
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    While many Chinese watched movies at cinemas during the weeklong Spring Festival holiday, Zheng Wei explained the film The Spring Festival to an audience of visually impaired(受损伤的) people at cinema in Northern China's Tianjin.

    "Fireworks light up the dark on New Year's Eve, and children are playing in an open place covered with white snow, said Zheng to the audience, describing the visual elements of the movie while holding a micro-phone and a script.

    As the founder of "cinema for the blind" in Tianjin, the 55-year--old has insisted on brightening the dark world of the visually impaired in his own way for 11 years.

    Shao Yuxiang and her husband, who are both blind, are regular visitors of the cinema. She wore an elegant yellow sweater to attend the couple's significant "movie day".

    Since October 2007, the free movies, which are described through audio, start at 9: 30 am on the third Saturday of each month. More than 150 movies have been screened to more than 20,000 visually impaired.

    "The theater is equipped with lights a sound system, projector, and a big screen to give the blind a people so far complete and equal movie experience," Zheng said.

    In 2007, after having learned that a "cinema for the blind" established by Wang Weili had benefited many visually impaired people in Beijing, Zheng rushed to Wang's establishment for advice. Under Wang's guidance, Zheng built a new cinema in Tianjin and screened The Dream Factory by Chinese director Feng Xi-aogang. It attracted more than 50 visually impaired people from different districts and even suburban areas in Tianjin.

    Zheng always treats movie selections with seriousness He usually chooses Mandarin language movies with positive themes that reflect modern society. Special movies for certain Chinese festivals are also part of Zheng's selection criteria. "For example, The Founding of Republic is specially for National Day. Now, films for Spring Festival are on my agenda," Zheng said.

(1)、How did Zheng Wei help the blind watch movies?
A、Zheng Wei helps the blind watch movies clearly by themselves. B、Zheng Wei helps the blind watch movies with a special device. C、Zheng Wei describes the visual elements of the movie to the blind. D、Zheng Wei helps the blind cure their blindness in the cinema.
(2)、What do the blind think of "cinema for the blind"?
A、No one wants to see movies in it B、It is welcomed by blind people C、They still can't benefit from it. D、The ticket price is truly affordable.
(3)、What kind of person do you think Zheng Wei is?
A、caring and creative. B、intelligent and modest. C、warmhearted and brave. D、creative and outgoing.
(4)、Which of the following may be the best title?
A、A man who helps the blind people in China B、A special cinema will open up in China soon. C、How do the visually impaired people watch movies? D、The 'cinema for the blind' that will never close.

    An abandoned girl named Sophie happens to see the big friendly giant (巨人) (BFG for short), who is running through the streets of London and “blowing dreams” to children late at night. The BFG is scared that the girl will give away his secret, so he takes Sophie back to his native Giant Country. In fact, the BFG is a kind-hearted vegetarian, but other giants in his native country like nothing more than eating humans. Sophie and the BFG try to stop these giants from continuing to eat humans. During this period, they become good friends.

    Spielberg's The BFG tells the tale of an unlikely friendship brought to life in an imaginary world. However, many people say the story is a bit too kid-friendly. Optimism is Spielberg's typical tone, but the final victorious battle against the bad guys seems a little bit too easy. And when the BFG fights for the first time against the giants who have been hurting him, it seems confusing how he successfully drives away bad guys who are almost twice his size.

    Spielberg does leave a little for adult viewers to digest. The BFG doesn't want to be seen as a monster by humans,but in the end his own kind ends up caught and locked up in isolation. Will he also be destined (注定) to spend the rest of his days in a remote place alone?

    Despite being made for a younger audience, the film is still worth a watch. It doesn't have gun-fights, death, explosions and the stuff that people seem to be interested in nowadays. But the film takes us back to a more innocent time.


    Hiking England


    Our journey sets out early this morning with a Coast to Coast tradition approaching the Irish Sea. Then set off along the rocks of St. Bees Head. Turning inland, we'll pause for a typical pub lunch on our way to Ennerdale Bridge, located at the foot of the Lake District mountains. (15 miles hiking, 8 hours)

    Accommodations: Ennerdale Country House Hotel


    Today we'll walk into impressive Lake District National Park, where glass-like lakes reflect mountains that rise from their shores. Our pleasant walk covers the southern edge of Ennerdale Water, the park's most western lake. After lunch near the Black Sail Hut, climb a 2,000 foot mountain and take in the beautiful views of lakes and pastures (牧场). We finish in Borrowdale, a short transfer (转乘) from our hotel. (13 miles hiking, 9 hours)

