and went in. "We brought you a few things, madam."Dad said, and 8 the bag of food on the table. Then Dad handed widow Smith the pair of shoes. At that moment, tears filled her eyes and started running down her face.

My throat seemed to be filled with 9, and there were tears in my eyes, too. Just then, my dream gift seemed very unimportant. Dad had given me the look on widow Smith's face and the smiles of 10three children. He had given me the best Christmas of my life.

A、 gift             B、 ice     C、 house         D、 store
A、taught          B、lived        C、 studied       D、worked
A、one           B、two  C、three          D、 four
A、 continued     B、 wrote        C、 spoke  D、 wondered
A、clothes          B、shoes    C、 food      D、wood
A、 why          B、what   C、 which         D、 how
A、worried         B、returned C、 left D、 reached
A、put down B、take down   C、look down     D、turn down
A、everything        B、 something    C、 anything        D、nothing
A、 my           B、his            C、her          D、their

    My six-year-old daughter, Cindy, and I stopped at a food shop for some bread. As we were going out of the door, a young teenage boy was coming in.

    The boy had a strange hairstyle. His nose was pierced, and a ring ran 1 the hole. He held a skateboard under one arm and a2 under the other.

    Cindy, who was walking ahead of me, suddenly 3 when she saw the boy. I thought he had frightened my daughter. But I was 4. My daughter backed up against the door and opened it as wide as it would go. Now I came face to face with the young man. I 5 aside (到一边) and let him pass. He replied vey 6, “Thank you very much.”

    On our way to the car, I praised Cindy for holding open the door for the boy. It seemed that she was not troubled by the boy's appearance,7 I still wanted to make sure. I wanted to be ready to talk about the young man 8 was so different from others.     I prepared to tell my little daughter what 9should be like.   

    But as it turned out, the person who needed the talk was 10!

    The only thing Cindy noticed about the boy was the fact that his arms were 11. “ He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other. He would have a 12 time to open the door,” said Cindy.

    I just 13  the hairstyle, the piercing and the ring, while she saw a person carrying something under arms and heading towards a(an)14 door.

    What my daughter said 15 me that I should change my ways of judging people and learn from my daughter to be open-minded and warm-hearted.

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。

     David Rockefeller died in his sleep at his New York home on March 20, 2017. According to Forbes, he was 101, the 1 billionaire on 2017 world's richest list.

     The Rockefeller family is an American industrial and banking family. It was one of the world's largest fortunes in the oil business during the early 20th century. They are one of the most 2 families in the history of the United States.

     David Rockefeller, the grandson of America's first billionaire John D. Rockefeller, was born in New York City on June 12, 1915. He  3his studies of Science from Harvard University in 1936, and then furthered his education in the University of Chicago, where he received a Ph.D. in economics in 1940.

     He 4 in North Africa and France in military intelligence during World War II. After returning to the United States, Rockefeller began a great 5 in banking. During the 1970s Rockefeller was chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank and helped solve New York City's financial problems in the middle of the 1970s.

     By the time he retired in 1981, David Rockefeller was 6 as 'RULER OF THE WORLD' in banking, education, foreign relations and public service. He developed good 7 with world leaders, 8 South African President Nelson Mandela and China's Deng Xiaoping.

     David Rockefeller, along with The Rockefeller family, developed close generational ties with China over the past 100 years. His life witnessed (见证) the century-long connection with China. The Rockefeller foundation (基金会) put money in China's science, medicine, and higher education. They bought the Union Medical School and renamed it the "Peking Union Medical College." The foundation 9 a first-class school of medicine in China. They also introduced the US Johns Hopkins model to the Peking Union Medical College Hospital (北京协和医院) which remains one of the 10 hospitals in China today.


    One summer day when I was in high school, my father sent me to buy some tools for our farm. I loved 1 better than driving our family truck to do something. But this time I was not so happy2 my father had told me I would have to ask for credit (赊账)at the store.3 is a proud age. The young men at that age want respect (尊重)but not charity. I had seen many times that my friends were 4 when they asked for credit. We lived in a poor village,5 was needed seriously. I knew clearly how difficult it might be to make the store owner believe me and get the credit.

    At Davi's Brothers store. Buck Davi was talking to a farmer. After I finished 6 the things I wanted, I walked to him. "I need to put these on credit." I said to him 7.

    The farmer gave me a 8 look. But Buck's face didn't change in the slightest. " No problem." He said in a relaxing voice, " I believe your daddy will 9 them in time." Then he turned to the farmer, " This boy is Jame William's son."

    The farmer nodded to me in a friendly way. At that time, I 10 pride. Jame William's Son, there three 11 opened a door to an adult's respect and trust.

    That day I 12 that a good name of great importance. My father's good name had won our neighbors' respect for our family. A good name, and the responsibility (责任)that came with 13 encouraged us a lot. They made us be 14than we might be. We also wanted to be regarded as good people.15 acting like good people for a long time, we became good out of good habits.

