
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Your children are watching you.  According to the Health Program, developing healthy habits is an important part for your children. And when it comes to developing healthy habits, parents influence their children more than anyone else.

      What happens during those early years can influence children for the rest of their lives. This includes some eating and exercise habits. Children are very careful, even at a young age. Children watch what others do carefully and imitate the behaviors of those closest to them. As parents, you should do the following:  If you do that, your children are more likely to be enthusiastic about developing theirs.

     Let your children see you taking care of your own physical health by eating fruits and vegetables. Talk to them about healthy habits in appropriate terms and at a proper time.

     Computers, televisions and other forms of technology are a major part of life in the 21st century. Unfortunately, as the use of technology in the home increases, so does the time spent watching TV or playing on the computer. So as parents, you should also arrange the time for your children wisely.

A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.

B. Don't get rid of technology, but use it wisely.

C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.

D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.

E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.

F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.

G. It's easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.


    My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Both my brother and Hove her dearly as she loves us.

    My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality, clothes for us.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

    Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is!{#blank#}5{#/blank#} This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?


    If you're a gamer who's constantly glued to your phone, it could be time to ask for medical help.

On June 18, 2018, the World Health Organization(WHO)officially listed "gaming disorder" as a mental health condition. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

"Video gaming is like a non-financial kind of gambling(赌博)from a psychological point of view," Mark Griffiths, a professor from Nottingham Trent University in the UK, told the Associated Press(AP). "Gamblers use money as a way of keeping score, while gamers use points."

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}"People need to understand this doesn't mean every child who spends hours in their room playing games is an addict, otherwise doctors are going to be flooded with requests for help," Joan Harvey, a spokeswoman for the British Psychological Society, told AP.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} For example, a 21-year-old Chinese woman surnamed Wu in Guangdong province went blind in one eye after playing the mobile game King of Glory for a whole day. "On days when I have no work, I usually get up at 6 am, eat breakfast and play until 4 pm," she told the South China Morning Post. "Then I'll eat something, have a nap(小睡)and play until 1 am."

    Wu isn't alone. According to a study published by China Youth Daily, about one in five young Chinese people play online video games for at least four to five hours per day. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} In April, the Ministry of Education issued a notice asking Chinese schools and parents to prevent students from becoming addicted to the Internet and games.

    Other countries have also taken action. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Meanwhile, in Japan, some mobile phones have a special mode for children that lets their parents control what games they can download and how long they can play.

A. This means it's now on the same list as other mental illnesses.

B. Thankfully, measures have been taken to deal with the problem.

C. We often see people around us playing games on their mobile phones.

D. In South Korea, children are forbidden to play video games after midnight.

E. WHO's main work is to improve the mental health of individuals and society.

F. But if you lose control over your gaming habits, you'll face serious problems.

G. However, it doesn't matter if you play your favorite game now and then.


    People have always wanted to know what the future will look like. Then, how can we? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The world has changed a lot in the last 150 years, but we humans are driven by the same basic needs as we were 150 years ago, such as food, sleep, the feeling of being appreciated and loved. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} No. In addition, generally speaking, the inventions for the last 150 years have been a human effort for freedom and communication, to be able to get in control of the time and world. Since there is still much to do in this area, this will be the focus at least for the next 150 years.

    But why do we need to predict the future? Predicting the future is important for two reasons: First, we need to start to think about what kind of future we would like for ourselves and to pass on to the next generation. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    How about the virtual worlds? It might be in the future to experience the sand between your toes, and hear the waves, just lying in your bed at home. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} So, even if a great invention is there for an affordable price, it'll never take the place of the common experience if it is not real.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} What we'll see in the next 50 years is the transition (过渡) from an oil-dependent society to a new society. Here there'll be new medicine, continued exploration of space, challenges in the climate change, and new inventions that make life a little easier.

A. So what will the future look like then?

B. Will this change in the next 150 years?

C. Predicting the future can help us in many ways.

D. However, you'll never get the feeling of being there.

E. Well, to understand the future, you must know the past.

F. However, no matter how real the experience will feel, it doesn't happen for real.

G. Then we need to know what decisions we need to make today that will give the best result in the future.


    What is the secret of writing a good letter? Here are two main ones. Don't try to be fancy. Don't try to impress your reader. You will be successful if you follow these seven Cs.

