
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    One day, John read an advertisement in a newspaper. It said "Wanted. The best salesman in the world." John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. "I'm the best salesman in the world," he said to the manager. "Give me the job."

   "You must prove you're the best," the manager said.

   "OK I will," John said.

   "Good." The manager took several boxes of sweets out of his desk." Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If yon can sell them all before the end of the week, yon can have the job," said the manager.

   "That's easy," John said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

    Every day and all day he went from shop to shop, trying to sell the sweets. But he couldn't sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. At the end of the week he went back to the manager." I'm sorry, sir," he said," I was wrong about myself. I'm not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is."

   "Oh" said the manager. "Who?"

   "The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets."

(1)、The manager told John       .
A、he could start work at once B、he was the best salesman in the world C、he wasn't a good salesman D、he must show he was the best salesman in the world
(2)、John could get the job if       .
A、he sold a thousand boxes of sweets B、he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets C、he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets D、he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager
(3)、The right order(顺序)of the story is         .

①John went to ask for the job.

②John told the manager who the best salesman really was.

③John read an advertisement in a newspaper.

④ John went to sell the sweets.

A、①②③④, B、④③②① C、③①④②, D、③④①②
(4)、From this story we can know that       .
A、John didn't get the job B、John was a good seller C、the manager was a good seller D、the advertisement was a good one
(5)、John couldn't sell the sweets because      .
A、he was not a good salesman B、the sweets were too bad C、he wanted to send them to his friends D、nobody liked sweets

    One day, when I was a new student in high school, I saw a boy from my class walking home from school. His name was Kyle. He was carrying all his books. I thought to myself: "Why would anyone bring home all his books on Friday? He must really be a bookworm. "As I was walking, I saw some kids running toward him. They knocked all his books out of his arms and pushed him to the ground.

    His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw tears in his eyes. I felt sad and I went directly to him.

    As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are fools." He looked at me and said, "Thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. Then I invited him to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. He agreed. We played together and had fun on that weekend. The more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. Over the next three years, Kyle and I became best friends.

    When we were seniors, we began to think about college. We would go to different schools, but I knew we would always be friends.

    As a top student, Kyle was invited to give a speech for graduation. He was nervous when he was about to speak on the stage. So I said, "Hey, you'll be great!" He looked at me and smiled.

    Being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. "he said in his speech. He talked about meeting me and being best friends with me in the last four years. When he finished the story, he looked at me and gave me a little smile.

    I saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same thankful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.

    Never underestimate(低估)the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person s life, for better or for worse.


    In 1909 an English newspaper offered £ 1,000 to the first man to fly across the English Channel in an aeroplane. Today, modern jets cross it in minutes. But at that time it still seemed a good distance. The race to win the money soon became a race between two men. Both were very colourful.

    One was Louis Bleriot. He owned a factory in France that made motor car lamps. He was already well known as a pilot because he had had accidents several times. Some people laughed at him. One man said, "He may not be the first to fly across the Channel but he will certainly be the first to die in an accident!" But Bleriot was really a good and brave pilot. He also had many good ideas about aeroplane design.

    The other man was Hubert Latham. He was half French and half English. He took up flying when his doctors told him he had only a year to live. "Oh, well," he said, "if I'm going to die soon, I think I shall have a dangerous and interesting life now." Latham was the first to try the flight across the Channel. Ten kilometres from the French coast, his plane had some trouble. It fell down into the water and began to sink under the water. A boat reached Latham just in time. He was sitting calmly on the wing and was coolly lighting a cigarette. Bleriot took off six days later. He flew into some very bad weather and very low cloud. He somehow got to the English side and landed in a farmer's field. When he did so, a customs (海关) officer rushed up to his plane. Planes have changed since then, but customs officers have not. "Have you anything to say?" The officer asked.

