
试题 试卷


题型:概要写作 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    As is known to all, many things can be measured in terms of data. Sometimes data can indeed tell the truth. With the help of data we can easily know the price of a can of Coke in the supermarket or the result of a football match or the temperature of a certain day. Obviously, data can make our life easier and more comfortable. What is more important, data seem to be fairer than words or statements. If the data are true, we don't have to worry about being cheated. Nowadays, as lies exist in the world, data are expected to tell the truth. Therefore, many of us would rather believe data.

    On the other hand, if we judge things only by data from the so-called specific research, aren't we a little too narrow-minded? Many people often treat the so-called specific data unwisely just to make sure that they are making the right decisions. But sometimes we may find that data aren't everything. For example, how can you tell that somebody isn't a good student just because he or she doesn't get high marks in the final examination?

    There are many things in our life which cannot be measured by data. For example, the degree of your feeling happy in your life, the depth of love between you and your friends, and the faith you have in your country. We can only feel them in our hearts but can never express them in data.

    There is no doubt that analyzing the exact data is important to assessment of an actual event. But data should be dealt with wisely. We often get wrong data which mislead us. We should try our best to be wise thinkers. Remember, data have no feeling but we humans have. Data do not mean much to people if we do not have the abilities to analyze the data with the knowledge and confidence to judge whether they are true or false.

    Data are data after all. Life is much more colorful than the pale data. So give the cold data a warm heart and we'll find that the world is far more wonderful than the pale data can describe.


    A Chinese boy is reported to have spent about 2 million yuan in studying in New Zealand but failed to get any diploma. He even could not take care of himself and his grandmother had to feed him.

    The man in the case is a so-called adult baby, because his deeds make him almost the same as a baby. He cannot take care of himself. He is unable to go to school, let alone finish studies. He even relies on his grandmother to feed him.

    However, he burns money faster than any normal student. He spent about 2 million yuan in two years overseas, but could not finish even the preparatory courses. We do not mean to judge his choice,but someone who lacks the basic ability to survive has little chance of success in any modern society.

    In a later interview, the mother of the boy was in tears and said she regretted not having taught her son well. She also told the story about how she “educated” her son: meeting all his demands, even the unreasonable ones. When he did not perform well in school, she simply spent money in sending him overseas; she would buy whatever he wanted. That was bad for her and bad for him.











    How many of us could go a week without our cell phone? Do you even bother to memorize phone numbers any more? Technology has made life so convenient for us. However, we have to face facts: Technology has made us lazy and dependent.

    What's the point of getting up, taking a shower, getting dressed, and driving to the movies when you can just sit on the couch and fire up Netflix? We've all been there before. You're on the fence about whether or not you want to get out and do something, but then something comes over you. You start looking around at your PS3 and laptop, then realize you can have just as much fun staying in the house.

    Is it even possible to get lost anymore? I get the feeling that we're getting closer and closer to the day when people won't even be able to read paper maps anymore. There are already a lot of young adults that have no idea how to navigate (导航) through their own cities without using a GPS. Being able to print out complete turn by turn directions for where you need to go on MapQuest pretty much killed the need for a map.

    We have all Googled something that we were completely embarrassed we didn't know the answer to. According to Google, "How to tie a tie" gets over 500, 000 searches a month. Exactly, a quick search on Google will bring up instructional YouTube videos, blog posts, and PDF's that show you how to do anything. So much for being self sufficient.

    Running errands (跑腿) used to take up entire Saturday mornings. By the time you got home, you were tired and just wanted to relax. Well thanks to online shopping and services like Peapod, running your own errands is a thing of the past.

    I'm definitely part of the problem here because I love online shopping. But I can admit that it has made me somewhat lazy.