    Accommodations: Inn on the Lake


    Take a short drive to Grasmere, where the great poet William Wordsworth wrote some of his most well-known works. Visit the poet's home, and walk through the village where he found inspiration. Then climb over Grisedale Hause enjoying views of Helvellyn, England's third-highest mountaintop. Hike down the valley toward Lake Ullswater and spend the night in Glenridding. (9 miles hiking, 5 hours)

    Accommodations: Glenridding Lake Hotel


    The day begins with a scenic journey on Lake Ullswater to Howtown. From here, we cross a historic Roman road on our way to Bampton. Hike to the 12th-century Shap Abbey. A short transfer takes us to our hotel in the typical English village of Ravenstonedale. (12 miles hiking, 7 hours)

    Accommodations: The Black Swan


    A serious problem for today's society is who should be responsible for our elderly and how to improve their lives. It is not only a financial problem but also a question of the system we want for our society. I would like to suggest several possible solutions to this problem.

    First, employers should take the responsibility for their retired employees. To make this possible, a percentage of profits should be set aside for this purpose. But when a company must take life-long responsibility for its employees, it may suffer from a commercial disadvantage due to higher employee costs. Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual. This means each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement. This does not seem a very fair model since some people have enough trouble paying for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years. This means the government might have to step in to care for the poor.

    In addition, the government could take responsibility for the care of the elderly. This could be financed through government taxes to increase the level of pensions. Furthermore, some institutions should be created for senior citizens, which can help provide a comfortable life for them. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this is not a truly viable answer. The government can seldom afford to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.

    One further solution is that the government or social organizations establish some working places especially for the elderly where they are independent.

    To sum up, all these options have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that some combination of these options may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations.


    Alongside air and water, food is a necessity for human beings to survive and thrive. But it's a lot more than that. As Mariette Dichristina of Scientific American wrote: "The most intimate (亲密的) relationship we will ever have is not with any fellow human being. Instead, it is between our bodies and our food."

    Nowadays, for most people in the world's wealthiest countries, food is a hobby, an enthusiasm, and even something fashionable.

    Turn on the TV in the US, UK or France, and you'll find at least one channel feeding this popular obsession.

    And most of us know at least one person who thinks of themselves as a "foodie". It's almost impossible nowadays to check our social media apps without at least two or three photos of delicious meals appearing on our screen.

But behind the fancy recipes and social media bragging (夸耀), many of us forget how much we take food for granted. This is why World Food Day is held each year.

    Take Kenya for example. This east African nation has been suffering terrible droughts. The result is that people are beginning to starve. Children in particular are suffering, with some of them even dying.

    This may seem shocking to know, especially as many cultures outside of Africa think of food in a completely different way. But even in the UK, families on low incomes are forced to use food banks—European organizations that hand out donated food to those who can't afford to pay for it themselves.

    So what can we do on World Food Day? One good way to spend it would be to feel humble and appreciate what we have. After all, food is essential for survival, but not everyone is as lucky as we are when it comes to dinner time.


    Bill Bowerman was a track coach. He wanted to help athletes run faster. So he had learned how to make running shoes. He had also started a shoe company with a friend. It was 1971. Running shoes at the time were heavy. They had spikes (鞋钉) on the sole (鞋底). The spikes tore up the track and slowed down runners.

    To make a lighter shoe, Bill tried the skins of fish. To make a better sole, he wanted to replace the spikes. Bill dug through his wife Barbara's jewelry box. He hoped to find a piece of jewelry with an interesting pattern. He would then copy the pattern onto the new soles. Nothing worked. Bill was defeated.

    Then, one Sunday morning, Barbara made Bill waffles (华夫饼) for breakfast. Bill watched her cook.

    He studied the criss-cross pattern on a waffle iron.

    Inspiration struck. The pattern on the waffle iron was just what Bill was looking for. The squares were flatter and wider than sharp spikes. The pattern would help the shoes hold any surface without tearing into it.

When Barbara left the house, Bill ran to his lab. He took the liquid chemicals that, when mixed, would harden into the sole of a shoe. He poured the mixture into the waffle iron—and the Waffle Trainer was born.

Bill's company put the Waffle Trainer on market in 1974. It was a huge hit. Maybe you've heard of that company—it's called Nike. And today it's worth around $100 billion.

It was the waffle iron that had changed the course of Bill's life—and helped turn Nike into a well-known name. Today, the waffle iron is kept at Nike headquarters. It serves as a reminder that if we keep trying, we can find a solution to even the most difficult problems. And those solutions can come from unlikely places, even the breakfast table.