    Clear. Use short, direct sentences.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Talk as if the reader were right there with you .Above all, don't use an introduction.

    Correct,{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Don't guess, even for spelling. Refer to your dictionary. If you need to, check a reference book too. Use them as much as you need to.

    Complete. Don't scatter your points.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}This is good organization too.

    Courteous. Be friendly rather than overly casual. Present your information nicely even if you are complaining about something. In all letters, treat others as you want them to treat you.

    Concise. Make each point as clearly and briefly as you can.

    Conversational. This is really the secret of good writing,{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Such a letter has a natural, friendly tone. Let your personality come through naturally.

    Considerate.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Write about what you believe the reader needs or wants to know. Try to be helpful. This will build good feeling toward you.

    The seven Cs are about writing letters. But how about school papers? Use the seven Cs. Write as if you are talking to your teacher or professor. You'll be surprised. You'll almost instantly become a good writer. And you might even enjoy writing from now on.

A. Just talk to the person.

B. Finish one point completely before going on to the next.

C. Include long sentences in your letter.

D. Make them easy to understand.

E. Writing should not be taken too seriously.

F. Make sure what you say is correct.

G. Think of the readers' point of view as you write.


    Let's face it, most of us are really busy. So busy that we don't make time for creativity. Even those who work in creative fields are probably at a point where true creativity is being pushed behind more pressing tasks. This doesn't necessarily have to be so. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Schedule It

    Put your creativity tasks into your calendar-you have a very important meeting with yourself! {#blank#}2{#/blank#} All you really need is about 15 minutes a day and that can really start to swing the pendulum (钟摆) in the other direction. I find that 15 minutes in the morning after a fresh cup of coffee is an ideal time for some creative work. You can plan a day to go out and explore something new to get inspired, whatever you feel is going to fuel your creative energy. Schedule these into your month, as well.

    Shift Your Mindset

    Like I mentioned, sometimes it has to start with your own belief. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, then it's not going to happen. I found that once I redesigned my business to free up more time for me, I was able to really let go of guilt and realize that creativity is self-care. Even if it's not going to better your career, it's likely going to "better" you, and that makes it all worthwhile.

    Make Space

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, but how about physical space? Is there a place in your home that you can devote to your creativity? Maybe it's in your office. You can have a spot with your art utensils, musical instruments, your favorite books. Or maybe it's in your backyard and you have a spot where you drink tea and practice writing. Sometimes it may be a corner of pillows in your bedroom that you snuggle in and listen to music. Having a devoted spot helps to foster it as a daily practice that you look forward to.


    Just like all your good habits, you have to make them routine. Once you get used to carving out time and space for your creativity, you will wonder how you ever lived without it!

A. Be Curious

B. Make It Routine

C. It can be such a waste of time

D. But seriously, this really helps

E. We've talked about mental space

F. If you're not valuing your creative time

G. Here are some easy tips for making it a priority


    Are you happy with your appearance?{#blank#}1{#/blank#} "Almost all the girls with single﹣fold eyelids in our class have had double﹣eyelid operations, "Zeng, a Senior 2 student from Chengdu, told Xinhua. Zeng had the same surgery done this summer. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    From popular photo﹣editing apps to plastic surgery, it seems that large eyes, pale skin and a skinny body are the only standard for beauty these days. But can following this standard really make us feel good about ourselves?

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} According to Huxiu News, over six in ten girls choose not to take part in certain daily activities, such as attending school, because they feel bad about their looks. As much as 31 percent of teenagers avoid speaking up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks.

    Many teenagers are upset about their appearance because they believe in unrealistic standards of beauty, experts say. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Seeing all these things can make anyone believe that they're too dark, too fat, too short, or too tall.

    However, trying to live up to strict standards can make us feel anxious. What troubles us is not just our "imperfect" looks, but the fact that we criticize ourselves too much.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Plus﹣size models are being featured in some fashion shows. All of us should be just as confident as they are.

A. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

B. Body image anxiety is common among teenagers.

C. Guys care just as much as girls do about their body image.

D. Some teenagers might feel negatively about their appearance.

E. She and many of her classmates believe bigger eyes look more beautiful.

F. It's not uncommon for teenagers to feel confident about their appearance.

G. Perfect faces and bodies are everywhere in advertising TV shows and social media.

