
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

鲁教版(五四制)初中英语九年级Unit 5单元测试卷


    There once was a woman. She had a faithful (忠实的) dog. The dog was so faithful that she could leave her baby with the dog when she went out. (A) And after she returned, she would always find her baby safe.

    One day, the woman left the baby with the dog and went shopping. When she returned, she found something had taken place in the house. There were bloodstains(血迹)all over the bedroom. The woman then thought of her baby. She cried and started looking for him. Then she saw the faithful dog. It was licking(舔) its mouth. It seemed that it had just finished a delicious meal. The woman was angry and thought that the dog had killed her baby. Without thinking too much, (B)       .

    But as she continued looking for her child, she saw something else. Close to the bed, there was her baby and he was sleeping. And under the bed, there was a dead jackal (豺), The woman now understood what had happened. The dog tried to protect her baby from the jackal, but just now she killed the dog. How regretful she was!


The dog seemed to have just finished a good meal.


①The woman found the bloodstains all over the bedroom.

②The woman found her baby sleeping.

③The woman killed the dog.

④The woman started looking for her baby.

(5)、What is the best title for the passage?
信息归纳: 阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容完成下面的信息卡。

    Here is a story of a dog. It saved his owner, Audrey Stone, who was a lady and had poor vision (视力).

    Figo, an eight-year-old dog, is Audrey Stone's third service dog. "He protects me and loves me. We are friends," Stone said.

    On a Monday, Stone and Figo were on their way back from their "usual daily walk". When they prepared to cross a street, "I gave him the order to cross the street," Stone said.

    "I said, 'Forward.' And we were in the middle of the street and it happened so quickly, but people said he just jumped at the school bus and saved me," Stone said.

    The school bus was carrying two children to a learning center. Luckily they were not injured. Stone said she didn't remember much of the accident, but one image (画面) stayed with her: a wounded Figo staying by her side, holding up his wounded right paw (爪子).

    "I knew he was hurt," she continued. "I remember Figo standing there, looking at me, trying to get close to me, but he didn't know what to do. Because he knew I was hurt." Figo had an operation (手术) on his right front leg. Figo's vet (兽医) said his leg was getting better.

    Stone said she was sure of one thing, "I'd have been sad if he had got killed." But, she added, they both lived to tell the story.

Information Card

⒈The name of the dog's owner


⒉The age of the dog


⒊The time when the story happened


⒋The reason why Stone had to have service dog


⒌The man/thing that saved Stone



A. Get exercise       B. Shut off your brain      C. Stop and get away

D. Walk or ride        E. Have enough sleep      F. Eat and drink right

Are you a stressed-out student?

    You can beat it with our FIVE-POINT ACTION PLAN!


    Some people are OK with three or four hours of sleep a night, but most people aren't. You should try to sleep eight hours a night. If you can't, then take a nap in the afternoon. Sleeping too long isn't good, either. Don't stay in bed all day.


    Students often put on weight because they eat a lot of junk food and eat late at night. Bad idea! You should try to eat your evening meal early and have healthy snacks, like fruit. You should also try to drink at least eight cups of water a day. Finally, don't skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day!

    You don't have to eat a big breakfast, but you should eat something.


    Sometimes you have to stop what you're doing. Take a break. Turn off the TV or computer, walk around the room, and breathe deeply. You should do this several times a day. And once a week, take a walk in a park or in the woods. Look at the trees and smell the flowers.


    Walk as much as you can. Walking is the best way to stay in shape. Or get a bicycle, but remember that riding a bike can be dangerous. You should always wear a helmet and bright clothes. Never ride without them!


    Do you have a gym nearby? You should use it. You don't have to exercise every day, but you should do some aerobic activity three to five times a week. Thirty minutes a day is enough. Remember: you can review for a test and jog on a treadmill at the same time.

